Petition Text: 22847-MN-514.2-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add new text at the end of ¶ 514.2:

In order to guard the faith, no bishop shall acknowledge as a candidate, participate in the ordination of, recognize the ordination of, or give an appointment to any place in The United Methodist Church to any person who shall not have submitted to that bishop a signed statement affirming that he or she: 1) does not believe that homosexuality is God's perfect will for any person; 2) does not and will not engage in homosexual practices; 3) does not and will not promote homosexuality; and 4) realizes that swearing falsely or failing to keep this commitment is grounds for charges, discipline, and expulsion.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22847-MN-514.2-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference