Petition Text: 22970-MN-301-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Replace ¶ 301 with new text:

All Christians are called to ministry within the community of faith and in the world. Lay persons are called by their baptism and membership in the Church to manifest and bear witness to Christ's presence in the world in their activities. Through their baptism, lay persons are called into the ministry of Jesus Christ. Very early in its history, the Church came to understand that all of its members were commissioned in baptism to ministry within local congregations and the larger communities in which they lived.

The Church affirms that particular persons among the baptized are called and set apart for representative ministries of leadership within the body to help the whole of the membership of the Church be engaged in and fulfill its ministry. The purpose of such leadership is the equipping of the general ministry of the Church. "...the Holy Spirit said, `Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.' Then after fasting and praying, they laid their hands on them and sent them off" (Acts 13:2-3, NRSV).

Persons in representative ministries are called by God and set apart by the Church through ordination to such ministries as ordered by the Church. Representative ministry is a special ministry within and for the general ministry of all believers. Its purpose is to model and equip others in their ministries. It is identified by special gifts, graces, fruits, and promise of usefulness for the designated ministries in the life of the Church and in the world.

The distinctive role of representative ministry is to embody the character and mission of the Church, representing Christ to and in the world. It is to lead the Church into recognition of its own corporate ministry. It is not an exclusive ministry, nor is it a substitute for general ministry. General ministry, i.e., the ministry of all Christians in baptism calls persons to embody the gospel in the world. Representative ministry includes this call and has specific functions by which the Church works. It is not limited to one particular form. There may be as many forms as the Church determines to be necessary and useful.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22970-MN-301-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference