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Browse Items (44099 total)


H12005 Firing the six inch mortars, New York City.

H12006 Same caption as H12005

H12008 Same caption as H12007.

H12007 Firing the three inch mortars, New York City.

H12009 One of the six inch mortars in action, New York City.


H12000 16 inch gun mounted on a special flat car, New York City.

H12001 Largest gun mounted on special railway car. Trench Warfare
Exhibition, New York City.

H12002 Firing the 3 inch mortars. Trench Welfare Exhibition - Van
Cortlandt Park, New York City.

H12003 Loading the six inch mortars with bombs. Trench Warfare Exhibition
ay Van Cortlandt Park, New York City.


H11995 Mr. Kavanaugh (Government man in charge), New York City.

H11996 One of the heavy guns on a tractor, New York City.

H11997 Heavy gun on a heavy tractor carriage, New York City.

H11998 Large cannon mounted on a special built railway car, New York City.

H11999 One of the large guns mounted on a tractor, New York City.


H11989 Grand Stand Athletic Field. Annapolis, Maryland.

H11990 Academic Hall. Annapolis, Maryland.

H11991 Annapolis and Eastport from Dome of Capital. Annapolis, Maryland.

H11992 Annapolis and Naval Academy from Dome of capital. Annapolis,

H11993 Naval Academy seen from Eastport. Annapolis, Maryland.


H11983 Beer, Wine and Whiskey wagon. Chicago, Illinois.

H11984 Man shot dead in front of this saloon near Lincoln St. Church.
Chicago, Illinois.

H11985 Chicken house and yard. Chicago, Illinois.

H11986 Raising chickens in the heart of the great city. Chicago, Illinois.

H11987 The man who runs this saloon was robbed of ten thousand dollars
which he had on hand to cash the checks of the men employed near the
Lincoln St. Church. Chicago, Illinois.


H11980 Geometry Class. Gary, Indiana.

H11981 Primary class, Gary Schools. Gary, Indiana.

H11982 Austrians Roasting Pig. Gary, Indiana.


H11976 Frobel School. Gary, Indiana.

H11977 War Gardens. Gary, Indiana.

H11978 Industrial Training class. Gary, Indiana.

H11979 Class in Mechanical Drawing. Gary, Indiana.


H11963 Man speaking during Victory Loan Campaign.

H11964 Some of the captured German Guns, New York City.

H11965 General Pershings Band playing on the steps of the "Old Treasury"
Building, New York City.

H11966 Curb Brokers at the Stock Exchange, New York City.

H11967 Charcoal stove used by tin-smiths, New York City.


H11958 Pasting up bill board posters 21st St. and Broadway, New York City.

H11959 Same caption as H11958.

H11961 Man speaking at Liberty Bank during Victory Loan Campaign, New York

H11960 Victory Loan speaker addressing crowd in front of the Liberty Bank
in Madison Square Park, 23rd Street Madison Avenue.

H11962 Victory Loan Speaker addressing a crowd, New York City.


H11954 Soldiers passing under Arch of Victory, New York City.

H11955 Two girl artists camouflaging the U.S.S. Recruit at Union Square

H11956 Same caption as H11955.

H11957 Same caption as H11955.


H11949 Water front - showing Grants Tomb, New York City.

H11950 Some of the 7th and 8th Divisions from Ohio and Pennsylvania
marching up 5th Avenue, New York City.

H11951 Part of the 7th and 8th Divisions from Ohio and Pennsylvania, New
York City.

H11952 Same caption as H11951.

H11953 Same caption as H11951.


H11944 Line of Battleships along the Hudson.

H11945 One of the small steam driven boats used for transporting people
ashore. Taken while fleet was on Hudson River.

H11946 Torpedo Boat Destroyer sailing up the Hudson River.

H11947 View showing the guns and turrets on battleship.

H11948 Battleship on Hudson River showing American Flag.


H11939 Submarine Chaser 418 with Fleet on Hudson River.

H11940 Battleship with two Torpedo Boat Destroyers lying alongside, Hudson

H11942 Battleship - one of the fleet on the Hudson River.

H11941 Battleship New York. One of the fleet on the Hudson River.

H11943 Battleship Oklahoma on the Hudson showing Grants Tomb in
background, New York City.


H11934 The Jewish Synagogue. Chicago, Illinois.

H11937 Hospital Ship "Solace" with fleet on Hudson River, New York City.

H11937 Transport bringing home part of the famous fighting 69th Regiment
on Hudson River, New York City.

H11936 Same caption as H11935.

H11938 Transport with some of the old 69th on board, New York City.


H11930 University Hospital. Chicago, Illinois.

H11931 Presbyterian Training School for Nurses. Chicago, Illinois.

H11932 Y.W.C.A. Boarding Home. Chicago, Illinois.

H11933 Ashland Boulevard Scene. Chicago, Illinois.


H11926 University of Illinois College of Pharmacy. Chicago, Illinois.

H11927 University of Illinois. Chicago, Illinois.

H11928 Illinois Training School. Chicago, Illinois.

H11929 National School of Chiropractic. Chicago, Illinois.


H11922 Frances Willard Hospital. Chicago, Illinois.

H11923 Mary Thompson Hospital. Chicago, Illinois.

H11924 Lindlahr Sanitarium. Chicago, Illinois.

H11925 University of Illinois College of Medicine. Chicago, Illinois.


H11918 Rush Medical College. Chicago, Illinois.

H11919 West Side Hospital. Chicago, Illinois.

H11920 Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery. Chicago, Illinois.

H11921 Chicago School of Dental Surgery. Chicago, Illinois.


H11914 Park Hill Station. New York City.

H11915 Large Wharf Warehousr. New Orleans, La.

H11916 Elder Dempster and Co.'s Wharf showing great bales of cotton. New
Ioleans, La.

H11917 Boat load of cotton. New Orleans, La.


H11907 Street scene in Atlanta, Georgia.


H11896 A department store. Laredo, Texas.

H11897 The Mexican style of hut has crossed the border as a permanent
institution. Laredo, Texas.

H11899 A New Orleans shack. New Orleans, La.


H11891 Federal Building. Laredo, Texas.

H11892 Same caption as H11891.

H11893 National Bank. Laredo, Texas.

H11894 A shop with a German name. Laredo, Texas.

H11895 Entrance to a Department Store. Laredo, Texas.


H11887 Baptist Church. Laredo, Texas.

H11888 Presbyterian Church. Laredo, Texas.

H11889 Episcopal Church. Laredo, Texas.

H11890 Catholic Church. Laredo, Texas.


H11882 West Texas Military Academy (An Episcopal Institution). Exercises.

H11883 The beginning of civilization. Laredo, Texas.

H11884 Mexican section. Laredo, Texas.


H11880 West Texas Military Academy (An Episcopal Institution). Exercises.

H11881 Same caption as H11880.


H11878 West Texas Military Academy (An Episcopal Institution). Exercises.

H11879 Same caption as H11878.


H11876 West Texas Military Academy Staff. (An Episcopal Institution).

H11877 Same caption as H11876.


H11874 West Texas Military Academy Staff Members (An Episcopal
Institution), Texas.

H11875 same caption as H11874.


H11870 Naturalized Mexicans are policemen in Mexico sections. San
Antonio, Texas.

H11871 Ice cream booth. San Antonio, Texas.

H11872 American Mexican. San Antonio, Texas.

H11873 West Texas Military Academy Building. San Antonio, Texas.


H11867 Street characters. San Antonio, Texas.

H11868 Waiting for daddy who is a conductor to give him his lunch. San
Antonio, Texas.

H11869 Movie house, the display pictures on sides were photo enlargements
about 8ft. high. San Antonio, Texas.


H11863 Chop Suey owned by a Mexican with Chinese cooks. San Antonio,

H11864 Hailing a passer by San Antonio, Texas.

H11865 They carry the style of wearing a zarape around the throat into
Texas. San Antonio, Texas.

H11866 Street characters. San Antonio, Texas.


H11860 Newsboy all bundled up and legs and feet bare on rainny day. San
Antonio, Texas.

H11861 Newsboy counting up the days receipts. San Antonio, Texas.

H11862 Newsboy. San Antonio, Texas.


H11856 The nearest thing we see to a prairie schooner today. San Antonio,

H11857 Same caption as H11856.

H11858 Mexican section. Industrious Gentlemen. San Antonio, Texas.

H11859 Same caption as H11858.


H11852 Characters at entrance to Public Market. San Antonio, Texas.

H11853 At the Hay Plaza getting load weighed. San Antonio, Texas.

H11854 Characters at entrance to Plaza Market. San Antonio, Texas.

H11855 Whittling just like a yank farmer. San Antinio, Texas.


H11848 Santa Rosa Hospital. A Catholic Institution, San Antonio, Texas.

H11849 Same caption as H11848.

H11850 Entrance to General market. San Antonio, Texas.

H11851 Hay market. San Antonio, Texas.


H11844 Mail Carrier. San Antonio, Texas.

H11845 The Alamo put to modern use by War Camp Community Service. San
Antonio, Texas.

H11846 Taking care of the soldier, San Antonio, Texas.

H11847 37 Field Artillery Base Ball Team. San Antonio, Texas.


H11840 Gary Neighborhood House a Presbyterian Venture in Gary, Indiana.

H11841 Post Office. San Antonio, Texas.

H11842 Post Office Federal Building. San Antonio, Texas.

H11843 In the rain in front of the Post Office. San Antonio, Texas.


H11836 Men leaving largest steel plant in the world. Gary, Indiana.

H11837 Administration Building Illinois Steel Co. Gary, Indiana.

H11838 One of the Christian Day Schools. Gary, Indiana.

H11839 Christian Day School. Gary, Indiana.


H11832 Public Library. Gary, Indiana.

H11833 Post Office. Gary, Indiana.

H11834 Better class residence street. Gary, Indiana.

H11835 Shack for sale. Gary, Indiana.


H11828 Chicago Post Office. Ill.

H11829 Municipal Pier. Chicago, Illinois.

H11830 Boys waiting to enter public swimming tank. Humbolt Park, Chicago,

H11831 Small Public playground in Italian District. Chicago. Ill.


H11818 Lounge Room N.Y. Yacht Club. New York City.

H11819 Employees leaving factory of International Harvester Co. Chicago,

H11820 Better Butter class at University of Wisconsin.

H11821 Trinity Church. New York City.

H11827 Looking North along Dearborn Street. Chicago, Ill.


H11816 Old Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church which is to be abandoned. Cleveland, Ohio.


H11814 Cooking class of girls at Old Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland,

H11815 Manuel Training Class of boys at Old Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church.
Cleveland, Ohio.


H11812 Rev. John Bloom conducting a noonday shop meeting in the Carnegie
St. works. Pittsburg, Pa.

H11813 Bohemians of the first and third generations at Broadway Methodist Episcopal
Church. Cleveland, Ohio.


H11793 A pool room and gambling den half a block from St. Daniel's Methodist Episcopal
Church. Chester, Pa.

H11794 Same caption as H11793.


H11789 Returning soldier boys waiting for the ferry to pull out. New York.

H11790 Doughboys loafing in the ferry while it is loading up with supplies
and tonnage. New York.

H11791 The ferry that runs between 34th and Long Island City. New York.

H11792 One three and one five masted schooner used in the transporting of
food and munitions for the U.S. Army in France. New York Harbor. N.Y.


H11785 Housing conditions near the north branch of Chicago River, showing
the second row of four houses jammed up against the first. Chicago, Ill.

H11786 The passageway beside the four houses described in H11784-5. Among
the rest of the rubbish at the right, a pig is kept in the wired enclosure.
Chicago, Ill.

H11787 Noonday crowd of Jews, seen between 14th and 23rd St. and 5th Ave.
New York City.

H11788 Part of N.Y. skyline from the Long Island City Ferry, N.Y.


H11781 Fine Italian type of boy and girl. Chicago, Ill.

H11782 The seeds of envy and jealousy - Little boy at right telling about
his new mechanical top. Chicago, Ill.

H11783 Boy Scout Troop at St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.

H11784 Housing conditions near the north branch of Chicago River.
Chicago, Ill.


H11777 Fine Italian Boy type. Chicago, Ill.

H11778 Selling a second hand made over hat to a poor woman at Centenary
Church. Chicago, Ill.

H11779 An Italian child of the slums. Chicago, Ill.

H11780 Italian children. Chicago, Ill.


H11773 Master Frank Smith - The son of the Pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal
Church. Chicago, Ill.

H11774 Same caption as H11773.

H11776 Gathering firewood at a dumping ground. Chicago, Ill.


H11769 Poor children living near North Paulina St. near Chicago River.
Chicago, Ill.

H11770 Master Frank Smith - The son of the Pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal
Church. Chicago, Ill.

H11771 Same caption as H11770.

H11772 Same caption as H11770.


H11765 Picking over one of the city dumps. Chicago, Illinois.

H11766 Same caption as H11765.

H11767 Poor children living near North Paulina St. near Chicago River.
Chicago, Ill.

H11768 Same caption as H11767.


H11760 Morningside Heights Reading the inscription on the monument to Carl
Schurz. New York City.

H11761 Riverside Drive - Pinwheeels and Baloons. New York City.

H11762 A mock wedding in Grant Park. New York City.

H11763 Garibaldi Memorial Rosebank, Staten Island, New York.


H11756 A friendly game of "craps" or African Golf. New York City.

H11757 "Spooning" in one of the parks. New York City.

H11758 Greeks pitching quoits in Van Cortlandt Park. New York City.

H11759 A mock wedding in Grant Park. New York City.


H11752 Baseball game. Field between Columbia and Princeton. New York

H11753 116th St. East of the West Side Elevated. New York City.

H11754 Boys at play in the street. New York City.

H11755 Same caption as H11754.


H11748 The Kindergarten. Chicago, Illinois.

H11749 Hammock weaving. Chicago, Ill.

H11750 Basketry. Chicago, Ill.

H11751 Mission Study Class. Chicago, Ill.


H11743 Noon Shop Meeting conducted by Industrial Branch Y.M.C.A. at U.S.
Sugar Refing Co. L.I. City. N.Y.

H11745 Soldier giving a ten dollar bill to Mr. M.L. Robinson. New York

H11746 Soldier giving a ten dollar bill to Mr. M.L. Robinson. New York

H11747 Day nursery. Chicago, Illinois.


H11740 Church of All Nations. New York.

H11742 Noon Shop Meeting conducted by Industrial Branch Y.M.C.A. at U.S.
Sugar Refining Co. L.I. City. New York.


H11738 Proposed Mexican Institutional Church. Long Beach, Cal.

H11739 Set of things secured at Hadley Rescue Mission. New York City.


H11727 Rowing. Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware, Ohio.

H11728 Ohio Wesleyan Boy on Stump. Delaware, Ohio.

H11729 Ohio Wesleyan - Student Activities. Delaware, Ohio.

H11730 Ohio Wesleyan - Four jolly boys. Delaware, Ohio.

H11731 Ohio Wesleyan Pajama girl. Delaware, Ohio.


H11722 Monnett Day Operetta Monnett Hall. Ohio Wesleyan University.
Delaware, Ohio.

H11723 Girls on a hike. Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware, Ohio.

H11724 Girls in the woods Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware, Ohio.

H11725 Canoeing. Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio.

H11726 The Old Maids Party. Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware, Ohio.


H11718 Monnett Day. Greek Dance - Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware,

H11719 Monnett Day. Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware, Ohio.

H11720 A duck in the Sulphur Spring - Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware,

H11721 Monnett Day. Operetta Monnett Hall. Ohio Wesleyan University.
Delaware, Ohio.


H11710 Repairing his Jitney. Madison, Wisconsin.

H11714 "Ruth." Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware, Ohio.

H11715 Freshman - Sophomore Tug-of-War across the Olentangy River.
Delaware, Ohio.

H11716 Girl - Ohio Wesleyan University. Delaware, Ohio.

H11717 "Feet up." Wesleyan University. Delaware, Ohio.


H11707 I.W.W. Free Reading Room Madison Street near Morgan. Chicago,

H11708 First Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Illinois.


H11705 South Chicago Steel Works at night. Chicago, Illinois.

H11706 I.W.W. Headquarters corner Madison and Morgan Streets. Chicago,


H11700 Arrest of boy striker. Philadelphia, Pa.

H11703 The Curb Stock market. New York City.

H11702 Typical New York Cafe.

H11704 A riot during a New Jersey strike. New Jersey.


H11698 Boulevards along Lake Michigan front at Lincoln Park. North

H11699 Part of Jackson Park and one of the two remaining buildings of the
Worlds Fair.


H11696 Students of Northwestern University.

H11697 Same caption as H11696.


H11694 Congregation of 1st Methodist Episcopal Church. Evanston, Illinois.

H11695 Same caption as H11694.


H11692 Student nurse practicing piano at St. Paul's, Illinois.

H11693 St. Paul's Sewing School, Illinois.


H11690 Milk Station. Midland, PA.

H11691 Rush Medical College Student, Illinois.


H11689 Town and steel works. Midland, PA.

H11689a Same caption as H11689.


H11685 Panorama of Chicago River banks near South Paulina Street.


H11687 Montgomery Ward and Co. Building. Chicago, Illinois.


H11683 Lake front skyscrapers along Michigan Boulevard, Chicago.

H11684 New Field Museum and construction of new park on Lake front
opposite 12th Street. Chicago, Illinois.


H11681 Conditions near St. Paulina Street and Chicago River. Chicago,

H11682 Halsted St. Cafeteria during noonday meal. Chicago, Illinois.


H11679 Chicago Heights Methodist Episcopal Church Exterior. Chicago, Illinois.

H11680 Conditions near North Paulina St. and Chicago River. Chicago,


H11677 Chicago river banks. Chicago, Illinois.

H11678 Part of the great car shops at Calumet Heights, Chicago.


H11675 Wabash Ave. Methodist Episcopal Chicago, Illinois.

H11676 St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church.


H11669 Chapel of Centary Methodist Episcopal since remodeling into chapel and receiving
department for furniture. Chicago, Illinois.

H11670 Rufus Davies Hotel - in use for soldiers since June 1918. Chicago,


H11667 Wabash Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, IL

H11668 Western Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Illinois.


H11665 The 27th Division Parade. Looking up Fifth Ave. towards Madison
Square, New York City.

H11666 Same caption as H11665.


H11660 When the Armies stopped fighting, the Wesley University. Delaware,

H11661 Ohio Wesley University Study hours. Delaware, Ohio.

H11662 Scene near Delaware, Ohio.

H11663 Students at the Ohio Wesley University. Delaware, Ohio.

H11664 Ohio Wesley University Band. Delaware, Ohio.


H11654 Ohio Wesley University. The first day we were soldiers. Delaware,

H11655 More fun than a picnic-- an evening by the river. Hot dogs for
refreshments. Delaware, Ohio.

H11656 Another lunch for the army. Delaware, Ohio.

H11657 Out for a good time. Delaware, Ohio.

H11658 We took our breakfast out on the rocks of Olentangy. Delaware,

H11659 When the army gave us clothes. Delaware, Ohio.


H11648 After the class rush. Delaware, Ohio.

H11649 Ohio Wesley University. Freshman vs. Sophomore swimming contest.
Delaware, Ohio.

H11650 Olentangy River at Delaware, Ohio.

H11651 Ohio Wesley University. The army moves on its stomach. Military
Hike. Delaware, Ohio.

H11652 When the Armistice was signed. Delaware, Ohio.

H11653 Prepairing breakfast on a Military Hike. Delaware, Ohio.


H11642 Oberlin Wins Big Six. Columbus, Ohio

H11643 In student army training corps. Delaware, Ohio.

H11644 Winner and loser. Delaware, Ohio.

H11645 Ohio Wesley College. Student Army Training Corps. Delaware, Ohio.

H11646 Ohio Wesley University. "I don't want to get well." Delaware,

H11647 Ohio Wesley University. In front of the fire place, one of [the]
fraternities. Delaware, Ohio.


H11637 Bridge built by students of engineers who preceded the rest of the
army on the march, Ohio Wesley University. Delaware, Ohio.

H11638 Ohio Wesley University. A sudden stop. Greenwood Lake. Delaware,

H11639 Slipped on rounding a curve. Delaware, Ohio.

H11640 Napers represents Ohio Wesley University at Big Six. Delaware,

H11641 On a Saturday p.m. hike. Delaware, Ohio.


H11624 The Junior Choir of the Jefferson Park Methodist Episcopal Church, New York City.


H11622 Kindergarten Class, New York City. Jefferson Park Methodist Episcopal Church.

H11623 Communion Class, New York City.


H11620 Ellis Island Group, New York City.

H11621 Crowd in front of the Olympic Burlesque Theatre 14th St. near 3rd
Ave., New York City.


H11594 Fairmont Ave. Church. Minnesota, St. Paul


H11558 Motion picture house, New York City.

H11559 One of the motion picture houses, where one sometimes sees immoral

H11560 City Hall, New York City.


H11555 View of the Hell Gate Brewery. George Ehrets. 93rd St. between 2nd
and 3rd Aves., New York City.

H11556 George Ehrets Brewery Truck showing the name plate and danger sign
on back, New York City.

H11557 Crowds going to the Brooklyn Bridge at closing time Saturday
afternoon, New York City.


H11553 Hadley Rescue Mission, New York City.

H11554 General view of the Hell Gate Brewery. George Ehrets. 93rd St.
between 2nd and 3rd Aves, New York City.


H11549 The Seal of the City of Pittsburg, PA.

H11550 Hadley Rescue Mission. Regular evening service, New York City.

H11552 Hadley Rescue Mission. Down and outers sleeping on benches, New
York City.


H11545 Gymnasium left and Club House right at Lawrence Park. Pittsburg,

H11546 Teaching the making of artificial flowers to foreign women under
the auspices of the Pittsburg Bureau of Recreation. Pittsburg, PA.

H11547 One of the children's club houses operated by the Pittsburg Bureau
of Recreation. Pittsburg, PA.

H11548 One of the playgrounds administered under the Pittsburg Bureau of
Recreation. Pittsburg, PA.


H11541 Enjoying Christmas under the auspices of the Pittsburg Bureau of
Recreation, PA.

H11542 A small local Christmas tree under the auspices of Pittsburg Bureau
of Recreation, PA.

H11543 Children of the Pittsburg Orphanage for colored, having their
Christmas celebration, PA.

H11544 National Tube Park. A playground equipped by the owners of the
National Tube Works for the children.


H11537 Pittsburg in 1817, PA.

H11538 In the wading pool at Lawrence Park. Pittsburg, PA.

H11539 Enjoying Christmas under the auspices of the Pittsburg Bureau of
Recreation, PA.

H11540 Same as caption as H11539


H11498 Pierson Hall, Menaul.

H11499 A group of Normal and Collegiate Institute Asheville, No. Carolina.

H11501 May-Day at the Normal and Collegiate Institute. Asheville, N.


H11494 William Penn Hotel. Pittsburg, PA.

H11495 Old brick dormitory and Pierson Hall (old brick in Foreground),

H11496 Old brick dormitary, Menaul.


H11469 A partial view of Marshall Field's great store. Chicago, Illinois.

H11470 An excursion steamer leaving her dock in the Chicago River for a
run up Lake Michigan.

H11471 The Coliseum. The home of conventions athletic meets, etc.
Chicago, Illinois.

H11472 The Chicago Wheat Pit. in the Board of Trade Building. Chicago,


H11465 Skyscrapers along Michgan Ave. from aeroplane. The loop dist of

H11466 A glympse of the elevated service of Chicago which is very
efficient. Chicago, Illinois.

H11467 Poor mother and baby. Chicago, Illinois.

H11468 New City Hall. Chicago, Illinois.


H11461 Fort Dearborn, 1803. Chicago, Illinois.

H11462 Same caption as H11461.

H11463 Four of Chicago's boy bandits.

H11464 The Northwestern Station. Chicago, Illinois.


H11457 Laymen's Association. Washington Conf. Staunton, Virginia.

H11458 State House. Columbia, So. Carolina.

H11459 Columbia's Own, So. Carolina.


H11453 Presbyterian manse birth place of Pres. Woodrow Wolson, Staunton,

H11456 Graves of mother and father of Pres. Woodrow Wilson. Columbia, So.


H11445 Crowds awaiting soldiers March 31st. Columbia, So. Carolina.

H11447 Prepared to meet her returned soldiers. Columbia, Carolina.


H11440 Bread making.

H11441 Emptying flour into sifter.

H11444 Soldiers parade March 31st. Columbia, So. Carolina.


H11404 Building freight cars, New York City

H11405 34th Street and 6th Ave. showing Herald Bldg. Modern Coal Mine,
New York City

H11423 Every girl who handles bacon has her fingers and hands carefully
gone over by an expert manicurist

H11427 One of the New York cleaners. Street known as a "White Wing"


H11400 A bit of China in the heart of New York City

H11401 Victory Arch at 24th St. and 5th Ave. showing crowds, New York City

H11402 Bread wrapping machine, New York City

H11403 Factory, New York City


H11396 Pittsburg playground, Flower Day. Pittsburg, PA

H11397 Scene in Schenley Park. Pittsburg, PA

H11398 Homeopathic Hospital. Pittsburg, PA

H11399 Old Blockhouse at Pittsburg, PA


H11388 Grand Reformed Church, New York City

H11394 Climbing the ladder. Pittsburg, PA

H11395 Pittsburg in 1817, PA


H11386 National City Bank Building 55 Wall Street, New York City

H11387 View down Wall St. showing the National City Bank Building, New
York City.


H11384 One of the beautiful residences on Fifth Ave, New York City

H11385 The Grand Stand along Fifth Ave. The longest grand stand ever
built. Runs from 60th St. up to 110th St. New York City


H11382 View up Fifth Ave. showing some of the beautiful residences, New
York City.

H11383 Some of the fine residences on Fifth Ave, near 72nd St., New York


H11380 "Allies United for Liberty." Plaster cast group over United Cigar
Store Window, New York City

H11381 The Brokaw residence 5th Ave. and 79th Street, New York City


H11359 Essington Community Church. Philadelphia, PA

H11361 No. 6 East bound main line passenger train on O.S.L.R. San
Francisco, CA

H11360 Lee Memorial Cemetery. Salem, Oregon

H11364 Immigrants looking at Statue of Liberty from Battery, New York City.


H11357 Health Station, New York City

H11358 Same caption as H11357.


H11355 Residences used for business purposes. 125th St. near Lenox Ave,
New York City

H11356 Same caption as H11355.


H11353 Penn R.R. Station. 32nd St. and 7th Ave., New York City

H11354 Penn. Hotel. 33rd St. and 7th Ave., New York City


H11351 Italians in front of the Bank, New York City

H11352 Three Italian boys in neighborhood of the Five Points Methodist Episcopal Mission,
New York City


H11349 Victory Arch almost completed, New York City

H11350 Boy of Italian parentage making mud pies, New York City


H11343 First Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore, Maryland


H11334 Students and teachers McCrum School on a 1918 Picnic. Uniontown, PA

H11335 Teachers and students McCrum School. Uniontown, PA

H11336 Saturday at McCrum School. A practical lesson in housework.
Uniontown, PA


H11328 Polish sewing school of Miss Rosinsky A. McCrum. Graduate, in
Milwaukee, WI

H11329 Some of the girls of the McCrum School. Uniontown, PA

H11330 McCrum Girls. Uniontown, PA


H11325 Little girl raking leaves to help daddy

H11326 Italian children at play on the street

H11327 South Station. Boston, MA


H11321 "Thrift" bringing home a load of brush for kindling

H11322 The man who tends the street lights

H11323 Peddling milk from a cart

H11324 The milk peddler


H11318 The gardener raking the lawn

H11319 An oil tank wagon

H11320 The cop on duty at his favorite post


H11314 The way railroad accidents happen, New York City

H11317 Marbles


H11279 Italian Day Nursery, conducted by the W.H.M.S. New Orleans, LA


H11235 Jackies coming to New Orleans for shore leave. New Orleans, LA

H11236 Part of an Italian family. New Orleans, LA

H11237 One of the Italians of Algiers. New Orleans, LA

H11238 Dr. Fuller, Supt. of Flint Goodridge Hospital. New Orleans, LA


H11231 A tug moving a cooling crane up the Mississippi River. New
Orleans, LA

H11232 One of the great Mississippi River excursion steamers lighted up,
about ready to start on a night trip up river. New Orleans, LA

H11233 Ferry boat across the Mississippi River. New Orleans, LA

H11234 Same caption as H11233.


H11227 Hunting sea-shells in the sand of the old sea bed south of the
city. New Orleans, LA

H11229 Shoe-blacks watching a street tin-type picture taker beginning to
appeal for trade. New Orleans, LA


H11223 Jitneys waiting at the shipyard gate to take the workmen into the
city or the car lines. New Orleans, LA

H11224 Traveling derrick at the shipyard. New Orleans, LA

H11225 Same caption as H11224.

H11226 Children playing in the sand. New Orleans, LA


H11220 Shipyard employees starting home at quitting time. New Orleans, LA

H11221 Same caption as H11220

H11222 Pile drivers. New Orleans, LA


H11211 Italian Methodist Episcopal Church. New Orleans, LA

H11212 Coming home from market. New Orleans, LA

H11213 A couple talking to the tin-type camera man, who wants to take
their pictures. New Orleans, LA


H11208 A view of the town square, Marshall


H11058 Two little Italian boys, New York City


H11056 Group of men, mostly Italians, New York City

H11057 Group of Italians, New York City


H11054 Crowd of Italians, New York City

H11055 Boy of Italian Parentage, New York City


H11052 Little boy in neighborhood of Five Points Mission, 129 Worth St.
This section is mostly Italian, New York City

H11053 Group of Italians, New York City


H11050 Group of Italian boys, New York City

H11051 Group of Italian children, New York City


H11048 View up Fifth Ave., New York City

H11049 Italian woman carrying some boxes on her head, New York City


H11046 The Crystal Arch at 60th Street and 5th Avenue, New York City


H11044 A subway construction house camouflaged. 59th Street and 5th Avenue,
New York City

H11045 Top of the Arch showing the four baloons, New York City


H11042 Troops about to pass under the Arch of Victory, New York City

H11043 Some of the boys halted at the Arch of Victory, New York City


H11040 Major General O'Ryan passing under the Arch of Victory, New York

H11041 Some of the boys of the famous 27th Division, New York City


H11038 The 27th Division Welcome Home Parade up 5th Avenue at Madison

H11039 The 27th Division Welcome Home Parade up 5th Avenue at Madison
Square in column of squads, New York City


H11036 27th Division Welcome Home, New York City

H11037 Picture showing the great crowd of people watching the parade.
27th Division, New York


H11034 View of the top of the Arch of Victory showing the inscription, New
York City

H11035 The Crystal Arch at 60th Street and 5th Ave., New York City


H11032 Aeroplane following the course of march of the 27th Division Wecome
Home Parade up 5th Ave., New York City

H11033 View of the Arch of Victory the day before the Parade - not yet
completed, New York City


H11030 Arch of Victory taken from 22nd St. and Fifth Ave., March 24, New
York City

H11031 Altar of Liberty with a great mass of people around it, New York


H11028 Eleventh Street Methodist Episcopal Church, 11th Street and Washington Avenue.
Philadelphia, PA


H11026 Bible Class composed of the older boys of the Syrian Sunday School
Class. Philadelphia, PA

H11027 Syrian Sunday School Class at the 11th Street Methodist Episcopal Church. 11th
Street and Washington Ave. Philadelphia, PA


H11024 Interior of 11th Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Philadelphia, PA

H11025 Group of Bible Class boys. Philadelphia, PA


H11022 Italian Sunday School at Scott Methodist Episcopal Church - 8th and Tasker
Streets. Philadelphia, PA

H11023 Types of Italian girls in the Italian Sunday School. Philadelphia,


H11020 Bethany Methodist Episcopal Church, 11th and Mifflin Streets. Philadelphia, PA

H11021 The Russian Congregation at the 5th Street Methodist Temple.
Philadelphia, PA


H10983 Wanamaker Store, Philadelphia


H10974 Parade of the 131st Reg, home from France. Cleveland, Ohio

H10975 Crowd watching parade of 131st Reg. just back from France.
Cleveland, Ohio

H10976 Negro mammy waiting for the parade of the boys of the 131st
regiment home from France


H10875 A typical Pennsylvania Winter Road. Brookville, PA


H10841 Girl worker in dipping department. Terra Haute, Indiana


H10830 Repairing the streets of Terra Haute, Indiana

H10831 Street repairs with a steam shovel. Terra Haute, Indiana


H10784 Fire in the home of Marshall's wealthiest man. Marsahll, Texas

H10785 Same caption as H10784

H10786 Same caption as H10784


H10780 Fire in the home of Marshall's wealthiest man. Marsahll, Texas

H10781 Same caption as H10780

H10782 Same caption as H10780

H10783 Same caption as H10780


H10754 Crap game, Camp Hancock. Augusta, GA

H10755 The Picket Line, Camp Hancock. Augusta, GA

H10756 The Georgia mule and his attendant. Augusta, GA

H10757 Part of Camp Hancock. Augusta, GA

H10758 Signal Corps Insignia Formation, Camp Hancock. Augusta, GA


H10740 Group of workmen Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company.
Philadelphia, PA

H10741 Workmen's houses. Neighborhood of Westinghouse Electric and
Manufacturing Company. Philadelphia, PA

H10744 Oregon State Capital Building. Salem, Oregon

H10752 Textile Factory. Philadelphia, PA

H10753 Textile Worker. Philadelphia, PA


H10726 "Sunshine Hollow" or "Tin Can Hollow" where the Hill Billies live.
Joplin, MO

H10728 As seen in the Italian Quarters. Springfield, IL

H10729 The only boy in Tin Can Hollow. Joplin, MO

H10738 Cafeteria - Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company.
Philadelphia, PA

H10739 Workman at Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company.
Philadelphia, PA


H10711 Kids at play in the sand near the shores of Lake Michigan. Gary,

H10723 As seen in the Italian section. Italian boy at play in the poor
foreign section. Springfield, IL

H10722 The three replicas of the Columbus Carvarels in the Lagoon.
Chicago, IL

H10724 All aboard for R.O.T.C. Camp, 1918. Peoria, IL


H10701 Group of students of Gammon Theological Seminary on the steps of
the Library. South Atlanta, GA

H10702 Group of Students cottages. South Atlanta, GA

H10705 Italian Baseball Team - Judson Memorial Baptist Church, New York


H10693 Study Hall - Clark University. Atlanta, GA

H10694 Library Building - Gammon Theological Seminary. South Atlanta, GA

H10696 Interior of Gammon Refectory. South Atlanta, GA

H10697 President P.M. Watter's Residence


H10684 Women worker Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Co. Philadelphia,

H10685 Workmen's Homes. Philadelphia, PA

H10686 The Baldwin Locomotive Works. Philadelphia, PA


H10681 View in one of the bays in machine shop. Wilmerding, PA

H10683 State and 47th Street. Chicago S.S. taken in 1888 where the
Auditorium annex now stands. Chicago, Illinois


H10677 Riveting Reservoir. Wilmerding, PA

H10678 View in the Forge Department. Wilmerding, PA

H10679 Assembling and testing Brake Cylinder. Wilmerding, PA

H10680 General view in Reservoir Department. Wilmerding, PA


H10674 General view of works. Wilmerding, PA

H10675 Main Aisle in machine shop. Wilmerding, PA

H10676 View in Compressor Testing Room. Wilmerding, PA


H10672 Sunday congregation at St. Marks Methodist Episcopal Colored Church. 53rd Street,
7th and 8th Avenue, New York City


H10671 Sunday School at Salem Methodist Episcopal Church (colored). 102 West 133rd
Street, New York City


H10670 Methodist Episcopal Church of Our Savior. 111th Street and Lexington Ave., New
York City


H10667 Samuel Huston College. Austin, Texas

H10668 Samuel Huston College. Austin, Texas

H10669 Grand Stand of Ohio State Grounds. Columbus, Ohio


H10663 Samuel Huston College. The hike during the "Flu" epidemic.
Austin, Texas

H10664 Samuel Huston College. Some of the Professors. Austin, Texas

H10665 Samuel Huston College. The cooks for the picnic. Austin, Texas

H10666 Samuel Huston College. One of the boys crossing campus. Austin,


H10656 The Quistconck's Bow to the Public. Hog Island, PA

H10657 Classmates of S.H.C. Austin, Texas

H10661 Protestant Hospital viewed from Goodade Park. Columbus, Ohio

H10662 Baby Camp. Columbus, Ohio


H10654 Quistconck Launching - Sliding into Delaware. Hog Island, PA

H10653 Crowd on Main wharf to witness launching. Hog Island, PA

H10655 Mrs. Wilson Christening the Quistconck. Hog Island, PA


H10650 Group of Chinese - Philadelphia Mission Methodist Episcopal Church, PA

H10651 Luncheon tables - East along Front Street. Hog Island, PA

H10652 En Route to the West Basin. Hog Island, PA


H10648 Hell Gate Bridge - Front View - New York City

H10649 Hell Gate Bridge - Side View - New York City


H10646 Library open to all. Boy's Club - 10th Street and Avenue A., New
York City

H10647 Old John Street Methodist Episcopal Church. 44 John Street, New York City


H10644 Interior of John's Street Methodist Episcopal Church (taken from Altar), New York

H10645 Business men's Prayer Meeting, New York City


H10642 Girls of New Orleans, University of Louisiana

H10643 Interior of John Street Methodist Episcopal Church showing altar (taken from
Balcony in rear), New York City


H10640 Art Class. Boy's Club - 10 Street and Avenue A., New York City

H10641 Crowd of boys after a swim. Boy's Club, 10th Street and Avenue A.,
New York City


H10638 Gymnasium boys exercising, Boys Club. 10th Street and Avenue A., New
York City

H10549 Deaconess in Railroad station. Iowa, Des Moines

H10639 Same caption as H10638


H10635 U.S. Transport Leviathan docking. Hoboken, NJ

H10636 The stern of the Leviathan, showing some of the men of the 27th
Division. Hoboken, New Jersey

H10637 Transport Leviathan with the 27th Division on board being towed
into dock. Hoboken, New Jersey


H10632 The World's famous Hero Major General John F. O'Ryan at left
General Vanderbilt in center, just after getting off the Transport
Leviathan. Hoboken, New Jersey

H10633 Transport Leviathan docking, ready to unload its passengers, the
heroic 27th Division. Hoboken, New Jersey

H10634 The upper decks of the Transport Leviathan. Hoboken, New Jersey


H10629 Entrance gate to the Government Transport Piers. Always guaded.
Hoboken, New Jersey

H10630 View showing some of the many life rafts on the Transport
Leviathan. Hoboken, NJ

H10631 The bow of the Transport Leviathan, formerly the Vaterland.
Hoboken, New Jersey


H10626 Entrance to the Government Transport Piers - always guarded by the
military police. Hoboken, NJ

H10627 A group of Officers on board the Leviathan in front of one of the 6
in. guns. Hoboken, New Jersey

H10628 Transport Leviathan just after arriving at the dock. 27th Division
on board. Hoboken, NJ


H10625 Base Hospital #1 Bronx, New York City


H10622 Base Hospital #1 Bronx, New York City

H10623 Same caption as H10622.

H10624 Hadley Rescue Mission, New York City


H10601 President M.W. Dogan and his Secretary in the office. Marshall,

H10602 Wiley University Domestic Science Room. Marshall, Texas

H10603 The Football Squad. 1912 Wiley College. Marshall, Texas

H10604 Football Team Wiley College. Marshall, Texas


H10598 Wiley University Main Buildings. Burned Feb 22, 1918. Marshall,

H10599 Scene at Wiley College on Washington's Birthday 1918. Marshall,

H10600 Projection for the proposed new Main College Building. Marshall,


H10594 Memorial Hall. Columbus, Ohio

H10595 Union passenger station. Columbus, Ohio

H10596 The Athletic Club. Columbus, Ohio

H10597 The Masonic Temple. Columbus, Ohio


H10591 Broad St. Methodist Episcopal Church where William McKinley worshipped when
Governor of Ohio. Columbus, Ohio

H10592 Ohio State Capitol and the McKinley Monument, Columbus

H10593 The Filter basin where the water supply for Columbus is purified,


H10587 Buildings of Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio

H10588 The Gymnasium of Ohio State University - Columbus, Ohio

H10589 Ohio State School for the blind

H10590 Deshler Hotel. Columbus, Ohio


H10583 Boating scene in Olentangy Park - Columbus, Ohio

H10584 Boat house in Olentangy Park. Columbus, Ohio

H10585 Scene in Olentangy Park. Columbus, Ohio

H10586 Swimming pool in Olentangy Park. Columbus, Ohio


H10577 Socialist speaker. Park Row, New York City


H10549 A new way to attract customers, near Atchison, Texas

H10546 Swinging "Twisting the old cat's Tail." Salina, Kansas

H10547 Coming home from Kindergarten. Salina, Kansas

H10548 "Gwan Mistah, at don' wan' mah pitcher tooken." Oklahoma City,


H10541 Typical entrance to many homes near Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church. Kansas
City, Kansas

H10542 Street scene near Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church. Kansas City, Kansas

H10543 Children of the Kansas State Orphanage out for an hour of play,

H10544 Same caption as H10543


H10537 Children at play in the Trinity Day Nursery. St. Louis, Missouri

H10538 Telling the minister how she cut her foot on a piece of glass.
Joplin, Missouri

H10539 Rigs of church - going farmers hitched a block below the Methodist Episcopal
Church. Conception, MO

H10540 Watching the girls play baseball. Kansas City, Kansas


H10533 The adopted child of Rev. and Mrs. Pastor of Trinity Industrial
Community Church. Kansas City, Kansas

H10534 Transferring steel ingots from a damaged car to a good one, en
route for a munition factory. Kansas City, Missouri

H10535 Children at play in the Trinity Day Nursery. St. Louis, Missouri

H10536 Same caption as H10535


H10529 Polish children just out of school. Pittsburg, PA

H10530 Chums. Pittsburg, PA

H10531 Concrete mixing machine repairing street beside Smithfield St. Methodist Episcopal
Church. Pittsburg, PA

H10532 Same caption as H10531.


H10525 Polish girl - who wondered what it was all about. Pittsburg, PA

H10526 New Italian Roman Catholic Church and school in the downtown
section. Pittsburg, PA

H10527 Rear view of group of dwellings. Pittsburg, PA

H10528 Three months away from Alabama. Pittsburg, PA


H10521 Interior of the kitchen of a Polish home of two rooms. Pittsburg,

H10522 Mrs. Mary McKaskey - one of the old ladies in the Frances Hamilton
Home for the aged who, at the age of 78, is an exceptional pianist and
singer and who leads all the singing in the home. Near Pittsburg, PA

H10523 Mrs. Mary McKaskey

H10524 Mrs. Mary McKaskey


H10517 Members of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal League - out singing Christimas Carols.
Denver, Colorado.

H10518 Same caption as 10517.

H10519 A Jewish type - fast passing. Denver, Colorado

H10520 Interior of a Polish house of a better class than seen in H10521.
Pittsburg, PA


H10513 Mrs. Shirato, wife of Japanese Pastor. Denver, Colorado

H10514 Mrs. Shirato with the Evangelist Rev. Araucho. Denver, Colorado

H10515 Members of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal League out singing Christmas Carols.
Denver, Colorado

H10516 Members of Epworth Methodist Episcopal Denver, Colorado


H10509 Italian children out cleaning the side walks. Denver, Colorado

H10510 The Pastor of the Japanese Church and his wife and the Evangelist.
Denver, Colorado

H10511 The Pastor of the Japanese Church and his wife and the Evangelist
with some of their Japanese boys. Denver, Colorado

H10512 Italian boys and Methodists. Denver, Colorado


H10505 Slavish man coming from Epworth Relief Store. Denver, Colorado

H10506 An Italian boy. A member of Epworth Methodist Episcopal Sunday School. Denver,

H10507 The boy who wanted his "dawg's" pitcher taken. Denver, Colorado

H10508 Italian woman with her purchases from Epworth Relief store.
Denver, Colorado


H10501 An American of a large family who is a regular customer at Epworth
Relief store. Denver, Colorado

H10502 An American. Denver, Colorado

H10503 Fine Italian type. Denver, Colorado

H10504 Fine Italian type living near the new Italian Methodist Episcopal Community
Church. Denver, Colorado


H10497 In Epworth Relief store. Denver, Colorado

H10498 A real American boy. Denver, Colorado

H10499 A "Hobo" Christmas morning. Denver, Colorado

H10500 An American. Denver, Colorado


H10493 Just street Urchins Christmas Morning. Denver, Colorado

H10494 "Please mister take a pitcher of my dawg." Denver, Colorado

H10495 "Aw gwan." Denver, Colorado

H10496 An American type. Denver, Colorado


H10489 Italian boy. Denver, Colorado

H10490 Negro children. Denver, Colorado

H10491 Negro children. Denver, Colorado

H10492 Negro children. Denver, Colorado


H10485 Mexican types. Denver, Colorado

H10486 An Italian type. Denver, Colorado

H10487 The stockyards Christmas morning. Denver, Colorado

H10488 Same caption as H10487


H10481 Happy little Italian girls. Denver, Colorado

H10482 Happy little Italian girls belonging to the Methodist Church.
Denver, Colorado

H10483 Sons of cattlemen. Denver, Colorado

H10484 Same caption as H10483


H10453 Bohemian children at play. Cleveland, Ohio

H10454 Giving the girls a ride on the side walk - Bohemian Chivalry.
Cleveland, Ohio

H10455 Bohemian children playing "Fighting the Germans" near Broadway Methodist Episcopal
Church. Cleveland, Ohio

H10456 Saloon and free lunch counter. Cleveland, Ohio


H10449 Bohemian woman. Cleveland, Ohio

H10450 Roumanian type. Cleveland, Ohio

H10451 Miss Lancaster, Deaconess at Broadway Methodist Episcopal and some of the Bohemian
Proteges. Cleveland, Ohio

H10452 Coming from the store near Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio


H10445 Just arriving from Pittsburg. Cleveland, Ohio

H10446 Shooting craps. Cleveland, Ohio

H10447 Bohemian type of the better class

H10448 Young Bohemian. Cleveland, Ohio


H10441 Bohemian children "Fighting the Germans" in Cleveland Street near
Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio

H10442 Fine type of Bohemian girl. Cleveland, Ohio

H10443 In the Bohemian Section. Cleveland, Ohio

H10444 Fine Bohemian couple. Cleveland, Ohio


H10437 Bohemian children playing soldier. Cleveland, Ohio

H10438 Typical Bohemian Store near Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio

H10439 American Bohemian mother and her children. Cleveland, Ohio

H10440 A Bohemian grandmother. Cleveland, Ohio


H10433 Bohemian children at play. Cleveland, Ohio

H10434 Bohemian boy telling Miss Lancaster, the Broadway Methodist Episcopal Deaconess,
about his broken shoes. Cleveland, Ohio

H10435 Hauling scrap lumber to build a hen house. Bohemian boys from near
Broadway Methodist Episcopal; Cleveland, Ohio

H10436 Fine type of Bohemian American Boy. Cleveland, Ohio


H10429 Typical Bohemian girl of the poorest class. Cleveland, Ohio

H10430 Bohemian woman buying her vegetables for dinner from a peddler.
Cleveland, Ohio

H10431 Miss Lancaster, Deaconess at Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio

H10432 Worried over the difference in price between geese and rabbits.
Cleveland, Ohio


H10425 Italian girls watching for the "Birdie." Cleveland, Ohio

H10426 Bohemian women starting to call on a neighbor. Cleveland, Ohio

H10427 Hungarian woman on her way to the grocery store. Cleveland, Ohio

H10428 Typical Bohemian girl of the poorest class. Cleveland, Ohio


H10421 Bohemian grandmother. Cleveland, Ohio

H10422 Italian laborer. Cleveland, Ohio

H10423 Bohemian women bargaining on the price of cabbage. Cleveland, Ohio

H10424 Tar heater for street repairing. Cleveland, Ohio


H10417 Employees of one of Cleveland's factories during their noon rest.
Cleveland, Ohio

H10418 Young Bohemian of the second generation in America. Cleveland, Ohio

H10419 Rev. Pearce, left, pastor of Broadway Methodist Episcopal and one of his few
American members. Cleveland, Ohio

H10420 Mr. Henry L. Mach. Cleveland, Ohio


H10413 Bohemians buying their supply of food for Sunday dinner in the open
air market. Cleveland, Ohio

H10414 Bohemian woman bargaining on the price of geese for Sunday dinner

H10415 Bohemians buying their rabbits for Sunday dinner in the open air
market. Cleveland, Ohio

H10416 Coming from Sunday school at Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio


H10409 Girl employees of one of Cleveland's Industrial Plants. Cleveland,

H10410 Two of the girls of Cleveland's Industrial Plants. Cleveland, Ohio

H10411 Bohemians buying their supplies of food for Sunday dinner in the
open air market place. Cleveland, Ohio

H10412 Same caption as H10411


H10405 Polish boy living near Oehloff Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland,

H10406 A co-operative store. Cleveland, Ohio

H10407 Old country Bohemian women. Cleveland, Ohio

H10408 Girl employee of one of Cleveland's Industrial Plants, Ohio


H10401 Bohemian woman and child. Cleveland, Ohio

H10402 Oil tanks near one of the great refineries. Cleveland, Ohio

H10403 Oil tanks near one of the great refineries. Cleveland, Ohio

H10404 Miss Lancaster, the Broadway Methodist Episcopal Deaconess. Cleveland, Ohio


H10397 Sunday group of Bohemian Children coming from Sunday School at
Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio

H10398 A typical Bohemian face. Cleveland, Ohio

H10399 Miss Lancaster. Cleveland, Ohio

H10400 Bohemian woman. Cleveland, Ohio


H10395 Times Square, New York City

H10396 Battery Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church. 127 West 89th Street,
New York City


H10393 Equitable Building 120 Broadway near Wall Street, New York City

H10394 Times Square, New York City


H10391 Madison Square Presbyterian Church. Dr. Parkhurst, Pastor.
Madison Avenue 24th Street, New York City

H10392 St. James Methodist Episcopal Church. Madison Avenue, New York City


H10390 Madison Square Presbyterian Church. Dr. Parkhurst, Pastor, New
York City


H10386 Policeman and horse. New York City

H10387 U.S. Army Hospital, New York City

H10388 Montefiore Home, New York City

H10389 Victory Arch under construction. Madison Square 24th St. and 5th
Ave., New York City


H10383 U.S. Army Officers Hospital Gunhill Road and Bainbridge Ave, New
Jermone Ave., New York City

H10384 Jewish newsboy in front of the Methodist Book Concern Building, New
York City

H10385 Same caption as H10384


H10374 Little Ruth - Frances De Paw Home. Los Angeles, California

H10379 Labor Temple, New York City

H10380 Two Italian Babies in bath tub

H10381 Two Italian Babies in bath tub

H10382 Two Italian Babies in bath tub


H10370 The little Mexican girl was all dressed up with some place to go
but evidently she had been left behind. Los Angeles, California

H10371 A Mexican girl at the Francis De Paw Home. Los Angeles, California

H10372 Mexican girls in the playground Francis De Paw Home. Los Angeles,

H10373 A little Japanese girl. Los Angeles, California


H10366 In the Mexican quarter. Playmates, Mexican, Pickaninny and white
boy. Los Angeles, California

H10376 In the Japanese quarter. Los Angeles, California

H10368 A little Mexican girl with her pup taken near the Plaza Community
Centre. Los Angeles, California

H10369 Mexican boy and dog. Los Angeles, California


H10362 Mexican woman and children. Los Angeles, California

H10363 Two little girls of the Frances De Paw Home. Los Angeles,

H10364 A little Japanese boy snapped on the street. Los Angeles,

H10365 A little Mexican newsboy. Los Angeles, California


H10349 Children playing in the streets in the Mexican quarter of Los
Angeles, California

H10350 Little Mexican boy with his pet. Los Angeles, California

H10351 Mexican girls. Los Angeles, California

H10352 Christmas morning in the park. Los Angeles, California


H10342 A group of Italian children in Syracuse with a young Epworthian who
works for the Associated Charities and is a volunteer from the Centenary
Stewardship of Life. Syracuse, New York

H10346 A poor man hunting in ash barrels and garbage cans for what he may
find. Syracuse, New York

H10347 The study room in the Syracuse Public Library. Syracuse, New York

H10346 Same caption as H10346


H10334 Syracuse Public Library. Old gentleman reading newspaper

H10334 Same caption as H10334

H10337 A group of Italian children in Syracuse, New York

H10338 An Epworth League Worker and a sick Italian baby. Syracuse, New


H10328 A poor man hunting in ash barrels and garbage cans for what he can
find. Syracuse, New York

H10330 How some of our immigrants spend their time. Photographed in
Syracuse Public Library

H10032 Syracuse Public Library. Old gentleman reading Library

H10333 Same caption as H10332


H10323 A poor man hunting in ash barrels. Syracuse, New York

H10324 A little Italian girl. Syracuse, New York

H10326 Bellevue Heights Methodist Episcopal Church. Syracuse, New York

H10327 Same caption as H10326


H10319 St. Paul's Italian Methodist Episcopal Sunday School. Philadelphia, PA

H10320 St. Paul's Italian Methodist Episcopal Church. Christmas exercises, Philadelphia,

H10321 St. Paul's Italian Methodist Episcopal Kindergarten. Philadelphia, PA

H10322 St. Paul's Italian Methodist Episcopal Church. Philadelphia, PA


H10317 Sunday School Room of St. George's Methodist Episcopal Church.
Philadelphia, PA


H10351 Old Conference Room - St. George's Church. Philadelphia, PA

H10361 Pulpit view of St. George's Methodist Episcopal Church.
Philadelphia, PA


H10309 Children story hour. Cleveland, Ohio

H10310 Mission study class. First Methodist Episcopal Church - Cleveland, Ohio

H10313 Interior St. Geroge's Church. Oldest Methodist Episcopal Church building in the
world. Philadelphia, PA

H10314 Picture of tablet on front of St. George's Methodist Episcopal Church.
Philadelphia, PA


H10304 Chicago Training School. A glimpse of out door life, Illinois.

H10305 Chicago Training School. Methodist Institutions, Illinois

H10306 Norwegian and Danish Mission, Philadelphia.

H10307 Camp Fire Girls. Cleveland, Ohio

H10308 Bible Class. Cleveland, Ohio


H10300 Norman Wait Harris Chapel of the Chicago Training School, Illinois

H10301 Harris Hall and Norman Waite Harris Chapel of the Chicago Training
School, Illinois

H10302 Downtown night school of the Chicago Training School, Illinois

H10303 Swift Memorial Library of the Chicago Training School, Illinois


H10296 Monument Hall Dormitories of the Chicago Training School. Chicago,

H10297 Class studying Italian in the new Foreign Language Department of
the Chicago Training School. Chicago, Illinois

H10298 Class in Physical Culture, Chicago Training School, Illinois

H10299 Student group of the Chicago Training School, Illinois


H10295 Roman Catholic Church on Broad St. just three blocks away from the
Broad St. Methodist Episcopal Church which is for sale. Philadelphia, PA


H10292 Proposed site for New Methodist Episcopal Church in Frankford showing residences
and High School in background.

H10293 Some of the fine up to date dwellings opposite the Frankford High
School. Philadelphia, PA


H10290 Sunday School Classes in the Rescue Mission on 8th St. Near Vine St
- Rev. T.W. McKentry, Supt. Philadelphia, PA

H10291 Old St. George's Methodist Episcopal Church, the oldest Methodist Episcopal Church in America.
Dedicated 1769, Philadelphia, PA


H10288 Deaconess Home on 6th and Vine Street. Philadelphia, PA

H10289 Group of Sunday School Wrokers at the Rescue Mission.
Philadelphia, PA


H10286 Orthodox Street Methodist Episcopal Church in Frankford. Philadelphia, PA

H10287 Birthplace of "Old Glory" Home of Betsey Ross. Arch St. below 3rd
St., Philadelphia, PA


H10284 Boulevard in Frankford. Philadelphia, PA

H10285 Burnt out paper box factory preposed site of Goodwill Industries
6th and Vine Streets. Philadelphia, PA


H10279 Danish Norwegian Methodist Episcopal Church Front and Alleghany Avenues.
Philadelphia, PA

H10280 Scene down Arch St. showing Methodist Episcopal Church. Philadelphia, PA

H10282 Jewish clothes vendor, 4th and Bainbridge Sts. Philadelphia, PA

H10287 Going to Church - Haven Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. 23rd and Oxford St.
Philadelphia, PA

H10283 The push-cart market. Philadelphia, PA


H10275 City Hall from Fairmont Parkway and 15th Street. Philadelphia, PA

H10276 St. Philips Methodist Episcopal Church F. and Tioga Street. Philadelphia, PA

H10277 Street scene typical market, 12th and South Streets. Philadelphia,

H10278 Boy pulling his brothers and sister around in wagon. Philadelphia,


H10271 Colored people going to church. Haven Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, 23rd
and Oxford Street. Philadelphia, PA

H10272 Street scene in the neighborhood of the Haven Colored Methodist Episcopal Church.
23rd and Oxford Streets. Philadelphia, PA

H10273 Zoar Methodist Episcopal Church (colored). 12th and Melon Streets, Philadelphia,

H10274 One of the many narrow streets in Philadelphia, Bainbridge and 4th


H10267 People passing the Haven Colored Methodist Episcopal Church on their way home from
other churches in the neighborhood. 23rd and Oxford Street, PA

H10268 Close up of some colored children in Haven Colored Methodist Episcopal Church
neighborhood 23rd and Oxford Street. Philadelphia, PA

H10269 A few young members of the Haven Colored Church 23rd and Oxford
Streets. Philadelphia, PA

H10270 Some of the colored folks going to Haven Methodist Episcopal Colored Church. 23rd
and Oxford Streets. Philadelphia, PA


H10265 Rear wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 82nd Street and 5th
Avenue, New York City

H10266 People viewing the parade from windows and from roofs. 369th
Colored Infantry marching up Lenox Avenue a few days after arriving from
France, New York City


H10263 "Obelisk" Central Park. 82nd Street 5th Avenue, New York City

H10264 Rear wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 82nd Street and 5th
Avenue, New York City


H10261 Street scene showing crowded traffic. 42nd Street between 5th and
6th Avenue, New York City

H10262 "Obelisk" 82nd Street 5th Avenue, Central Park


H10259 People viewing the parade from windows and from roofs. 369th
Colored Infantry marching up Lenox Avenue, a few days after arriving from
France, New York City

H10260 Friday night motion picture audience at the Washington Square Methodist Episcopal
Church, 133 West 4th Street, Rev. Wooliner Pastor. New York City


H10257 The new band of the 15th Colored Infantry Lenox Ave 134th Street,
New York City

H10258 Part of the 369th Colored Infantry marching up Lenox Avenue. The
first regiment from the front to parade in New York.


H10255 Some of the officials on the reviewing stand at 135th Street Lenox
Ave. watching the heroes of the 369th Colored Infantry pass by. New York

H10256 Part of the 369th Colored Infantry formerly the 15th Infantry
passing the grand stand at 135th Street Lenox Avenue. The first complete
regiment from the front to parade in New York.


H10253 Times Square 43rd Street Broadway showing Times Building, New York

H10254 View showing the great crowds of people all eager to see and
applaud the heroes of the famous 369th Colored Infantry, formerly the 15th
Infantry. 133rd Street and Lenox Ave, New York City


H10251 Showing the large number of spectators anxiously waiting for the
369th colored Infantry to come along. Lenox Ave. 133rd Street

H10252 Close up of some of the spectators all very happy. 360th colored
Infantry Parade. Lenox Ave. 135th Street


H10249 Close up of some of the men of the 369th Colored Infantry showing
the steel helmets. Ready to go into the 71th Regiment Armory for the fine
chicken dinner supplied by the Mayor's Committee. New York City

H10250 The Grand Stand in front of the Public School, also large American
Flag on school. 369th Colored Infantry Parade. Lenox Ave. 135th St. New
York City


H10247 Opening services of the new Salvation Army Hut in Union Square
Park. New York City

H10248 Metropolitan Museum of Art. 82nd St. and 5th Ave. New York City


H10245 Cooper Union 8th St. and 4th Ave. called Cooper Square. Looking up
4th Ave. showing the Metropolitan Tower. New York City

H10246 Opening Service of the new Salvation Army hut in Union Square Park.
January 9, '19. New York City


H10243 Cooper Union 8th St and 4th Ave, commonly called Cooper Square,
showing the Peter Cooper Monument. New York City

H10244 Same caption as H10243


H10241 Sign on some newly erected house in Harlem. 7th Ave. and 143rd
St., New York City

H10242 Another one of the old tumble down houses in Harlem. 129th St.
near Riverside Drive Viaduct, New York City


H10237 Milk delivery wagon, New York City

H10238 Bernheimer and Schwartz's Beer Truck, with the sign "danger" on
back. New York City

H10239 Crowd of colored people on the corner of 135th St. and 7th Ave, New
York City

H10240 People getting on a Cock roach trolley car, New York


H10233 Cock Roach Trolley car, New York City

H10234 Vanderbilt residence 58th St. and 5th Ave. being used as a Red
Cross Canteen. New York City

H10235 One of the colored residents of Harlem going shopping. 7th Ave.
and 136th St. New York City

H10236 Flushing the streets in the slaughter house district. 10th Ave.
and 39th Street, New York City


H10229 One of the many old houses in the Harlem section 124th St. near
Amsterdam Ave. New York City

H10230 School boys at noon time playing marbles. Harlem St., Nicholas
Ave., 125th St., New York City

H10231 Group of colored people on the corner of 135th St. and 7th Ave.
This is the colored neighborhood, New York City

H10232 The old time beer saloon where the colored men congregate 127th St.
near Amsterdam Ave., New York City


H10215 Interior of finishing department of a modern steam laundry. 25%
[of employees] are under 16 and nearly all under 19 years of age. Wages
average from %5.00 to $6.00 a week. Terra Haute, Indiana

H10226 Jack Mac D saying prayers. Strousburg, PA


H10210 Broad St. Methodist Episcopal Church where William McKinley worshipped while
Governor of Ohio and where Bishop William F. Oldham, was pastor in 1898,
1899, 1900. Columbus, Ohio

H10214 Employees of the cake and cooking and frosting departments of a
baking establishment. Average wage $5.00 a week. Terra Haute, Indiana


H10208 Y.M.C.A. Dinner for young employed girls, 75% are under 16. Terra
Haute, Indiana

H10209 Dipping room of an enameling factory. 25% of these women are under
18 years of age. The average wage is $8.00 a week. Terra Haute, Indiana


H10196 Kichengarten Class at Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church with six
Lithuanians. Scranton, PA

H10205 Residence corner of Broad and Garfield Streets - occupied by Bishop
Oldham, while pastor of Broad St. Methodist Episcopal Church. Columbus, Ohio


H10193 Junior League, Scranton, PA


H10190 "Watch night" movie crowd in the Gymnasium of Community Methodist Episcopal
Church. Chicago, Illinois

H10191 Rev. Nicholls, Pastor of the Washington Park Community Church.
Denver, Colorado


H10187 Miss Ruth Lancaster deaconess at Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church and some of
her Bohemian girls. Cleveland, Ohio

H10189 Auditorium of Dan Batey's Mission, now housed in the basement of
Washington Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Illinois