Petition Text: 22642-GJ-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, many ratios of marrieds, parents, and annual conference members on the staffs, employees, and directors of The United Methodist Church's general boards, commissions, and agencies, etc. are less than the ratios among the members of The United Methodist Church;

Therefore, be it resolved, that during the 1997-2000 quadrennium:

1. Each local church report to each 1997 annual conference and the General Council on Ministries (and the first year of each subsequent quadrennium) its membership ratio of those who are and have been married and the ratio of those who are and have been parents with the total Church membership.

2. The 1997 annual conferences provide "pools" of marrieds' and parents' names, addresses, and phone numbers for general boards, commissions, and agencies' staffs, employees, and directors to the General Council on Ministries.

3. Before 1998 the General Council on Ministries provide each general board, commission, agency, etc. with:

a. The general total ratios of marrieds and parents for all local churches and the total church membership of each annual conference.

b. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of "pools" of marrieds and parents from each annual conference.

4. During 1998-2000, the general boards, commissions, agencies, etc. replace the staff, employees, and directors lost through attrition with marrieds and parents of each annual conference up to the grand total ratios of marrieds, parents, and annual conference church membership.

5. Beginning in 2000, the ratios of marrieds, parents, and annual conferences' church membership on the staffs of general boards, commissions, agencies, etc., staffs, employees, and directors must at least equal the grand total ratios reported by local churches during the first year of the preceding quadrennium.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22642-GJ-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference