Petition Text: 22481-GJ-NonDis-O

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The General Conference of The United Methodist Church has affirmed that workers have the right to organize for the purpose of bargaining collectively with their employers. Congregations, institutions, boards and agencies of The United Methodist Church are widely expected to exercise compassion, decency, and respect toward their employees, who are, in turn, expected to exercise compassion, decency, and respect toward those whom their employing body serves, and to respect their employers.

It is important to formally reaffirm commonly accepted standards of compassion, decency, and respect, which can inform the labor relations policies of United Methodist organizations and related institutions.

Therefore, be it resolved, that the General Conference of The United Methodist Church adopt the following Guidelines for Labor Relations in United Methodist organizations and related institutions, commend them to all employers who operate in official relationship to The United Methodist Church and are subject to the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act, and urge their formal consideration and adoption by such organizations and institutions.

Furthermore, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church directs the General Board of Church and Society to communicate this action, along with the guidelines, to all United Methodist employers and related employers.

Labor Relations for United Methodist Organizations and Related Institutions

United Methodist organizations and related institutions should affirm the right of their employees to organize a union for collective bargaining.

United Methodist organizations and related institutions should refrain from any actions, legal or illegal, that limit their employees' right to form or maintain a union of their own choosing.

If a majority of employees in a United Methodist organization or related institution choose to be represented by a union, every effort should be made to negotiate a labor agreement as quickly as possible.

United Methodist organizations and related institutions should see the union as a partner and resource in their mission.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22481-GJ-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference