Petition Text: 22277-HE-NonDis-O

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Whereas, the terms "ordained minister," "traveling preacher," "in full connection," "pastor," and "clergy member" all appear in the Book of Discipline without indication whether or not they are synonymous; and

Whereas, the disparity of usage of these terms is confusing and serves to exclude some persons who serve the Church under appointment but who do not have certain rights granted to others because of differing nomenclature; and

Whereas, there is a growing concern for a more inclusive understanding of who are clergy members of an annual conference;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry be directed to examine the language regarding ministers in the paragraphs listed below and present to the General Conference in the year 2000 such legislation as will standardize terminology, utilizing the term "clergy member" whenever possible and appropriate.

The paragraphs to be examined include:

25, 38, 205, 408-414, 416, 417, 419-428, 431, 433-438, 441, 443, 445, 448-457, 533, 608, 638, 657, 660, 702-705, 733, 737, 756, 905, 1310, 1416, 1429, 1520, 1529, 1604, 1606, 2604, 2625, 2626, 2628.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22277-HE-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference