Petition Text: 22358-FA-NonDis-O$

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, many programs are best directed by the General Conference, with financial support by the local churches through an apportionment system; and

Whereas, apportionments have taken an increasing share of the local church budgets, resulting in significant reduction in essential services to the local congregations and communities; and

Whereas, the local churches are not provided sufficient current information regarding programs of the General Conference to make reasonable determinations as to whether the General Conference is making good use of funds received through apportionments;

Be it resolved, that the General Council of Finance and Administration order a professional management review of the General Conference financial policies and practices with the following objectives:

1. to require a terse statement of objectives for each significant expenditure, with cost estimates for the year and criteria for the measurement of accomplishments against these objectives;

2. to assure prior review of such statements from the standpoint of expected accomplishments versus cost;

3. to provide semi-annual reports to the local churches for each item in the apportionments. Such reports should contain:

(a) reference to the item in the apportionment;

(b) a terse statement of objectives and accomplishments;

(c) cost estimates for the year;

(d) actual cost for the current quarter and year-to-date;

Be it further resolved, that the professional management review be completed during the 1997 Church year.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22358-FA-NonDis-O$
1996 United Methodist General Conference