Petition Text: 22353-CO-700-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a new ¶ to Chapter 5, Section IX:

There shall be a Committee on Petitions in each annual conference. The annual conference, upon nomination of the conference Nominating Committee, shall elect at its session after General Conference a Committee on Petitions, consisting of one lay and one clergy member of the previous General Conference, two lay members and two clergy members-at-large, and one youth.

It shall be the function of this committee to: a) provide all pastors and all lay members of the annual conference, Administrative Board chairpersons of local churches, and chairpersons of conference agencies with the procedures for preparation of petitions in September of the year following their election; b) establish one of its members as recipient of petitions to immediately acknowledge the receipt of a petition. If necessary, the recipient shall immediately suggest any changes that would put improperly drawn petitions into proper form. The petitioner may also be referred to the annual conference, jurisdictional conference, and/or general conference agency which may work with the petitioner to improve the petition; c) organize the petitions into subject matter; d) be sure that every petition is submitted in good form to be presented to the annual conference without recommendation; and e) be sure that petitioners are aware of the address of the General Conference petitions secretary so that further petitions or petitions not passed by the annual conference may still be forwarded to the general Church.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22353-CO-700-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference