Petition Text: 22880-CS-71-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 of ¶ 71F and add new text at the beginning:

We recognize sexuality as a gift of God to all persons. We believe persons may be more fully human when they acknowledge this good gift for themselves and others. We call all persons to a disciplined and responsible stewardship of this gift so that it may be fulfilled in them. We recognize our limited understanding of this precious gift, and we encourage theological, social science, and medical disciplines to join together in efforts at increased knowledge and understanding of human sexuality. We call on the Church to take the lead in this endeavor.

Because we understand sexuality as a gift of God, we are challenged to responsible, committed, and loving forms of sexual expression. We, therefore, affirm sexual relations only in the sanctity of the marriage bond and in the sanctity of committed and covenantal relationships. Sex may become exploitative in any human relationship. We, therefore, reject all sexual expressions that demean, subordinate, or damage the humanity God has given us, and we affirm only those sexual expressions that enhance and fulfill this humanity.

All persons, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, are individuals of sacred worth. The ministry and guidance of the Church should be available to all who struggle toward human and sexual fulfillment. The Church should provide the spiritual and emotional care of a fellowship that enables reconciling relationships with God, with others, and with self. We affirm that God's grace is available to all. We commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all persons.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22880-CS-71-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference