Petition Text: 22383-MN-517-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶¶ 517-518 and replace with the following new text:

1. General Provisions.--a) District superintendents are co-workers with their pastors in helping on connectional ministries, in providing advice and assistance in local ministries, and in aiding to keep churches from becoming parochial, as well as assisting the bishop in making appointments.

b) Due consideration in selecting superintendents shall be given to inclusiveness of The United Methodist Church, with respect to gender, race, national origin, physically challenged condition, and age. However, preference may be given to pastors with twenty or more years of experience in local churches.

c) A superintendent shall ordinarily serve for six years, with the possibility of up to two additional years if needed by the bishop. No superintendent shall serve for more than eight years in any eleven consecutive years nor serve for more than twelve years.

d) Consideration of any pastor for superintendency shall be given to the nature of superintendency as described in ¶¶ 501-502 and 519-524.

2. Nomination.--Candidates for the superintendency shall be selected by the conference Nominating Committee, with nominations from the floor of the clergy session of the annual conference also possible.

3. Election.--Candidates shall be elected by the clergy session of the annual conference one year prior to their appointment to a district. The number elected shall be the number that will be needed at that succeeding conference. Two alternates shall also be elected, to be available should there be additional openings for any reason. A special executive session of the annual conference shall be called by the bishop to elect further candidates should the two alternates not be enough. Election shall be by majority vote.

4. Training.--Superintendents-elect may attend training programs of the General Conference, of seminaries, and of their own jurisdiction or conference during the year prior to being appointed. They shall meet with the Cabinet a minimum of thirty hours and may take part in Cabinet discussions, but without vote. They shall spend no less than one hundred twenty additional hours of working time with a superintendent of their choice for field experience. The alternates may attend training programs and shall spend at least 60 hours with a superintendent of their choice.

5. Appointment.--All superintendents-elect and alternates shall receive and work in the appointments set by the bishop, just as all other ministerial members do. Based on the needs of the districts, as learned by the bishop from consultations with the respective district superintendency committees, and the needs of the conference, as learned by the bishop from consultation with the cabinet, the bishop shall appoint the superintendents, the superintendents-elect, and alternates (if needed) to their respective districts at the succeeding annual conference session. Should a midyear vacancy in the superintendency occur, the bishop, after consultation with the Cabinet and with the district Committee on Superintendency, shall appoint one of the superintendent-elects or alternates to fill the vacancy.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22383-MN-517-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference