Petition Text: 22374-MN-453-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a new sub-paragraph at the end of ¶ 453:

Location by Mutual Consent.--a) Upon request by the member and recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the annual conference may grant a member a letter of Location by Mutual Consent. Inasmuch as this status involves no finding as to the character of the member requesting it, it shall be voted in the executive session prior to the examination of character and certification of good standing.

b) Location shall be certified by a letter from the presiding bishop. Ordained ministers located according to the provisions of this paragraph shall not continue to hold membership in the annual conference. After consultation with the pastor, persons located in accordance with this paragraph shall designate the local church in which they shall hold membership. They shall be clergy members of the charge conference, but they may not exercise any ministerial functions, except under the supervision of the pastor in charge and the Board of Ordained Ministry, which may grant this privilege annually only upon approval of a two-thirds majority of its members present and voting.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22374-MN-453-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference