Petition Text: 22863-MN-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, God's blessing upon a newly-married couple is to be found in the sincerity and commitment of the couple and not in expenditures for wedding festivities; and

Whereas, social pressures exist fostering competition in providing lavish food, drink, and entertainment in connection with weddings; and

Whereas, such lavishness implies poor stewardship in that the funds thus spent on an afternoon's amusement might be better used to provide start-up resources for a new couple or for old-age security for their parents; and

Whereas, a misplaced emphasis on entertainment, by diverting attention from the marriage itself, may display poor judgement even among families that can afford the expense; and

Whereas, the time and effort devoted to planning a wedding extravaganza would be better spent in pre-marital counseling or planning a budget;

Therefore, be it resolved, that United Methodist clergy be encouraged to counsel betrothed couples in the exercise of restraint in planning wedding festivities; and to remind couples that the meaning of a Christian wedding has nothing to do with the showmanship of its coincident festivities.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22863-MN-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference