Petition Text: 22944-MN-733-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend proposed ¶ 733 in the Study on the Ministry, pages 1022-23:

1. ...not fewer than six ordained elders and deacons in full connection, providing for representation of each order. During the quadrennium beginning in 1996, the members of the board shall include diaconal ministers. The Board of Ordained Ministry, in consultation with the episcopal office, shall develop a plan of proportional representation to become effective in each Annual Conference by the year 2000. Where possible, the plan shall include a minimum of three elders and three deacons in full connection. Each Annual Conference...

c) ...provide for a Division of Deacons and a Division of Elders. The entire board shall have responsibility for examining and recommending probationary members for ordination as deacons and elders. The Division of Deacons shall also have ongoing care for, and oversight of, those diaconal ministers who choose not to become ordained as deacons. The bishop shall ensure that diaconal ministers are represented in the membership of the Division of Deacons whenever possible.

2. vw) To promote...

ux) To work in cooperation with the Board of Diaconal Ministry as long as such board is organized in the conference, and then to continue the responsibilities of that board in relation to continuing diaconal ministers and certified persons in order to enhance the total ministry of the Church. In particular, the Board of Ordained Ministry will maintain responsibility for guiding those who are currently in the candidacy process for diaconal ministry, maintain an ongoing relationship with those who choose to continue as diaconal ministers, and ensure that the following responsibilities for certification are continued: (1) to assist the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry in the study, interpretation, promotion, and support for certified professional ministry careers and the maintenance of standards and processes for certification; (2) to determine whether applicants meet the standards of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for professional certification in education, evangelism, music, and other areas that may be assigned; (3) to recommend to the annual conference for vote persons who have met the standards and have been mutually approved by the conference Board of Ordained Ministry and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for professional certification in education, evangelism, music, and other areas that may be assigned and to report the action of the annual conference to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; (4) to keep a current record of all persons in the annual conference who have been certified in professional church careers, including places of service address; (5) to renew or discontinue professional certification based on an annual review and evaluation of all persons who have been certified in education, evangelism, music, or other areas that may be assigned; (6) to report annually to the annual conference for publication in the conference journal a roster of all persons certified in professional careers and the careers in which they are certified; and (7) to work with the annual conference, congregations, and employing agencies to assure responsible conditions of employment for certified persons, to provide a supportive atmosphere that will empower their service, and to see that entrance into employment and departure from employment are open and fair to all persons involved.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22944-MN-733-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference