Petition Text: 22706-CO-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, November 20, 1995 was the 142nd anniversary date that Benigno Cárdenas, under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, preached the first sermon in Spanish in what is now the state of New Mexico and became the first Hispanic clergy in that church and a pioneer in what is now the Rio Grande Conference of The United Methodist Church; and

Whereas, the Rio Grande Conference has recently celebrated its 80th anniversary of being organized as an annual conference to reach and serve Hispanics in Texas and New Mexico; and

Whereas, the Rio Grande Conference, as the only Spanish-speaking conference in The United Methodist Church in the United States, continues to be a viable mission structure to reach Hispanics for Christ and his church in those two states, continues to develop significant ministries in the communities it serves, continues to develop leadership for this ministry in spite of limited resources, and has welcomed other sister conferences beginning to respond to the overwhelming Hispanic population growth in the area (over 1.4 million in one decade); and

Whereas, the Rio Grande Conference, through the years to the present time, has developed and shared its leadership, lay and clergy, with other conferences, general agencies, and the whole Church; and

Whereas, the Rio Grande Conference continues to play an important and vital role in the implementation of the National Plan for Hispanic Ministries; and

Whereas, the Rio Grande Conference in its last annual conference session affirmed its desire to determine its own future and has established a process of self-study, visioning, and planning to accomplish this goal as it has done before in past self-studies; and

Whereas, the Rio Grande Conference at its last session declared its commitment and resolve to pray and to continue to work to strengthen and expand its ministry and outreach, to deepen its spiritual life, and to dedicate itself to grow in all aspects of its ministry, including its stewardship, membership, participation in various ministries, etc.; and

Whereas, the South Central Jurisdiction College of Bishops, and perhaps others, have had conversations regarding the future structure of the Rio Grande Conference;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the General Conference continue to affirm and support the Rio Grande Conference, its ministry, and leadership as a viable missional structure.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22706-CO-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference