Petition Text: 22375-MN-453.1-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add new text at the end of ¶ 453.1:

d) To locate is to "settle down in one place," to get out of itineracy, presumably on a permanent basis but without losing credentials, which basically means that training and experience are still considered fully valid. Located pastors differ from pastors on leave of absence in that the latter presumes to be returning to itineracy after a brief period of time. They differ from retired pastors in that they have not had enough experience (minimum of twenty years or reaching retirement age).

e) Located pastors shall be considered as lay persons in all respects except three. For example, as lay persons, they can become members of the local church and hold office as lay participants; they will be counted as lay on conference and district committees and as candidates for General and jurisdictional conference. However, as clergy, they shall have the rights of membership in the clergy session of the annual conference. If they choose to return to itineracy, they may do so, the first year being on probation before returning as a full member of the conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22375-MN-453.1-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference