Petition Text: 22931-MN-319-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber proposed new ¶ 319 of the Study on the Ministry, page 999, as ¶ 317 and amend:

Probationary Service of a Deacon. All persons who are ordained deacons consecrated shall be appointed...arrangements shall be offered by the Board of Ordained Ministry for all ordained deacons probationary members to be support the practice and work of the diaconate in their ministry as servant the life of the conference. The specialized service of probationary members shall be evaluated by the district superintendent and Board of Ordained Ministry in terms of the probationary member's ability to express and give leadership in servant ministry.

1. The deacons probationary members planning to give their lives as deacons in full connection shall be in ministries of Word and Sservice for their the entire probationary period.

2. The deacons probationary members planning to give their lives as elders in full connection shall be in ministries of service at least half of their Word, Sacrament, Order, and Service for their entire probationary period. A deacon probationary member serving as pastor...The District Superintendent and the Board of Ordained Ministry will evaluate the deacon's ability to express his/her ordination as deacon in the congregational context.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22931-MN-319-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference