Petition Text: 22714-GM-NonDis-O

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Whereas, Proposition 187 of California, approved by the electorate of this state in November 1994, is an attempt against the most elemental Christian moral and human principles that govern our life as a people, requiring even that schools and hospitals become branches of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, as they would be required under this proposition to report children and adults who are not legal citizens; and

Whereas, as Christians longing for a heavenly homeland, we are strangers in a foreign land but at the same time present in a world that demands God's will and justice; and

Whereas, our holy Scriptures call us time and time again to the defense of the marginalized of our society, in particular, the poor, the orphans, the widows, and the strangers among us; and

Whereas, Proposition 187 of California represents a backwards step in our development as a nation seeking interracial harmony; and

Whereas, the spirit and intent of Proposition 187 goes against the Social Principles of our United Methodist Church, specifically ¶ 72A where it states: "We reject racism in every form and affirm the ultimate and temporal worth of all persons...We assert the obligation of society, and groups within the society, to implement compensatory programs that redress long-standing systemic social deprivation of racial and ethnic minorities to equal education and training of the highest quality, to nondiscrimination in access to public accommodations..."; and

Whereas, Proposition 187 is being challenged in the courts, and it has been found out of compliance with our constitutional rights;

Therefore, be it resolved that the General Conference categorically, unequivocally, and totally repudiate Proposition 187 of California and the abusive and alienating spirit that it fosters and represents against Hispanic and other ethnic groups; and

Be it further resolved, that the General Conference make a call to all churches to be witnesses against this and other forms of alienation of our ethnic constituency.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22714-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference