Petition Text: 22425-IC-R580-U

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add new text at the end of "Holy Land Tours," pages 580-1 in The Book of Resolutions:

G) Extends sincere appreciation to those United Methodists who have facilitated the implementation of the above recommendations in tours they have sponsored or participated in during the first quadrennium following adoption of this resolution;

H) Deplores that many tours sponsored or arranged by United Methodist bishops, pastors, and laity do not schedule opportunity for all participants to enter into partnership with the indigenous Christians for the recommended program time and, therefore, fail to "Walk With the Living Stones" in their strides toward Palestinian self-determination, their rich spiritual heritage, and their faithful contemporary witness;

I) Expresses deep concern that evidence continues to accumulate that Christianity is dying in the land of Jesus through economic, social, and political pressures, which have greatly diminished the numbers and percentage of Christians in the Holy Land. United Methodist bishops and other organizers of Holy Land tours, particularly those arranged through Educational Opportunities, Inc., have a special responsibility to adhere to these recommendations to strengthen the witness of the remaining Palestinian disciples of the Living Lord;

J) Affirms the presence of The United Methodist Church in Jerusalem through our liaison office;

K) Encourages tour leaders to consult with the United Methodist liaison office in Jerusalem in order to facilitate adherence to these recommendations;

L) Instructs the Joint Panel of International Affairs of our general agencies to monitor and report to the General Conference regarding the implementation of this resolution;

M) Underscores the significance of Bethlehem 2000, which celebrates two millennia of Christianity in the land of Jesus; and

N) Urges close cooperation with the Middle East Council of Churches and other indigenous Christian groups to facilitate informed, alternative travel opportunities to the region.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22425-IC-R580-U
1996 United Methodist General Conference