Petition Text: 22338-CS-R634-U

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend "Recognition of Cuba," pages 634-636:

[Third paragraph] For over 20 32 years the government...pursued an economic embargo prohibiting any all kinds of trade with Cuba. The Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 (22U.S.C.6001 et seq.) has tightened the embargo restrictions by penalizing other countries if their ships stop in Cuba. This policy...The objectives sought by the proponents of this policy in the Cold War era were to force a change...

It is now clear that the embargo policy has not succeeded with those objectives. If anything, its most evident result of the embargo was has been to force Cuba to an even closer political and military reliance on the Soviet Union. The Cold War is over. The socialist bloc of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union have dissolved and no longer exercise any influence on Cuba's foreign policy or pose any threat to the United States. Yet the embargo continues, and continues to increase the suffering of the Cuban people, particularly children and the elderly, due to lack of essential medicines and food.

Whereas, tThe Methodist Church in 1964 made an historical statement entitled the "Re-examination of Policy Toward Mainline China, Cuba and other Countries," which said stated: "The Christian gospel..."1

Whereas, the government of tThe United States is the only major Western country pursuing a policy of non-relations with Cuba., while Canada, France, Great Britain, West Germany, Japan, Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia and almost all other countries of the western alliance maintain normal diplomatic and/or economic relations with Cuba; and The General Assembly of the United Nations has several times voted overwhelmingly in favor of the United States lifting the embargo and all restrictions against Cuba.

Whereas, tThe government of the United States has in recent years strengthened its established commercial and diplomatic relations with other Communist countries such as the Soviet Union itself, China, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, Vietnam and has increased contacts and negotiations with North Korea. independently of their foreign policy which differs and often collides with that of the United States; and

[Delete next paragraph.]

Whereas, tThe lifting of the economic embargo against Cuba, a member of the Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM), would help relieve tensions in the Caribbean while creating a new and important market for American U.S. industry and agriculture., especially at a time of high unemployment in this country; and

Whereas, tThe Ecumenical Council of Cuba (now Councils of Churches in Cuba) of which the Methodist Church...and several other international as well as and U.S. religious bodies such as the United Church of Christ, the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the American Baptist Churches have passed resolutions in favor of lifting the embargo.

Therefore, be it resolved, that The United Methodist Church, from its Christian and humanitarian perspective, inspired by the love of God and the historic Methodist commitment to peace and social justice, and in light of historic changes with the end of the Cold War, hereby petitions the government of the United States to lift its economic embargo against Cuba and seek negotiations with the Cuban government for the purpose of resuming normal diplomatic relations. requests that the President and Congress of the United States 1) repeal the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 (22U.S.C.6001 et seq.) as well as the 1994 tightened travel restrictions that prevent normal working relationships between religious communities in Cuba and the United States; and 2) resume normal diplomatic relations between the government of Cuba an the United States.

Resolved, further, that the General Conference request that the Council of Bishops and the General Boards of Church and Society and Global Ministries advocate with the President and Congress of the United States for these changes in U.S-Cuba policy.

1"Re-examination of Policy Toward Mainland China, Cuba and other Countries"


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22338-CS-R634-U
1996 United Methodist General Conference