Whereas, a specific denouncement has not been made on behalf of The United Methodist Church concerning the irreverent incursion on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, which occurred during the Re-Imagining Conference at Minneapolis, Minnesota, in November of 1993; and the failure to promptly address "Sophia" has reflected negatively on the United Methodist Women and The United Methodist Church; and
Whereas, this same New Age philosophy has resurfaced in another conference, "Celebrate! Gathering at the Crossroads," which took place over the 1994 Christmas holiday in St. Louis, Missouri, and of which The United Methodist Church was a supporter; and
Whereas, this deceitful attack of the New Age movement is infiltrating many facets of our world, with the result that we are no longer safe within the confines of our homes and our churches, and that this movement is teaching our young children, our college/seminary students, our missionaries, or professionals, etc. to rely on themselves...that they can find the power within themselves (2 John 7-11); and
Whereas, our religious beliefs are not to be compromised, and these concerns are valuable and must not fall on deaf ears; and
Whereas, our potential membership is beginning to see The United Methodist Church as an organization that has become so big it doesn't have the time or the desire to address the problems and concerns of its congregations;
Therefore, be it resolved, that the entire Re-Imagining Conference be denounced by the General Conference, and that a firm denouncement of the Re-Imagining Conference must occur for the sake of the United Methodist Women, the members of The United Methodist Church, and the youth growing up in an era where these New Age approaches to worship are rapidly becoming acceptable.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 22858-MN-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference