The Daily Christain Advocate

The Daily Christian Advocate is the most important reference for the General Conference. An advance edition is available before the conference; one issue is produced each day of the conference.

Representatives of all United Methodist and ecumenical publications will be responsible for ordering their own Daily Christian Advocates (advance and daily issues). Call Cokesbury: 1-800-672-1789. Secular press representatives will find copies of the advance edition available for reference in the news room. They will also be given complimentary tickets at the News Assignment Desk which they may exchange at the Cokesbury Display Room for Daily Christian Adocates during the time they are attending the conference.

The Advance Editions Workbook includes reports and recommendations from specially commissioned study groups and United Methodist agencies. It also contains the "Handbook for Delegates," including an alphabetical listing of delegates and a listing by conference and committee membership, and rules of order for the conference.

The Daily Christian Advocate contains daily transcripts of the conference proceedings, news stories and features and daily summaries of legislative committee actions.