Petition Text: 22555-DI-68-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete the third through the sixth paragraphs of ¶ 68 "Tradition," and the first sentence of the seventh paragraph, and replace with new text:

United Methodists see ourselves as standing in the center stream of that legacy and corporate experience, loyal heirs to all that is best in spirituality and doctrine in our Christian past. Through statements such as the Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church, the Confession of Faith of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, and the General Rules of the Methodist Church, the pioneers in the traditions that flowed together to form The United Methodist Church sought to summarize and identify with the central affirmations of Christian faith. These doctrinal standards, along with the Standard Sermons of Wesley and the Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament, have helped to summarize scriptural truth and give guidance for Christian teaching.

In addition, tradition for United Methodists can be traced further back through the writings of the reformers, the early church fathers and councils, and the historic creeds. In these and other Christian formulations and experiences, a collective wisdom emerges that offers a perspective from which to approach faith and life in a changing world.

But our understanding of tradition is also open to the experiences of other Christian groups. We are now challenged by traditions from around the world. These traditions help us rediscover....


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22555-DI-68-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference