Petition Text: 22788-HE-NonDis-O!

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, the Methodist Episcopal Church, one of the predecessors of The United Methodist Church, was one of the founders of the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico in 1919; and

Whereas, the bylaws of the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico state that in the event that the seminary corporation ceases to exist, the assets will revert to the founding denominations. This means that one fifth of these assets will revert to The United Methodist Church as one of the founders; and

Whereas, graduates of the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico are serving The United Methodist Church in the United States; and it is expected that the flow of pastors coming from Puerto Rico to serve in The United Methodist Church will continue as well as increase; and

Whereas, the bylaws of the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico mandate that there be on the board of directors at least one person representing The United Methodist Church and two persons representing the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico; and

Whereas, there has always been a strong Methodist representation on the board of trustees, which has included, among others, Bishop James Ault, Bishop Herbert Skeete, Bishop Susan Morrison, Bishop Dale C. White, and Bishop Victor Bonilla; and

Whereas, the bylaws of the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico also mandate important Methodist representation on the faculty and administration; and

Whereas, the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and by the Middle States Association; and

Whereas, the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico has been supported financially through the years by the General Board of Higher Education, the General Board of Global Ministries, and the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico; and

Whereas, the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico is an Advance Special of The United Methodist Church and is authorized to promote the institution in the United States and Puerto Rico; and

Whereas, it is expected that the National Hispanic Plan will continue into the next quadrennium; and one of the plan's fundamental components is the strengthening of theological education in order to produce the necessary pastoral leadership for the emerging Hispanic congregations as well as for present churches; and

Whereas, the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico is playing a significant role in preparing leadership for Hispanic congregations and other leadership positions in the United States and Puerto Rico in order to respond to the Hispanic National Plan and to the rapid population growth among Hispanics; and

Whereas, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry decided in 1991 to start decreasing their financial contribution to the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico by 1993 so that by the year 2000 there will be no more funding from the board; and

Whereas, the action of the 1992 General Conference recommends to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the General Board of Global Ministries "the continuation of the present financial support at the current level through the year 2000, and what financial assistance is possible beyond the aforementioned period, in the light of our ecumenical and moral responsibilities as founders"; and

Whereas, a study made by the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico reveals that its ministry will significantly suffer if the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry does not maintain its financial contribution at the 1992 level until the year 2000;

Therefore, it is requested that:

1) The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry continue its financial support of the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico at the 1992 level through the year 2000;

2) The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the General Board of Global Ministries negotiate in good faith with the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico the level of support beyond the year 2000;

3) The General Commission on Religion and Race monitor the negotiation process between the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; and

4) Representation of the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico and MARCHA be encouraged in the above negotiation process.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22788-HE-NonDis-O!
1996 United Methodist General Conference