Petition Text: 22744-DI-1203-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber ¶ 1203 as ¶ 1709.4 and amend as follows:

Incorporation.--The General Board of Publication, doing business as The United Methodist Publishing House, shall be the legal successor and successor in trust of The General Board of Discipleship, shall be a corporation existing under the laws of Tennessee, and its predecessor shall be the legal successor and successor in trust of the corporations including known as the General Board of Evangelism...of The United Methodist Church.

The following provisions of the 1992 Book of Discipline which refer to the Board of Discipleship regarding the division of the former General Board of Education of the Methodist Church, shall apply henceforth to the General Board of Publication; and the General Board of Publication is authorized to take whatever steps necessary to accomplish the intent of this transfer of responsibilities and assets for the educational resourcing of The United Methodist Church: "The General Board of Discipleship is authorized...

"The divisions of the General Board of Education...

"In the event that...

"It is further intended...

"It is further intended...equally between the two boards.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22744-DI-1203-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference