Petition Text: 22285-GM-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, rural communities continue to suffer from the loss of leadership; economic resources; jobs in agriculture, mining, timber, processing, and textiles; small, family-owned businesses; opportunities for youth; human service institutions; environmental quality; political strength; viable churches; and

Whereas, God continues to call both laity and clergy along with congregations and cooperative ministries to be responsive to the hurts of people who suffer from oppression, exploitation, and marginalization; and

Whereas, the General Board of Global Ministries' Office of Town and Country Ministries has facilitated a grassroots effort to enable local rural community and church leaders to address the issues and concerns of the rural crisis; and

Whereas, over one hundred persons representing the diversity of The United Methodist Church have become certified rural chaplains related to the General Board of Global Ministries; and

Whereas, rural chaplains have received enthusiastic affirmation of the whole Church and have extended fellowship to include ecumenical and international partners in ministry;

Therefore, be it resolved, that The United Methodist Church celebrate and affirm God's continued call of persons committed to serving as rural chaplains in difficult times and places; and

Be it further resolved, that The United Methodist Church reaffirm its commitment to rural community/church development and vigorously pursue rural chaplaincy as a significant part of resourcing renewal in rural churches/communities.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22285-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference