Petition Text: 22644-GM-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, citizens of North Korea are disenfranchised, impoverished, and deprived of owning property;

Therefore, The United Methodist Church requires all boards, commissions, agencies, employees, etc., at all levels to publicize, advocate and comply with, and petitions the Untied States government to:

1. Withhold all financial, material, and personnel assistance from North Korea, except for food and medicine distributed to North Korean individuals by the donors; and

2. Embargo all military and dual-purpose materials, including nuclear stores and fuels from all individuals, companies, and nations; and secondary boycotts against all non-United States of America sources; and

3. Embargo all military exports from North Korea and secondary boycotts against receiving individuals, companies, and nations.


1. All North Koreans in North Korean and in exile have free and fair elections for all adult North Koreans guaranteed and the first election verified by observers from at least ten nations; and

2. All private property returned to Korean families and/or heirs as it was before the Communist government confiscated it; and

3. All of the net profits earned by trade or services with North Korea by non-North Korean individuals, companies, and/or nations go to those individuals, companies, and nations whose properties were confiscated without compensation and whose loans were not paid by the Communist government until paid in full; and

4. The North Korean nuclear power plants not receive any nuclear ore or fuel, and any in North Korea be returned to the country of origin; and

5. All nuclear weapons be dis-assembled in the United States of America and random inspections be allowed everywhere in North Korea.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22644-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference