Petition Text: 22544-GJ-1106-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 1106:

Organization.--The General Board of Church and Society shall, through August 31, 1997, be composed according to...the Central Conference College of Bishops.

Effective September 1, 1997, and through the 2000 General Conference, the General Board of Church and Society shall operate according to the instructions defined for all program boards in ¶¶ 802-810 of the General Provisions; provided, however, that the board membership shall be constituted as follows: one clergy member elected by secret ballot by clergy delegates to each 1997 annual conference; one lay member elected by secret ballot by lay delegates to each 1997 annual conference; two clergy and two lay members elected by the Council of Bishops upon nominations by the Central Conference College of Bishops; three clergy and three lay members elected by the Council of Bishops, one of whom shall be designated to convene the reconstituted General Board of Church and Society.

After September 1, 1997, the board shall (except for membership) organize itself within the guidelines of ¶¶ 801-810 of the General Provisions with the additional provision that the clergy members shall constitute the Clergy Committee on Social Principles and the lay members shall constitute the Lay Committee on Social Principles. Each of the two committees shall organize itself for the purpose of preparing and submitting to General Conference the proposed restatement of United Methodist Social Principles required by ¶ 1102.

Prior to September 1, 1997, the board shall reduce staff and other expenditures insofar as reasonable; and the board shall not take any actions that in any way prejudice the reconstituted board, with special regard to its primary responsibility to the 2000 General Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22544-GJ-1106-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference