Petition Text: 22510-CS-NonDis-O$

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, for over 25 years The United Methodist Church has incidentally, rather than systematically, struggled with the issues raised by gay and lesbian Christians in the Church; and

Whereas, the current stand of treating homosexuality as a sinful "practice" (¶ 71F) contradicts the position that homosexuality is an identity requiring protection of civil rights (¶ 71G); and

Whereas, many biblical prohibitions on issues such as gender, slavery, diet, and dress have been deemed limited by time and culture, while those that reinforce the current cultural bias against homosexual persons are held to be literally true and applicable today; and

Whereas, Jesus did not say anything either for or against homosexuality but was very clear about treating people justly and with compassion; and

Whereas, St. Paul's criticism of same gender sexual relations were in the context of irresponsibility, cult practices, and general chaos in some early churches and not in the context of loving, constructive relationships;

Therefore, be it resolved, that The United Methodist Church, at all levels of its organizational structure, embark on an eight-year study process on becoming a Reconciling Denomination; and

Therefore, be it further resolved, that the staff of the General Board of Church and Society work directly with staff of the Reconciling Congregation Program to develop a plan for implementing the study in the United States' United Methodist churches; and

Therefore, be it further resolved, that the General Conference of The United Methodist Church vote in the year 2004 on whether or not to become a Reconciling Denomination, which accepts as full members with all rights and responsibilities all those who are disciples of Jesus Christ and choose to be members of The United Methodist Church, regardless of sexual orientation.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22510-CS-NonDis-O$
1996 United Methodist General Conference