Petition Text: 22928-MN-315-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber proposed new ¶ 315 on page 996 in the Study on the Ministry as ¶ 310 and amend:

Orders in Relation to the Ministry of All Christians

[Last sentence] The deacon is a sign of the interrelatedness of the congregation's worship with the ministry of service embodies the interrelationship between worship in the gathered community and service to God in the world.

Within the people of God, other persons are called to the ministry of elder. The elders carry on the historic work of the presbyteros in the life of the Church. Beginning in some of the very early Christian communities, the presbyteros assisted the bishop in leading the gathered community in the celebration of sacraments and the guidance and care of its communal life. The ministry of elder exemplifies and leads the Church in remembering and celebrating the gifts of God and living faithfully in response to God's grace.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22928-MN-315-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference