Petition Text: 22910-GJ-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, the General Council on Finance and Administration at its May, 1995, meeting tentatively agreed that costs of moving the General Board of Global Ministries from New York City to Reston, Virginia, would be added as a line item in the General Administration Fund, which would result in an increase in apportionments to local churches of 4% in 1997 and beyond; and

Whereas, the price tag for moving the General Board of Global Ministries has been set at $41,853,000 plus interest approximating $30,148,000 over fifteen years, totaling $72,001,000; and

Whereas, the outlay for such an unnecessary move of the board will adversely affect the mission and ministry at all levels of the Church, cause severe relocation problems for all staff members, and put on hold the effectiveness of the mission agency of The United Methodist Church during the planning, construction, move-in process, and adjustment to living and working in a new environment; and

Whereas, an arbitrary increase of 4% in apportionments over fifteen years is a hardship for small membership churches;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the 1996 General Conference terminate all efforts to move the General Board of Global Ministries from New York City; and

Be it further resolved, that the 1996 General Conference reject all efforts of the General Board of Finance and Administration to mandate a 4% increase in apportionments to finance such a move.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22910-GJ-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference