Petition Text: 22615-CS-74-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add new text at the end of ¶ 74G:

The United Methodist Church will support and provide counselors for all who claim religious conscientious objection to:

1. Compulsory military service.

2. Compulsory draft for military service.

3. Military service under non-USA chain of command.

4. Military service without Congress declaring war constitutionally (Section 8).

5. Military service not under the rules and regulations of Congress (Section 8).

6. Military combat, housing, or service with homosexuals, lesbians, or the opposite sex.

7. Military service under a presidential directive not made fully and completely known to all (such as Bill Clinton's #25).

8. Military service that requires another oath than the USA military officers and enlisted personnel oaths (such as an oath to the United Nations).

None of these religious conscientious objections shall affect their military careers, retirements, and/or pensions, nor their status in The United Methodist Church as members or clergy.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22615-CS-74-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference