Petition Text: 22614-CS-71-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶ 71H and replace with new text:

The abortion on demand situation in the United States and other countries is deplorable. We affirm the Church's stand against abortion throughout its history, beginning in the early Church. We give our assent to John Wesley's indictment of the killing of unborn children as "more than Pagan or Mahometan barbarity." The premature termination of a pregnancy can only be justified when done: (1) to prevent the death of the mother and/or child, after all efforts have been made to preserve the lives of both; and (2) to protect the health of mother or child without harm to the other. The direct killing of either is unacceptable. The procedure and its timing must maximize the chances of survival of both mother and child. We commend those Christian ministries that assist mothers with problem pregnancies in carrying their babies to term and also help women in facing the consequences of abortion.

No conference, council, commission, board, agency, committee, or local church shall give monetary or other assistance to any organization that performs or promotes the acceptance of abortions contrary to the above guidelines.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22614-CS-71-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference