Reports of the Legislative Committees

1996 United Methodist General Conference


Church and Society (4/18/96, 4:30 p.m.)

The committee concurred with petitions:

Conferences (4/17/96, 9 p.m.)

The committee organized into subcommittees with the following chairs: Lucille Vanzant, J. LaVon Kincaid Sr., Bruce Ough, and Paul Extrum-Fernandez.

The committee concurred with petitions:

The committee concurred with petitions (as amended):

The committee nonconcurred with a petition:

Discipleship (4/17/96, 4 p.m.)

The committee concurred unanimously with the petition to adopt the newly published Spanish-language hymnal, Mil Voces Para Celebrar, as an official hymnal of the church.

The committee formed four subcommittees and appointed a chair for each:

Financial Administration (4/18/96)

The committee recommended concurrence:

The committee recommended non-concurrence:

The committee referred to a general agency:

Global Minstries (4/18/96)

The committee recommended concurrence:

Higher Education and Chaplaincy

The committee organized into three subcommittees:

The committee unanimously voted to accept the document Education: The Gift of Hope and recommended that the General Conference urge every local congregation to study the document.

The committee also recommended concurrence on the following:

The committee recommended nonconcurrence:

Independent Commissions

The committee recommended concurrence:

Local Church (4/18/96, 3:30 p.m.)

The committee recommended concurrence:

The committee recommended concurrence with amendment:

The committee recommended nonconcurrence:

Ordained and Diaconal Ministry (4/18/96, 5 p.m.)

The committee voted non-concurrence with petitions 21751 (¶116), 21757 (¶201), and 21758 (¶201), all of which deal with the Lay Ministry Steward in the Ministry Study. They also dealt with petition 21750 (¶108) and concurred with an amended version, which deleted references to the Lay Ministry Steward but retained language relating to ordained ministry.


General Conference Index

General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Reports of the Legislative Committees
1996 United Methodist General Conference