Reports of the Legislative Committees
Church and Society (4/22/96, 12 midnight)
The committee recommended concurrence:
- Adding a new resolution on abortion clinic violence, which calls the UMC
to "repent of violence" and "condemn the use of violence
against providers of legal services related to productive health";
- Amending the resolution on "Responsible Parenthood";
- Adding two new resolutions on "A Dioxin Free Future" and urging
the UMC to "stand against" any political or physical act that denies
human and civil rights.
The committee recommended nonconcurrence:
- Withdrawing membership in the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
(a minority report was filed).
Financial Administration (4/22/96)
The committee recommended concurrence:
- Formulating a method of determining apportionments;
- Setting the number of special Sundays;
- Maintaining the current language in ¶906.12 dealing with funding for
homosexual advocacy. A substitute motion from Wisconsin failed by three votes,
and a minority report is forthcoming;
- Defining General Funds;
- Listing COCU in the Interdenominational Cooperation Funds;
- Continuing to fund the area of Abuse and/or Misuse of Drugs and Alcohol;
- Adding internal auditing function across agencies receiving general church
The committee referred:
To GCFA to study a proposal to delete membership from formula for
determining apportionments.
General Conference Index
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Reports of the Legislative Committees
1996 United Methodist General Conference