Petition Text: 22973-MN-404-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber ¶ 404 as ¶ 304 and amend:

Section IV. Entrance into Ordained Ministry.

Candidacy for Ordained Ministry.--Candidacy for ordained ministry...

1. The Inquiring Candidate Inquirer.--Upon hearing...discussed in consultation with the candidate's inquirer's pastor...

2. The Exploring Candidate Explorer.--Those seeking to explore candidacy preparation for ordained ministry shall...(b) be assigned as an exploring candidate explorer to a supervising pastor mentor by the district cCommittee on Ordained Ministry, and (c) complete appropriate candidacy studies after proper registration...

3. The Declared Candidate Applicant.--Those seeking to become certified approved candidates for ordained ministry shall(a) consult with the pastor and committee on Pastor Staff-Parish Relations...and requesting recommendation for certification. The candidate applicant shall be interviewed by the committee on his/her statement and Wesley's historic questions in ¶ 403 327:...A meeting for the purpose of recommending a candidate an individual for candidacy for the ministry...or an authorized elder ordained minister, who shall counsel with those present regarding the ability and qualifications of the the ordained ministry. For such a recommendation tTo be valid, such a recommendation must be (i) voted by written ballot by two-thirds of the Charge Conference present at this meeting (ii) the candidate must have been a member...of the home church; and (iii ii) the candidate must have been graduated from an accredited high school or received a certificate of equivalency; and (iii) two-thirds of the members of the charge conference present at this meeting must vote by written ballot to recommend.

4. The Certified Approved Candidate--Candidates Persons who have completed the requirements of ¶ 404.2 304.2, .3 and desire to be certified approved as may require; (c) submit a written response providing evidence of understanding and expectations to the following:...(iii) What are your future plans for ministry in The United Methodist Church including proposed speciality for licensing? (v) Describe and evaluate your personal gifts for ministry; (vi) Indicate in some detail...(c d) submit a written response...and obligations of the itinerant appointment system; (d e) provide and supply...and (e f) agree for the sake of the in marriage and celibacy in singleness, social responsibility, and growth in grace and the knowledge and love of God.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22973-MN-404-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference