Petition Text: 22987-MN-413-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber ¶ 413 as ¶ 318 and amend:


[Second sentence] They are on probation as to character, preaching skill in their field, and effectiveness as pastors in ministry...of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶ 418).

1. Probationary members are eligible for ordination as deacons but may not be ordained elders until they qualify for membership...

3. ...and Board of Trustees (¶¶ 733.1, 2513.1). They shall not...

4. ...shall be granted the same security of opportunity for annual appointment as associate members and members in full connection...

5. Probationary members who are regularly appointed to a pastoral charge local church or agency are subject to the provisions of the Discipline in the performance of their pastoral ministerial duties...through the Board of Ordained Ministry and the educational institution in performance of work.

6. Probationary members in appointments beyond the local church shall also be appointed to a local church. They shall relate themselves to the district superintendent...

7. Each probationary member shall have an elder a member in full connection assigned by the Board of Ordained Ministry as counseling elder a mentor during the period of probation. As possible, this should be the same individual who served as mentor during the period of candidacy prior to probationary membership. The counseling elder counselor is to advise and counsel the probationer in light of the expectations for United Methodist ministry reflected in ¶¶ 423-424.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22987-MN-413-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference