Petition Text: 22666-HE-NonDis-O$

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Whereas, for more than a century, The United Methodist Church, through its antecedent church, has expressed its commitment to assure that spiritual quality education be available to all; and

Whereas, "People Calling Themselves Methodist," through the Freedman's Aid Society and The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, established unsegregated and non-segregating schools and colleges to assure church-related quality education for the newly freed slaves; and

Whereas, the United Methodist historically black colleges have an historic and significant tradition and practice of accessibility for and acceptance of teachers, administrators, students, and staff of all races, creeds, colors, and nationalities; and

Whereas, the United Methodist-related institutions have consistently demonstrated an unparalleled ability to recognize, nurture, and educate both accelerated and developing students to each group's maximum potential; and

Whereas, eleven such colleges and universities remain to continue the noble and spiritual mission for more than 11,000 deserving and underserved students; and

Whereas, United Methodist historically black colleges serve as intellectual founts preserving and expounding upon the rich history, tradition, and culture of a people and a nation; and

Whereas, United Methodists continued their affirmation of the Church's historic and noble commitment and the colleges' unique and uplifting mission through the establishment of the Black College Fund in 1972;

Therefore, be it resolved, that $46,708,480 be established as the Black College Fund goal for the 1997-2000 quadrennium; and

Be it further resolved, that the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry request through the General Council on Finance and Administration a minimum of $46,708,480 for the institutions in the 1997-2000 quadrennium, based on the World Service percentages as follows:

1997 $10,926,448

1998 11,426,896

1999 11,927,344

2000 12,427,792

Total $46,708,480

Be it further resolved, that one-sixth of the annual request be distributed over the next quadrennium for capital improvement; and

Be it further resolved, that the total amount be distributed by the Office of Black College Fund of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, based on a formula approved by the General Council on Finance and Administration, the Division of Higher Education, and the Council of Presidents; and

Be it finally resolved, that this resolution be recorded in the Book of Resolutions of the 1996 General Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22666-HE-NonDis-O$
1996 United Methodist General Conference