Petition Text: 22556-DI-1202-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a new sub-paragraph after ¶ 1202.11:

To put a special emphasis upon electronic media such as the World Wide Web, the Internet, Ecunet, and other emerging avenues of electronic mail and communications as special, key ways to implement ¶ 1201, so that by the year 2000:

a) All boards, conferences, districts, and organizations supported by The United Methodist Church will be connected by electronic communication via the World Wide Web, Ecunet, and/or the Internet (or other modes as they develop) for the purpose of internal communications and inviting people to see God through Christ.

b) All bishops, district superintendents, and clergy will participate in these new forms of electronic communication for the purpose of effective growth in their responsibilities as Church leaders and disciples in the contemporary world.

c) The laity are encouraged to utilize whatever access they may have to these new forms of communication, especially through local church, district and conference offices, for the purpose of effective growth in their responsibilities as faithful disciples in the contemporary world.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22556-DI-1202-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference