Petition Text: 22427-IC-NonDis-O

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In our society today, there is a growing debate and discussion about the appropriateness of using Native American names as nicknames for professional sports teams and university mascots. As highlighted by the publication produced by The United Methodist Church, Words that Hurt, Words that Heal, the use of names and language is a powerful instrument for either good or destructive purposes. It is demeaning to an entire segment of our society to depict them as violent and aggressive people by calling a sports team the Braves or Redskins. The implication is that all Native Americans are aggressive and violent people. This use of nicknames is not conducive to the development of a society committed to the common good of its citizenry.

In the Book of Resolutions, 1992, page 178, "The United Methodist Church and America's Native People," The United Methodist Church has issued a call for repentance for the church's role in the dehumanization and colonization of our Native American sisters and brothers. In light of this stand and the fact that we strongly believe that the continued use of Native American names as nicknames is demeaning and racist, we urge all United Methodist-related universities, colleges, and schools to set an example by replacing any nicknames that demean an offend our Native American sisters and brothers.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22427-IC-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference