Petition Text: 22372-MN-418-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶ 418 and replace with new text:

Discontinuance from Probationary Membership.--1. Probationary members may request discontinuance. The request should be made six (6) months prior to annual conference. The Cabinet and appropriate committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry shall review with the probationary member the circumstances in order to be sure that the decision is fitting, to provide counsel to assist in any transition, to share health insurance and pension implications, and to be sure that information of exiting details and re-entry procedures are understood. While discontinuance may be immediate, it will ordinarily occur at the next annual conference.

2. If involuntary discontinuance is considered by the committee responsible for the probationary member, the probationary member has a right to fair process under ¶¶ 454 and 2622. The committee considering the discontinuance must provide the grounds for their possible action to the probationary member before it is presented to the Board of Ordained Ministry. The pastor may first request a hearing with that committee and have the right of an advocate to be present at that hearing.

a) After the hearing with the committee, the pastor then may choose to seek discontinuance, request aid in transferring to another conference, or seek classification as a local pastor. Each of these will be honored unless the grounds for discontinuance are a chargeable offense under ¶ 2623. The Board of Ordained Ministry is to be informed of the decision for their report to the annual conference.

b) If the grounds are allegations or a grievance against the probationary member that are chargeable under ¶ 2623, that member has the right to request fair process. When the allegations are oral, they must be made into a grievance so that the member can prepare for the proceedings to come.

3. When discontinuance is granted or when probationary members are discontinued upon conclusion of fair process, they are no longer allowed to perform the functions of ministry and shall surrender their credentials to the district superintendent for deposit with the conference secretary. The committee's report, any response by the member, and the record of actions against the member shall be kept as required by ¶ 733.3d.

4. Application for reinstatement to probationary membership or to classification as a local pastor shall be made under provisions of the appropriate disciplinary requirements. Any studies carried on during the period when discontinued shall receive credit as the Division of Ordained Ministry of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall determine.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22372-MN-418-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference