H10253 Times Square 43rd Street Broadway showing Times Building, New York
H10254 View showing the great crowds of people all eager to see and
applaud the heroes of the famous 369th Colored Infantry, formerly the 15th
Infantry. 133rd Street and Lenox Ave, New York City
H10255 Some of the officials on the reviewing stand at 135th Street Lenox
Ave. watching the heroes of the 369th Colored Infantry pass by. New York
H10256 Part of the 369th Colored Infantry formerly the 15th Infantry
passing the grand stand at 135th Street Lenox Avenue. The first complete
regiment from the front to parade in New York.
H10259 People viewing the parade from windows and from roofs. 369th
Colored Infantry marching up Lenox Avenue, a few days after arriving from
France, New York City
H10260 Friday night motion picture audience at the Washington Square Methodist Episcopal
Church, 133 West 4th Street, Rev. Wooliner Pastor. New York City
H10265 Rear wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 82nd Street and 5th
Avenue, New York City
H10266 People viewing the parade from windows and from roofs. 369th
Colored Infantry marching up Lenox Avenue a few days after arriving from
France, New York City
H10267 People passing the Haven Colored Methodist Episcopal Church on their way home from
other churches in the neighborhood. 23rd and Oxford Street, PA
H10268 Close up of some colored children in Haven Colored Methodist Episcopal Church
neighborhood 23rd and Oxford Street. Philadelphia, PA
H10269 A few young members of the Haven Colored Church 23rd and Oxford
Streets. Philadelphia, PA
H10270 Some of the colored folks going to Haven Methodist Episcopal Colored Church. 23rd
and Oxford Streets. Philadelphia, PA
H10342 A group of Italian children in Syracuse with a young Epworthian who
works for the Associated Charities and is a volunteer from the Centenary
Stewardship of Life. Syracuse, New York
H10346 A poor man hunting in ash barrels and garbage cans for what he may
find. Syracuse, New York
H10347 The study room in the Syracuse Public Library. Syracuse, New York