Petition Text: 22522-GM-NonDis-O

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Whereas, in his parable found in Matthew 25, our Lord described nations being judged on the basis of their response to the basic human needs of people; and

Whereas, in 1961, in the midst of the Cold War, the government of the United States imposed an embargo against Cuba; and

Whereas, under intense lobbying by Cuban exiles in the United States, our government in 1992 further tightened the embargo by enacting the Torricelli bill (entitled "The Cuban Democracy Act of 1992"), the stated purpose of which was to "promote a peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba through the application of appropriate pressures on the Cuban government and support for the Cuban people; and

Whereas, those Cubans residing in Cuba do not experience the embargo as "support for the Cuban people" and regard it as an inappropriate pressure by the United States to exert control on Cuba; and

Whereas, the Methodist Church in Cuba, the Council of Evangelical Churches of Cuba, and the Cuban Conference of Roman Catholic Bishops have all condemned the embargo because of its severe economic effects on the people of Cuba; and

Whereas, the United Nations General Assembly has several times voted overwhelmingly in favor of the United States lifting the embargo and all restrictions against Cuba; and

Whereas, the embargo severely restricts the ability of U.S. citizens to travel to Cuba at a time when the Methodist Church in Cuba is urging United Methodists to visit Cuba to dialogue with Cuban Christians; and

Whereas, the government of Cuba is now seeking foreign investments, and the lifting of the embargo against Cuba would create a new and important market for American industry and agriculture; and

Whereas, the government of the United States has aided transitions toward democracy in former communist countries by the removal of travel restrictions and resumption of normal economic relations with such countries;

Be it therefore resolved, that The United Methodist Church, in light of the teachings of our Lord and our historic commitment to peace and justice, and in light of historic changes with the end of the Cold War, requests of the President and Congress of the United States: 1) the repeal of the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 and such other legislation and executive orders that prevent the normal working relationship between churches in Cuba and the United States; and 2) the resumption of normal diplomatic relations between the government of Cuba and the United States; and

Be it further resolved, that the General Conference requests the Council of Bishops and the General Boards of Church and Society and Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church to advocate with the President and Congress of the United States for the aforementioned requests.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22522-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference