Petition Text: 23071-FA-905.1-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶ 905.1 and replace with new text:

Organization.--1. Membership.--a) The voting members of the Council shall be elected quadrennially by the General Conference and shall consist of forty (40) persons nominated as follows:

(1) three bishops nominated by the Council of Bishops;

(2) six persons from each jurisdiction nominated by the bishops of that jurisdiction;

(3) one person from an annual conference in the central conferences nominated by the Council of Bishops; and

(4) six members at large, at least one of whom shall be a youth under the age of eighteen and at least one of whom shall not be over thirty years of age at the time of election, and most of whom shall be elected for special skills. The members at large shall be nominated by the Council of Bishops without reference to jurisdictions.

b) It is recommended that attention be given to ensuring adequate representation of racial and ethnic groups, with at least two of the at-large members to be racial and ethnic persons. It is further recommended that in the membership from each of the jurisdictions and the at-large members, one-third be laywomen.

c) The general secretaries who serve as the chief executive officers of the general agencies and the publisher of The United Methodist Church shall be members of the council but without vote.

d) The voting members, including bishops, shall not be eligible for membership on, or employment by, any other general agency of The United Methodist Church (¶ 801.2), except where the Book of Discipline specifically provides for such interagency representation. Members shall also be guided by such conflict of interest policies and provisions as may from time to time be adopted by the General Conference or by the council itself.

e) Members shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.

f) Vacancies occurring between sessions of the General Conference shall be filled by the council on nomination of the College of Bishops of the jurisdiction concerned (see ¶ 812), if the vacancy is among members chosen to represent a jurisdiction or, in the event of a vacancy among the episcopal, central conference or at-large members, on nomination of the Council of Bishops.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 23071-FA-905.1-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference