Petition Text: 22730-CS-NonDis-O$

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We petition the General Conference to establish an official and coordinated program through which the Church's "commitment to the sanctity of unborn human life" and "the sacredness and well-being of the mother" (¶ 71H) may be promoted at the denominational level. This program would consist of a qualified United Methodist in good standing, selected by the official Voice for Life of the South Georgia Annual Conference and other like-minded organizations in other conferences, who would: a) promote, encourage, and coordinate nurturing ministries at the local, district, and annual conference levels to women who have chosen birth over abortion; b) seek for both mother and child new ministries of support which will reach well beyond the immediate needs accompanying birth; c) promote, encourage, and coordinate nurturing ministries at the local, district, and annual conference levels to women who have chosen abortion; and d) work to enhance and encourage, at the denominational level, the option for life over abortion.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22730-CS-NonDis-O$
1996 United Methodist General Conference