Whereas, for many people in the United States, life is becoming increasingly difficult, with the basic necessities of food, shelter, health care, job and educational opportunities, child care, and transportation required for daily survival often being beyond reach; and
Whereas, God continues to hear the cries of the oppressed, impoverished, and neglected people; and
Whereas, God continues to call persons to offer themselves for service with the poor to provide both compassionate care and personal empowerment; and
Whereas, The United Methodist Church, with its unique Wesleyan traditions of identity and advocacy with the poor and its historical focus on social issues and human development, is challenged by God to be radically attentive and responsive to marginalized and dispossessed people and to bear responsibility for keeping their plight before the total Church and world community; and
Whereas, national mission personnel provide vital leadership required to initiate and maintain cooperative ministries, shalom zones/communities, etc. that focus attention on the needs of women, children, youth, racial-ethnic populations, the aging, and persons with handicapping conditions in both rural and urban areas;
Therefore, be it resolved, that The United Methodist Church reaffirm its commitment to impoverished people and oppressed communities in the United States by creating and maintaining among its highest levels of priority the recruitment, training, and placement of national mission personnel who can enable people, churches, and communities to move beyond their present circumstances to participate in healthy, whole communities.
Further, be it resolved, that new and innovative means of providing financial support for national mission personnel be developed as The United Methodist Church at all levels confronts the challenge to deal with limited available resources.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 22286-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference