Whereas, Bishop de Carvalho was joined by Bishop Arthur Kulah of Liberia, Bishop F. Herbert Skeete, then President of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and other members in discussing the educational needs of Africa and ways the Church might respond to this challenge; and
Whereas, the African Central Conferences of The United Methodist Church asked the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry to assist them in developing significant post-secondary institutions of learning for the churches of Africa; and
Whereas, in St. Louis, Missouri, the 1992 General Conference of The United Methodist Church overwhelmingly approved the establishment of a university on the continent of Africa to be built in Zimbabwe and authorized an apportionment of $10 million over a four year period and an additional $10 million to be raised through World Service Special Gifts; and
Whereas, the official ground-breaking for the university occurred on site in Old Mutare; and
Whereas, the support and enthusiasm of United Methodists for this project are demonstrated in the apportionments remitted annually and contributions from churches and individuals for the Africa University Endowment Fund;
Therefore, be it resolved, that we believe the Africa University Project to be a dynamic and important program of The United Methodist Church; we affirm the leadership of all those involved in the development of the university; we commend the Africa University Board of Directors for its persistence, diligence, and visionary leadership in overcoming the obstacles and barriers to fulfilling the dream; and
Be it further resolved, that we call upon the General Conference of 1996 to adopt the continuing resolution for $20 million in apportioned funds and special gifts to continue development, construction, and establishment of the Africa University as outlined in the planning process determined by the Africa University Board of Directors.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 22249-FA-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference