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H10672 Sunday congregation at St. Marks Methodist Episcopal Colored Church. 53rd Street,
7th and 8th Avenue, New York City


H10671 Sunday School at Salem Methodist Episcopal Church (colored). 102 West 133rd
Street, New York City


H10670 Methodist Episcopal Church of Our Savior. 111th Street and Lexington Ave., New
York City


H10667 Samuel Huston College. Austin, Texas

H10668 Samuel Huston College. Austin, Texas

H10669 Grand Stand of Ohio State Grounds. Columbus, Ohio


H10663 Samuel Huston College. The hike during the "Flu" epidemic.
Austin, Texas

H10664 Samuel Huston College. Some of the Professors. Austin, Texas

H10665 Samuel Huston College. The cooks for the picnic. Austin, Texas

H10666 Samuel Huston College. One of the boys crossing campus. Austin,


H10656 The Quistconck's Bow to the Public. Hog Island, PA

H10657 Classmates of S.H.C. Austin, Texas

H10661 Protestant Hospital viewed from Goodade Park. Columbus, Ohio

H10662 Baby Camp. Columbus, Ohio


H10654 Quistconck Launching - Sliding into Delaware. Hog Island, PA

H10653 Crowd on Main wharf to witness launching. Hog Island, PA

H10655 Mrs. Wilson Christening the Quistconck. Hog Island, PA


H10650 Group of Chinese - Philadelphia Mission Methodist Episcopal Church, PA

H10651 Luncheon tables - East along Front Street. Hog Island, PA

H10652 En Route to the West Basin. Hog Island, PA


H10648 Hell Gate Bridge - Front View - New York City

H10649 Hell Gate Bridge - Side View - New York City


H10646 Library open to all. Boy's Club - 10th Street and Avenue A., New
York City

H10647 Old John Street Methodist Episcopal Church. 44 John Street, New York City


H10644 Interior of John's Street Methodist Episcopal Church (taken from Altar), New York

H10645 Business men's Prayer Meeting, New York City


H10642 Girls of New Orleans, University of Louisiana

H10643 Interior of John Street Methodist Episcopal Church showing altar (taken from
Balcony in rear), New York City


H10640 Art Class. Boy's Club - 10 Street and Avenue A., New York City

H10641 Crowd of boys after a swim. Boy's Club, 10th Street and Avenue A.,
New York City


H10638 Gymnasium boys exercising, Boys Club. 10th Street and Avenue A., New
York City

H10549 Deaconess in Railroad station. Iowa, Des Moines

H10639 Same caption as H10638


H10635 U.S. Transport Leviathan docking. Hoboken, NJ

H10636 The stern of the Leviathan, showing some of the men of the 27th
Division. Hoboken, New Jersey

H10637 Transport Leviathan with the 27th Division on board being towed
into dock. Hoboken, New Jersey


H10632 The World's famous Hero Major General John F. O'Ryan at left
General Vanderbilt in center, just after getting off the Transport
Leviathan. Hoboken, New Jersey

H10633 Transport Leviathan docking, ready to unload its passengers, the
heroic 27th Division. Hoboken, New Jersey

H10634 The upper decks of the Transport Leviathan. Hoboken, New Jersey


H10629 Entrance gate to the Government Transport Piers. Always guaded.
Hoboken, New Jersey

H10630 View showing some of the many life rafts on the Transport
Leviathan. Hoboken, NJ

H10631 The bow of the Transport Leviathan, formerly the Vaterland.
Hoboken, New Jersey


H10626 Entrance to the Government Transport Piers - always guarded by the
military police. Hoboken, NJ

H10627 A group of Officers on board the Leviathan in front of one of the 6
in. guns. Hoboken, New Jersey

H10628 Transport Leviathan just after arriving at the dock. 27th Division
on board. Hoboken, NJ


H10625 Base Hospital #1 Bronx, New York City


H10622 Base Hospital #1 Bronx, New York City

H10623 Same caption as H10622.

H10624 Hadley Rescue Mission, New York City


H10601 President M.W. Dogan and his Secretary in the office. Marshall,

H10602 Wiley University Domestic Science Room. Marshall, Texas

H10603 The Football Squad. 1912 Wiley College. Marshall, Texas

H10604 Football Team Wiley College. Marshall, Texas


H10598 Wiley University Main Buildings. Burned Feb 22, 1918. Marshall,

H10599 Scene at Wiley College on Washington's Birthday 1918. Marshall,

H10600 Projection for the proposed new Main College Building. Marshall,


H10594 Memorial Hall. Columbus, Ohio

H10595 Union passenger station. Columbus, Ohio

H10596 The Athletic Club. Columbus, Ohio

H10597 The Masonic Temple. Columbus, Ohio


H10591 Broad St. Methodist Episcopal Church where William McKinley worshipped when
Governor of Ohio. Columbus, Ohio

H10592 Ohio State Capitol and the McKinley Monument, Columbus

H10593 The Filter basin where the water supply for Columbus is purified,


H10587 Buildings of Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio

H10588 The Gymnasium of Ohio State University - Columbus, Ohio

H10589 Ohio State School for the blind

H10590 Deshler Hotel. Columbus, Ohio


H10583 Boating scene in Olentangy Park - Columbus, Ohio

H10584 Boat house in Olentangy Park. Columbus, Ohio

H10585 Scene in Olentangy Park. Columbus, Ohio

H10586 Swimming pool in Olentangy Park. Columbus, Ohio


H10577 Socialist speaker. Park Row, New York City


H10549 A new way to attract customers, near Atchison, Texas

H10546 Swinging "Twisting the old cat's Tail." Salina, Kansas

H10547 Coming home from Kindergarten. Salina, Kansas

H10548 "Gwan Mistah, at don' wan' mah pitcher tooken." Oklahoma City,


H10541 Typical entrance to many homes near Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church. Kansas
City, Kansas

H10542 Street scene near Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church. Kansas City, Kansas

H10543 Children of the Kansas State Orphanage out for an hour of play,

H10544 Same caption as H10543


H10537 Children at play in the Trinity Day Nursery. St. Louis, Missouri

H10538 Telling the minister how she cut her foot on a piece of glass.
Joplin, Missouri

H10539 Rigs of church - going farmers hitched a block below the Methodist Episcopal
Church. Conception, MO

H10540 Watching the girls play baseball. Kansas City, Kansas


H10533 The adopted child of Rev. and Mrs. Pastor of Trinity Industrial
Community Church. Kansas City, Kansas

H10534 Transferring steel ingots from a damaged car to a good one, en
route for a munition factory. Kansas City, Missouri

H10535 Children at play in the Trinity Day Nursery. St. Louis, Missouri

H10536 Same caption as H10535


H10529 Polish children just out of school. Pittsburg, PA

H10530 Chums. Pittsburg, PA

H10531 Concrete mixing machine repairing street beside Smithfield St. Methodist Episcopal
Church. Pittsburg, PA

H10532 Same caption as H10531.


H10525 Polish girl - who wondered what it was all about. Pittsburg, PA

H10526 New Italian Roman Catholic Church and school in the downtown
section. Pittsburg, PA

H10527 Rear view of group of dwellings. Pittsburg, PA

H10528 Three months away from Alabama. Pittsburg, PA


H10521 Interior of the kitchen of a Polish home of two rooms. Pittsburg,

H10522 Mrs. Mary McKaskey - one of the old ladies in the Frances Hamilton
Home for the aged who, at the age of 78, is an exceptional pianist and
singer and who leads all the singing in the home. Near Pittsburg, PA

H10523 Mrs. Mary McKaskey

H10524 Mrs. Mary McKaskey


H10517 Members of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal League - out singing Christimas Carols.
Denver, Colorado.

H10518 Same caption as 10517.

H10519 A Jewish type - fast passing. Denver, Colorado

H10520 Interior of a Polish house of a better class than seen in H10521.
Pittsburg, PA


H10513 Mrs. Shirato, wife of Japanese Pastor. Denver, Colorado

H10514 Mrs. Shirato with the Evangelist Rev. Araucho. Denver, Colorado

H10515 Members of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal League out singing Christmas Carols.
Denver, Colorado

H10516 Members of Epworth Methodist Episcopal Denver, Colorado


H10509 Italian children out cleaning the side walks. Denver, Colorado

H10510 The Pastor of the Japanese Church and his wife and the Evangelist.
Denver, Colorado

H10511 The Pastor of the Japanese Church and his wife and the Evangelist
with some of their Japanese boys. Denver, Colorado

H10512 Italian boys and Methodists. Denver, Colorado


H10505 Slavish man coming from Epworth Relief Store. Denver, Colorado

H10506 An Italian boy. A member of Epworth Methodist Episcopal Sunday School. Denver,

H10507 The boy who wanted his "dawg's" pitcher taken. Denver, Colorado

H10508 Italian woman with her purchases from Epworth Relief store.
Denver, Colorado


H10501 An American of a large family who is a regular customer at Epworth
Relief store. Denver, Colorado

H10502 An American. Denver, Colorado

H10503 Fine Italian type. Denver, Colorado

H10504 Fine Italian type living near the new Italian Methodist Episcopal Community
Church. Denver, Colorado


H10497 In Epworth Relief store. Denver, Colorado

H10498 A real American boy. Denver, Colorado

H10499 A "Hobo" Christmas morning. Denver, Colorado

H10500 An American. Denver, Colorado


H10493 Just street Urchins Christmas Morning. Denver, Colorado

H10494 "Please mister take a pitcher of my dawg." Denver, Colorado

H10495 "Aw gwan." Denver, Colorado

H10496 An American type. Denver, Colorado


H10489 Italian boy. Denver, Colorado

H10490 Negro children. Denver, Colorado

H10491 Negro children. Denver, Colorado

H10492 Negro children. Denver, Colorado


H10485 Mexican types. Denver, Colorado

H10486 An Italian type. Denver, Colorado

H10487 The stockyards Christmas morning. Denver, Colorado

H10488 Same caption as H10487


H10481 Happy little Italian girls. Denver, Colorado

H10482 Happy little Italian girls belonging to the Methodist Church.
Denver, Colorado

H10483 Sons of cattlemen. Denver, Colorado

H10484 Same caption as H10483


H10453 Bohemian children at play. Cleveland, Ohio

H10454 Giving the girls a ride on the side walk - Bohemian Chivalry.
Cleveland, Ohio

H10455 Bohemian children playing "Fighting the Germans" near Broadway Methodist Episcopal
Church. Cleveland, Ohio

H10456 Saloon and free lunch counter. Cleveland, Ohio


H10449 Bohemian woman. Cleveland, Ohio

H10450 Roumanian type. Cleveland, Ohio

H10451 Miss Lancaster, Deaconess at Broadway Methodist Episcopal and some of the Bohemian
Proteges. Cleveland, Ohio

H10452 Coming from the store near Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio


H10445 Just arriving from Pittsburg. Cleveland, Ohio

H10446 Shooting craps. Cleveland, Ohio

H10447 Bohemian type of the better class

H10448 Young Bohemian. Cleveland, Ohio


H10441 Bohemian children "Fighting the Germans" in Cleveland Street near
Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio

H10442 Fine type of Bohemian girl. Cleveland, Ohio

H10443 In the Bohemian Section. Cleveland, Ohio

H10444 Fine Bohemian couple. Cleveland, Ohio


H10437 Bohemian children playing soldier. Cleveland, Ohio

H10438 Typical Bohemian Store near Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio

H10439 American Bohemian mother and her children. Cleveland, Ohio

H10440 A Bohemian grandmother. Cleveland, Ohio


H10433 Bohemian children at play. Cleveland, Ohio

H10434 Bohemian boy telling Miss Lancaster, the Broadway Methodist Episcopal Deaconess,
about his broken shoes. Cleveland, Ohio

H10435 Hauling scrap lumber to build a hen house. Bohemian boys from near
Broadway Methodist Episcopal; Cleveland, Ohio

H10436 Fine type of Bohemian American Boy. Cleveland, Ohio


H10429 Typical Bohemian girl of the poorest class. Cleveland, Ohio

H10430 Bohemian woman buying her vegetables for dinner from a peddler.
Cleveland, Ohio

H10431 Miss Lancaster, Deaconess at Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio

H10432 Worried over the difference in price between geese and rabbits.
Cleveland, Ohio


H10425 Italian girls watching for the "Birdie." Cleveland, Ohio

H10426 Bohemian women starting to call on a neighbor. Cleveland, Ohio

H10427 Hungarian woman on her way to the grocery store. Cleveland, Ohio

H10428 Typical Bohemian girl of the poorest class. Cleveland, Ohio


H10421 Bohemian grandmother. Cleveland, Ohio

H10422 Italian laborer. Cleveland, Ohio

H10423 Bohemian women bargaining on the price of cabbage. Cleveland, Ohio

H10424 Tar heater for street repairing. Cleveland, Ohio


H10417 Employees of one of Cleveland's factories during their noon rest.
Cleveland, Ohio

H10418 Young Bohemian of the second generation in America. Cleveland, Ohio

H10419 Rev. Pearce, left, pastor of Broadway Methodist Episcopal and one of his few
American members. Cleveland, Ohio

H10420 Mr. Henry L. Mach. Cleveland, Ohio


H10413 Bohemians buying their supply of food for Sunday dinner in the open
air market. Cleveland, Ohio

H10414 Bohemian woman bargaining on the price of geese for Sunday dinner

H10415 Bohemians buying their rabbits for Sunday dinner in the open air
market. Cleveland, Ohio

H10416 Coming from Sunday school at Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland, Ohio


H10409 Girl employees of one of Cleveland's Industrial Plants. Cleveland,

H10410 Two of the girls of Cleveland's Industrial Plants. Cleveland, Ohio

H10411 Bohemians buying their supplies of food for Sunday dinner in the
open air market place. Cleveland, Ohio

H10412 Same caption as H10411


H10405 Polish boy living near Oehloff Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church. Cleveland,

H10406 A co-operative store. Cleveland, Ohio

H10407 Old country Bohemian women. Cleveland, Ohio

H10408 Girl employee of one of Cleveland's Industrial Plants, Ohio


56111 Mrs Sharp and Mrs Swearer who lost their husbands at their station
now serving at Women's Foreign Missionary Society

56112 Mrs Sharp and Mrs Swearer who lost their husbands at their station
now serving at Women's Foreign Missionary Society


56107 These boys of our school who have just retired for the night. The
three practically cover the floor when they retire.

56108 Mountain back of Methodist houses where Rev. Sharp and some of the
Methodist children are buried.

56109 Mountain back of Methodist house where Rev. Sharp and some of the
Methodist Children are buried.

56110 Mountain rising immediately from the back yard of the Methodist
house where Rev. Sharp and some of Methodist Children are buried.


56103 Three Bible women with Mrs. Sharp, who superintends their work; one
of them a mother with a child on her back while doing her work.

56104 Three Bible women with Mrs. Sharp, who superintends their work; one
of them a mother with a child on her back while doing her work.

56105 Boys from the Industrial Dept. of our school, making sacks for
shipping rice.

56106 Boys from the Industrial Dept. of our school, making sacks in which
rice is shipped.


56099 Boys of industrial dept of our school repairing web for the
cultivations of silk worms.

56100 Boys from our school marketing paper "Panama hats."

56101 Boys from our school of the industrial dept. making hats from paper.
They are called "Panama hats" and look like them.

56102 Rev. Sharp's grave. Kongju.


55942 Son of Methodist Preacher, one of twins. The one had to be given
away because farther could not support back.

55943 Son of Methodist Preacher. One of twins. Father unable to support
back. This one had to be given away.


55940 Three students of our boys school who accupied the small room.

55941 Mrs. Sharp. Korea.


55938 Mountain land being reclaimed by boys of Methodist Church School by
setting and pine trees from which to produce fuel for school.


55936 Little beggar girl with one hand. At the door of the mission house.

55937 Kongju, taken from the top of a mountain with Methodist property in
the foreground.


55934 The best room in Kongju Boy's school, accupied by these young men.

55935 The only building the Methodists have used as a hospital in Kongju.


55736 Buddha where they worshipped.

55932 Three young men of the Kongju Boys school as they sleep in their

55933 Mrs Sharp standing by the grave of her husband Rev. Sharp, who died
in Kongju, and is buried on the mountain side above the mission house.


55730 With load of hay on his back.

55731 With their cattle loaded for market and missionary Williams on his

55732 Fruit sellers on the roadside.

55733 In the market place.

55734 The road as it winds up the mountain.

55735 School boys of the industrial dept. grading the yard.


55724 Returning from market.

55725 Distributing sewerage on vegetables.

55726 A sewerage collector.

55727 A sewerage collector.

55728 School boys of the industrial dept. grading the yard.

55729 Returning from market.


55718 His ox loaded far market with rooster on his back.

55719 Fruit vendor on a sheet corner.

55720 "She don't want to be photographed."

55721 Returning from market.

55722 Bedoming a collector of sewerage as a child.

55723 With his load of hay he ran to get off the gridge before our
motorcycle went on.


55712 An ordinary street scene. Korea.

55713 School boys from industrial dept. grading the yard.

55714 Returning from market.

55715 Returning from a temple on the hill where he carried food to the

55716 No caption.

55717 Men and boys do the work of horses.


55700 Girls of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society school going in to chapel.

55701 Girls of Women's Foreign Missionary Society school going in to chapel.

55702 Women's Foreign Missionary Society Bible woman with child on her back as she does her work.

55703 An ordinary street scene.

55704 Carrying the load.

55705 This sewer collecter distributes the contents of his big jar on the
vegetables in his garden.


55694 Fruit seller on the roadside.

55695 Little girl carrying the load of a man.

55696 His ox loaded far market with rooter on his back.

55697 No toys nor school.

55698 Little girl carrying baby all day long.

55699 School hays of the industrial dept. grading the lawn.


55688 Street wrestlers.

55689 Street wrestlers.

55690 No school nor toys.

55691 A common street.

55692 No school nor toys

55693 A man carrying the load of an ox.


55498 Turnips from the school field. Kongju, Korea.

55499 Heeling in locus trees for spring planting.


55496 Planting pine trees on the school mountain.

55497 Digging turnips in the school fields. Kongju, Korea.


55494 Digging turnips in the school field. Chosen, Kongju.

55495 Planting pine trees on the school mountain.


55490 Trimming and digging up the locust trees.

55491 School mountain with 4 year old trees on it.

55492 School trees on the mountain.

55493 Digging the 500 oak trees and heeling them in for spring planting.


55375 Eastgate Hospital. This child was found deserted and alone, almost
dead during the coldest part of the winter of 1918. It is totally blind but
its life has been saved. Seoul, Korea.

55374 Gravity Rice Mill. Seoul, Korea.


55275 Shoeing a cow, here in Korea where they work the cows carrying loads
on the roads they shoe them as we do horses. Kongju, Korea.

55276 Stone bridge at Kongju to compare with the cement one. Kongju, Korea.


55271 No caption.

55272 Dr. J.M. Taylor taking picture.

55273 Picture of the modern grave yard. Formerly the Koreans had their
grave sites everywhere over the hill sides and many times where it was a
menace. Kongju, Korea.

55274 Same caption as 55273.


55267 The class out ready to trim the trees. Kongju, Korea.

55268 Digging locust trees to be heeled in for next springs planting on
the school mountain. Kongju, Korea.

55269 Chicken peddler. Kongju, Korea.

55270 Kongju, Korea. Dr. J.M. Taylor taking picture.


55263 The teacher showing the boys how to trim the trees. Kongju, Korea.

55264 One side hill of 500 trees only two years old planted and cared for
by the school boys. Kongju, Korea.

55265 School boys trimming the trees. Kongju, Korea.

55266 Same caption as 55265.


55259 School boy pruning pine tree. Kongju, Korea.

55260 The horse which has a long haul. The log came from the Yaln river by
train and is being hauled 20 miles across the country to Kongju where it
will be sawed up into smaller timbers of lumber. Kongju, Korea.

55261 A campany of farmers at their noon day meal. These farmers were road
making. Kongju, Korea.

55262 The teacher showing the boys how to trim the trees. Kongju, Korea.


55255 Men threshing rice. Kongju, Korea.

55256 Rice pounder and water wheel. Kongju, Korea.

55257 Carload of sacked rice ready for shipment. Kongju, Korea.

55258 A wood-gatherer. Kongju, Korea.


55251 High school student cooking his own food. Kongju, Korea.

55252 Farmers eating rice by the road side. Kongju, Korea.

55253 Weeding rice by band music. When the farmers get together to weed
the rice fields they hire a Korean oldtime band to come and go through the
field playing. The workers then pull weeds to the time of the music.
Kongju, Korea.

55254 Men threshing rice. Kongju, Korea.


55247 High school boys playing baseball. Kongju Korea.

55248 High school boys picking worms off the pine trees on the school
mountain. Kongju Korea.

55249 Paper braid Panama hats made at Kongju High School by students who
were learning to make hats. Kongju, Korea.

55250 Grandson of local preacher Yu, who has been a cripple since birth.
Kongju, Korea.


55243 Kongju school boys harvesting the school turnips. Korea.

55245 High school boys playing baseball. Kongju. Korea.

55245 Same caption as 55244.

55246 High school boys picking worms off the pine trees on the school
mountain. Kongju, Korea.


54039 Foundry village. Wonju, Korea.


54038 Worker in field. Wonju. Korea.


54037 Cross road store and desected spirit house. Wonju. Korea.


54035 Terrace field and road on way to Wonju. Korea.


54034 Village and terraced fields on way to Wonju. Korea.


54033 Valley enroute to Wonju. Korea.


54028 Pyeng Yang from Women's Foreign Missionary Society building. Korea.


54027 Pyeng Yang from Women's Foreign Missionary Society building. Korea.


54020 Site of Christian Chosen College. Seoul, Korea.


52113 Nurses of Women's Foreign Missionary Society Hospital. Pyen Yang.


52110 No caption.

52111 Doctor and nurses. Women's Foreign Missionary Society Hospital Pyeng Yang. Dr. Cutter.


52106 No caption.

52107 No caption.

52108 No caption.

52109 No caption.


52102 No caption.

52103 No caption.

52104 No caption.

52105 Corner and painted on rock of entrance to Young Byen. Korea.


52098 No caption.

52099 Dr. Norton's house.

52100 No caption.

52101 No caption.


52094 Korean with ticket in hat band. Korea.

52095 Korean blind man with badly pock-marked face. Korea.

52096 Same caption as 52095.

52097 Korean blind man and nearly blind wife at - Korea.


52090 Koreans at station to see troop train go by. Korea.

52091 Train boy selling "Guitari" - cigarette and - Korea.

52092 Korean man with ticket in hat band. Korea.

52093 Korean man with ticket in hat band. Korea.


52086 Woman washing at wash station. Korea.

52087 Korean fruit vendor on platform. Korea.

52088 Around the fruit vendor Taikyn station. Korea.

52089 Koreans at station to see troop train go by. Korea.


52084 Women and big hats. Teikyn Station. Korea.

52085 Japanese flags at station. Korea.


52082 Big hats, Taikyn Station. Korea.

52083 Women wearing big hats. Korea.


52078 Korean boy with Singer sewing machine on his back. Korea.

52079 Singer sewing machine on jiggy. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52080 Baldwin locomotive. Taikyn Station. Korea.

52081 Korean women and Americal flag at station. Korea.


52076 Sewing machine on jiggy. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52077 Same caption as 52076.


52072 Five man shovel, Kongju Dist. Korea.

52073 Five man shovel at work Konju Dist. Korea.

52074 Near view of five man shovel. Korea.

52075 Kongju District. Singer sewing machine on Jiggy. Korea.


52068 "Putting out the drone" a game played by boys of our school in Kyung
Chun village. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52069 Five men shovel in operation. Korea.

52070 Same caption as 52069.

52071 Near view of one half of the team working. Korea.


52065 Kyung Chun village school boy at attention. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52066 Boys wrestling, Kyung Chun village school. Korea.

52067 "Putting out the drone" a game played by the boys of the Kyung Chun
village school. Korea.


52061 Man washing meat in the little stream that is - Korea.

52062 Market day types. Kyung Chun. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52063 Kyung Chun village school boys saluting visitors with a bow. Konju
Dist. Korea.

52064 Kyung Chun village school boys marching on play ground. Korea.


52057 Tool merchant with small fire making and selling tools in the
market. Kyung Chun. Korea.

52058 School site in Kongju, Korea.

52059 Small wares merchant counting change. Korea.

52060 Straw sandal merchant having his bunch. Korea.


52053 Korean types in the market. Korea.

52054 Poultry merchant, Kyung Chun market. Korea.

52055 Man buying and eating pancakes. Kyung Chun market. Korea.

52056 Market day. Kyung Chun village. Korea.


52050 Market day. Kyung Chun village. Korean brass pipe seller. Korea.

52051 Old woman about to turn pan cake. Kyung Chun village. Korea.

52052 Pan cake maker, looking up after she had just put new batten on to
cook. Korea.


52046 Jiggy man with load of clay for pottery. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52047 Bull loaded with fresh-killed beef. Korea.

52048 Lunch time. Market day Kyung Chun village. Korea.

52049 Lunch time, market day. Merchant who has been served int he midst of
his own wares. Korea.


52042 Wayside village and rice fields. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52043 Village on road to Konju. Boys watching for birds. Korea.

52044 Man in mourning laughing at something Corwin Taylor had said to him.

52045 Pottery village out of Kongju. They make big glazed pots or jars in
which the Koreans keep their pickles. Korea.


52038 Weeding rice. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52039 Men pulling grass in rice fields. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52040 Man pulling grass in rice fields. Kongju, Korea.

52041 Wayside village. Kongju, Korea.


52034 Boy throwing mud to scare birds. Korea.

52035 Children in front of small Korean house. Kongju Dist. Korea.

52036 Man pulling grass in fields to prevent the seeds from mixing up with
the rice in threshing. Korea.

52037 Korean man pulling grass in fields. Korea.


52030 Typical country village in which we have a - Korea.

52031 Houses with rice growing right up to them, gourds on the roof.
Kongju District Korea.

52032 Rice fields reaching up to the houses.

52033 Typical village. Korea.


52026 Scare crow in fields and boy with whip with long straw rope that he
uses to scare up the birds. Korea.

52027 Sacrecrow and boy with straw rope straw which for scaring off the
birds. Korea.

52028 Prayer room among trees. Village in Kongju District, Korea.

52029 Village with prayer room among trees. Korea.


52022 Houses of the poorer sort one small shed and one small mud walled
mud floored room for whole family. Korea.

52023 Small Korean house of the poorer sort by the road into Kang Kyung
Po. Korea.

52024 Small Korean house in which at least nine people live. (one room)

52025 Typical village, Kongju District in which we have a prayer room.


52018 Village on way to Kongju. Dark patches on roof.

52019 Typical small village by the road side.

52020 Two small villages. Villages are usually at the foot of the hills on
the edge of the rich rice fields of the valley. Kongju, Korea.

52021 Typical village. Kongju, Korea.


52014 Grass for fuel being taken into Kongju, Korea.

52015 Jiggy load of firewood with chickens on top near Kongju.

52017 Wayside village Kongju Dist. Korea.


52010 End view Memorial Tablet house. Kongju district. Korea.

52011 Men carrying hay for fuel to market with jiggy.

52012 Road near Kongju with hay and man with jiggies. Korea.

52013 Korean on bicycle up grade near Kongju, Korea.


52006 Old Korean and pipe studying motorcycle. Korea.

52007 Korean with rain hat to protect his "high" hat. Korea.

52008 Korean c*** with 'Mon' or seal or symbol of the company for whom
he works showing on his back as is regularly done in Japan. Korea.

52009 Wayside Memorial Tablet. Korea.


52002 Married man Non San village, Kongju, Korea.

52003 Korean men resting by the road side. Korea.

52004 Korean man with small white mourning hat. Korea.

52005 Korean helping Mr. C. Taylor's motorcycle out. Korea.

55707 A common street scene.

55708 Just waiting. Kongju, Korea.

55709 A farmer's home.

55710 A sewer collector.

55711 He leaves early to do the work of transportation.


51998 Non San village church. Kongju District. Korea.

51999 Caretakers house, Non San church property. Korea.

52000 Same as 51999.

52001 Married man at Non San village, Kongju District. Korea.


51994 Corwin Taylor giving out leaflets on the road near Non San village.
Kongju District, Korea.

51995 Corwin Taylor crossing bridge near Non San village, Kongju, Korea.

51996 Crowd around Mr. Corwin Taylor and motorcycle.

51997 Non San village church Kongju District.


51990 Corwin Taylor stopping to talk to some boys. Korea.

51992 Corwin Taylor on bridge Kongju District, Korea.

51993 Same as 51992.


51987 Japanese on bicycle who stopped to see motorcycle. Korea.

51988 Women watching motorcycle. Korea.

51989 Boys who had received tracts of leaflets on the - Korea.


51982 New Girls school building Women's Foreign Missionary Society Kang Kyung Po, Mrs. Sharp and
workers. Korea.

51983 Same as 51982

51984 Making the mud wall around helpers house Women's Foreign Missionary Society girls school. Mud
is tamped in mould, sun dried and then roofed with straw. Korea.

51985 Boys running down the road toward the motorcycle. Korea.


51970 Girls and women of the congregation. Kang Kyung Po. Kongju District.

51971 Workers just starting out from - Kongju.

51972 Workers on their way to the way village - Kongju.

51973 Workers from Kang Kyung Po church passing through fields on way to
villages in which they would do personal works and distribute tracts.


51966 Fruit sellers, Kang Kyung Po. Kongju.

51967 Kang Kyung Po Church. Kongju District. Korea.

51968 Kang Kyung Po Church. Bell tower and - Kongju.

51969 Church and congregation. Sadly need - Kongju, Korea.


51962 Baptist Church at Kang Kyung Po. Kongju District.

51964 Japanese section of Kang Kyung Po. Kongju District. Bldg. with town
is Farmer's Bank. Korea.

51965 Sifting gravel for sand. Kongju.


51958 River and washerwomen at foot of - Kongju, Korea.

51959 Kang Kyung Po from the hill back of - Kongju.

51960 Kang Kyung Po from the hill back of - Kongju.

51961 Baptist church building that is for sale. Kang Kyung Po. Kongju
District. Korea.


51954 Boatmen carrying New flag for their boat through streets of Kang
Kyang Po. Kongju District.

51955 Boats. Kang Kyung Po. Korea.

51956 Part of Kang Kyung Po. Kongju District. Korea.

51957 Kang Kyung Po from hill back of church. Kongju, Korea.


51950 Boy reading tract. Kongju, Korea.

51951 Corwin Tayler getting some help in. Kongju, Korea.

51952 Worker talking to man on road. Kongju, Korea.

51953 Worker and people at forge Kongju, Korea.


51946 Man digging for crab in mud by rice. Kongju, Korea.

51947 Boats in creek, Kang Kyang Po, Kongju, Korea.

51948 Boy with water buckets Kang Kyang Po. Kongju District, Korea.


51942 Mudang Dance. Kongju, Korea.

51944 Children watching the dance. Kongju, Korea.

51945 Children watching the dance. Kongju, Korea.


51938 Mudang Dance. Kongju Korea.

51939 Mudang dance Kongju, Korea.

51940 Mudang dance. Kongju, Korea.

51941 Mudang Dance. Kongju, Korea.


51934 Old Korean Pilgrim from beyond Wonju.

51936 Mudang or woman sorceries, wearing man's hat. Korea.

51937 Mudang. Kongju.


51930 Big stone Buddha. Korea.

51931 Stone Buddha. Kongju Dist.

51932 Stone Buddha Kongju, Dist.


51927 Stone Buddha Kongju District. Korea.

51928 Same as 51927.

51929 Tabletgiving history of stone Buddha.


51923 School site. Kongju, Korea.

51924 Big stone Buddha Kongju district. Korea.

51925 Same as 51924.

51926 Same as 51924.


51919 New Women's Foreign Missionary Society girls school. Kongju, Korea.

51920 Same caption as 51919.

51921 Kongju city with missionary residence used as boy's school.

51922 Self help boys weeding garden. Kongju, Korea.


51915 Football. Kongju boys school. Korea.

51916 A high kick-off in association football. Kongju boys school. Korea.

51917 Kongju from mission hill. Korea.

51918 Trees planted by boys of Kongju Boys school.


51911 Football Kongju boys school. Korea.

51912 Same caption as 51911

51913 Same caption as 51911

51914 Same caption as 51911.


51907 Boys in front of dormitory Kongju, Korea.

51908 Boys in front of dormitory practically all married. Kongju.

51909 Boys in front of dormitory Kongju, Korea.

51910 Mrs. Williams talking to school boys on proposed site for new
hospital Kongju. Mission residence now used for school shows on hill. Korea.


51905 English class, with Mrs. Williams. Kongju boys school.

51906 Football, Kongju boys school.


51899 School site Kongju, Korea.

51900 Boys school, pupils' garden, Kongju, Korea.

51901 Terrace, back of Kongju, Mission grounds.

51902 English class of boys in school Kongju, Korea.


51895 Charcoal and red peppers in street rope. Korea.

51896 Idol in Buddhist temple.

51897 Boys of Kongju school emptying "green" Korea.

51898 Kongju boys school, boys with fertilizer - Korea.


51891 Bicycle on the new bridge. Kongju, Korea.

51892 Jiggy boy loading movie camera case. Korea.

51893 Modern concrete bridge built by Japanese. Kongju.

51894 Doorway with charcoal and red peppers twined in a sign of boy baby
born, charcoal alone -- girl baby. Kongju. Korea.


51887 Kongju city with Japanese school for Korean foreigners. Korea.

51888 Same as 51887

51889 Children on path. Kongju.

51890 Japanese Shinto Shrine. Kongju, Korea.


51885 Street rope and charcoal sign of baby just born.

51886 Children leading a calf. Kongju.

51883 Old Korean near Konju.

51884 Beer and Saki shop. Kongju city Korea.


51879 House with gowrds on the roofs. Kongju, Korea.

51880 Interior of new Buddhist temple. Korea.

51881 Korean gentlemen raising fan as sun shield near Kongju. Korea.

51882 A village back of Kongju Mission property.


51875 Japanese Shinto Shrine. Kongju, Korea.

51876 Japanese children playing in dirt in Kongju, Korea.

51877 Jiggy boy with heavy load of fresh cut grass for fuel. Kongju.

51878 Village in valley back of mission grounds. Kongju, Korea.


51873 Kongju Korea.

51874 Kongju, Korea.


51871 Kongju from hill back of mission. Korea.

51872 Mission buildings in foreground. Kongju, Korea.


51869 Kongju with mission buildings on hills across from the city. Korea.

51870 Same caption as 51869


51867 Hospital site in front Kongju. Korea.

51868 Hospital site foreground Kongju, Korea.


51865 Busy street. Seoul, Korea.

51866 Korean street types. Seoul.


51861 Fuel market. Seoul.

51862 Firewood market. Seoul.

51863 Field market, ponies come miles. Seoul, Korea.

51864 Fuel market. Seoul, Korea.


51857 Korean sawing. Seoul.

51858 Korean sawing. Seoul.

51859 Korean sawing. Seoul.

51860 Korean sawing. Seoul.


51853 J.H. Morris, Office. Seoul.

51854 Fruit market. Seoul, Korea.

51855 Korean using Japanese triangular saw. Seoul, Korea.

51856 Korean sawing remodeling and - Seoul, Korea.


51849 Woman with bundle on head near Seoul, Korea.

51850 Weaving ridge for straw roof, and smoking cigarette. Korea.

51851 Namdaimon or great South Gate. Seoul.

51852 Namdaimon. Seoul.


51845 Child with baby brother on back. Seoul, Korea.

51846 Small village just out of Seoul. Korea.

51847 Same as 51846

51848 Small village near top of hill just outside of Seoul. Day of auto


51841 Pull cart. Seoul, Korea.

51842 Women carrying bundle on head. Seoul.

51843 Chinaman and water cans. Seoul, Korea.

51844 Children playing on sidewalk. Seoul, Korea.


51837 Watering cart. Seoul.

51838 Veiled Seoul woman.

51839 Korean man and two Japanese women. Seoul, Korea.

51840 Street and Jiwriksha. Seoul.


51833 Korean taking advantage of ledge. Seoul.

51834 Small village, and bicyclists outside.

51835 Korean types, man smoking, Seoul.

51836 Korean type. Pock-faced man. Seoul.


51829 Korean type Jiggy man smoking and resting. Seoul, Korea.

51830 Child and little brother watching auto repairs. Seoul.

51831 Jiggy man with load of "bureaus" Seoul.

51832 Korean types. Man smoking, watching auto. Seoul.


51925 Tampering ground for foundation. Seoul, Korea.

51826 Tampering ground for foundation. Seoul, Korea.

51827 Korean type, Jiggy boy. Seoul, Korea.


51821 Pile driver. Seoul, Korea.

51822 Korean pile driving. Seoul.

51823 Tamping foundations with rock. Seoul, Korea.

51824 Tampering foundation with rocks. Seoul, Korea.


51817 Heavy load of silk cocoons. Seoul, Korea.

51818 Mullbery palace gate. Seoul.

51819 Figure on gate of Mulberry Palace. Seoul, Korea.

51820 Korean type. Smiling old man. Seoul, Korea.


51813 Ancient stone bridge. Seoul, Korea.

51814 Bicycle near Namdaimon Station. Seoul.

51815 Hand carts with heavy loads. Seoul, Korea.

51816 Japanese woman and child. Station square. Seoul, Korea.


51809 Candy boy crying his wares. Korea.

51810 Ancient stone bridge. Seoul.

51811 Dejected Korean and boy asleep in Jiggy. Seoul.

51812 Square in front of Namdaimon station. Seoul, Korea.


51806 Man still wearing rain hat over regular hat. Korea.

51808 Jiggy man with load of earthen ware. Korea.


51802 Boy and rain hat. Seoul, Korea.

51803 Women with basket of vegetables. Seoul, Korea.

51804 Jiggy man with load on road near Seoul, Korea.

51805 Country people coming to main road near Seoul, Korea. River in


51798 Korean types, crying child. Korea.

51799 Korean types, man with mourning hat. Korea.

51800 Wheel - right stopping to smoke during his work. Seoul, Korea.

51801 Fuel market. Seoul, Korea.


51794 Korean woman making pancakes. Dough is specked with pieces of green
melon chopped up. Seoul near Pai Chai.

51795 Images on corner of gate to Mullbery Palace. Seoul.

51796 Figures (microbes) on corner of gate to Mullbery Palace. Korea.

51797 Korean type boy. Korea.


51792 Girl leading blind man. Seoul, Korea.

51793 Girl leading blind man. Seoul, Korea.


51789 Dog helping pull handcart. Seoul, Korea.

51790 Country travel near Seoul.

51791 Women with bundles on heads. Seoul, Korea.


51785 Watering street near Nandaimon. Seoul, Korea.

51786 Watering street near Nandaimon. Seoul, Korea.

51787 Buying cigarettes. Seoul, Korea.

51788 Selling cigarettes, station on Fusan. Seoul.


51782 Barber (Babil) sign. Seoul.

51783 Image of Dharuma corner of street near Nandaimon.

51784 Watering street near Nandaimon. Seoul, Korea.


51778 Line men on new electric light poles. Bank of Chosen in background.

51779 Line men at work on new electric light pole in front of P.O. Seoul.

51780 Basket shop. Seoul.

51781 Barber (Babil) sign. Seoul.


51774 Merchant winnowing black beans. Seoul.

51775 Korean man washing (brass wash bowl) Seoul.

51776 Korean boy tying on brothers trousers. Seoul.

51777 Korean type. Old man. Seoul.


51770 Pulpit rock mountain and city wall on Mt. Seoul.

51772 New Korean Palace near legations. Seoul.

51773 End of winnowing beans. Seoul.


51767 Jiggy man with three water wheels. Seoul.

51768 Jiggy man with three bicycles.

51769 Seoul mountains and part of old city wall back of Pai Chai. Seoul.


51764 Jiggy man with 4x4 and 2x2 timber. Seoul, Korea.

51765 Side view of Korean jiggy man and water wheels. Korea.


51760 Oriental Development Co. Binding with Korean boys flying kites.

51761 Korean boy flying kite. Seoul.

51762 Street in front of Bank of Chosen. Seoul.

51763 Street and square in front of Bank of Chosen. Seoul.


51756 Japanese boy and kite. Seoul, Korea.

51757 Japanese boy and kite. Seoul, Korea.

51758 Japanese boy and kite. Seoul, Korea.

51759 Japanese boy and kite. Seoul, Korea.


51752 Korean man and pipe. Seoul, Korea.

51753 Korean boys and one Japanese boy fixing kite. Seoul, Korea.

51754 Japanese boy and kite. Seoul, Korea.

51755 Japanese boy and kite. Seoul, Korea.


51748 Street being widended. Seoul.

51749 Child watching auto being fixed. Seoul.

51750 Cart with telephone pole. Seoul, Korea.

51751 Two Korean women gossips.


51744 Koreans sawing fire wood. Seoul.

51745 Man smoking. half asleep. Seoul.

51746 Boys employed in cigarette factory. Seoul.

51747 Koreans sawing logs for fire wood. Seoul.


51740 Korean beggar with baby wrapped in rags in front of Y.M.C.A. Seoul.

51741 Korean gentlemen old and new type hats walking along old city wall
near Severance Hospital. Seoul, Korea.

51742 Seoul woman's costume. green cloak and veil with red ribbons. Korea.

51743 Japanese mail man. Seoul.


51738 Bulls being driven through streets. In front of Severance Hospital.
Seoul. Korea.

51739 Despondent looking old Korean gentelman on city wall near Severance
Hospital. Seoul, Korea.


51734 Linemen at work. Telephone wire. Seoul.

51735 Telephone line men. Seoul.

51736 Line men at work near the Namdaimon or Great South Gate. Seoul.

51737 Street scene. taken from Namdaimon. Seoul.


51730 Jiggy man with heavy galvanized iron screen on back. Seoul.

51731 Jiggy man and three bicycle on back. Seoul.

51732 Busy street scene. Seoul.

51733 Jiggy man with three bicycle. Seoul.


51726 Bicycle delivering boy. Seoul.

51727 Korean types. Smiling boy. Seoul.

51728 Type old man. Korea.

51729 Bicycle delivering boy stopping to see camera. Seoul.


51722 Mr. Leikya of R.R. on steps of F.H. Smith's house. Seoul.

51723 Korean using Japanese Triangular saw. Seoul.

51724 Korean type. Seoul.

51725 Smiling Korean boy. Seoul.


51718 Shoe maker, Seoul, Korea.

51719 Korean types, smiling way. Seoul, Korea.

51720 Mr. Leikya. Seoul, Korea.

51721 Smith and Leikya. Seoul, Korea.


51716 Methodist EpiscopalChurch near South Gate. Seoul, Korea.

51717 Methodist Episcopal Church near South Gate. Korea.


51714 Threshing in flails. Kang Sa.

51715 Threshing in flails. Kang Sa.


51710 Chiponia's children. Korea.

51711 Chiponia's children. Korea.

51712 Chiponia's children. Korea.

51713 C.S. Dr. Hardies house. Korea.


51708 Korean wayside restaurant keeper and wife. Korea.

51709 Mr. Pak concubine and daughter. Seoul, Korea.


51704 At station on line from Fusan to Seoul. Korea.

51705 Pasteurized milk for sale also beer Fusan line. Korea.

51706 Enroute from Fusan, Korea. Scene at Station.

51707 Korean school - boys probably Song Do. Korea.


51700 Fusan Steamer. Korea.

51701 Mountain near Fusan. Korea.

51702 Baldwin locomotive Fusan. Korea.

51703 Boldwin locomotive. Korea.


51696 Water scoop. Wejungbo. Christian Korean man.

51697 Water scoop. Wejungbo. Christian Korean man.

51798 Transplanting rice Korea.

51699 Fusan steamer. Korea.


51692 Transplanting rice. Korea.

51693 Transplanting rice plants. Korea.

51694 Transplanting rice. Korea.

51695 Weeding rice fields. Korea.


51689 Joggy full rice plants Wejungbo. Korea.

51690 Transplanting. Wejunbo, Korea.

51691 Resting in rice fields. Wejungbo, Korea.


51684 Man drinking from gourd while his wife watches auto.

51685 Harrowing on way to Wejungbo. Korea.

51686 Plowing Wejungbo near Seoul. Korea.

51687 Farmers with young rice plants. Wonju. Korea.


51680 Plowing. Korea.

51681 Plowing. Korea.

51682 Plowing. Korea.

51683 Plowing. Korea.


51676 Korean Children in streets Wejungbo. Korea.

51677 Jackstones. Wejungbo, Korea.

51678 Jackstones. Wejungbo. Korea.

51679 Plowing Korea.


51672 Korean child. Korea.

51673 Ice for sale and children picking up chips. Korea.

51675 Child at Tile Kiln door Wejungbo near Seoul. Korea.


51668 Asleep on his "Jiggy". Korea.

51669 Joggy loaded with fire wood. Korea.

51670 Frame for carrying load on ox. Korea.

51671 Raining.


51664 Standard Oil. Chinampo. Korea.

51665 Fish for sale. Saleted but ripe. Chinampo. Korea.

51666 Korean body shield to keep clothing away from body. Chinampo. Korea.

51667 Jiggy man. Korea.


51660 Old Korean with small mourning hat . Korea.

51662 Laundry. Korea.

51663 Korean woman and burdens. Korea.


51656 Korean man's head dress showing top knot and head band on which hat
fits. Korea.

51657 Old Korean man. Korea.

51658 Korean type. Korea.

51659 Korean man with rain hat. Korea.


51654 Old Korean. Korea.

51655 Old beggar. Korea.


51650 Wejungbo Church. Korea.

51651 Old Korean.

51652 Old Korean, studying motor cycle. Korea.

51653 Korean man.


51646 Tile making Wejungbo near Seoul. Korea.

51647 Dusting with powder before putting away to dry. Tile making Wejungbo
near Seoul. Korea.

51648 Tile maker, Wejungbo. Korea.

51649 Tile making Wejungbo near Seoul. Korea.


51642 Japanese school. Wejungbo near Seoul. Korea.

51643 Station. Wejungbo, Korea.

51644 Washing at the well. Japanese part of Wejungbo, near Seoul, Korea.

51645 Wejungbo, tile making Korea.


51638 Post office. Wejungbo. Korea.

51639 Dr. Hardie in front of Gendarmerie. Wejungbo near Seoul. Korea.

51640 Tree nursery. Oaks Wejungbo. Korea.

51641 Tree nursery. Wejungbo near Seoul. Korea.


51634 Auto wreck. Seoul, Korea.

51635 Watching the auto. Seoul, Korea.

51636 Watching the auto. Wejungbo road. Korea.

51637 Village office. Wejungbo. Korea.


51630 Auto on way to Wee Jong Bo. Seoul. Korea.

51631 On the road to Wejungbo.

51632 Auto crossing river. Seoul. Korea.

51633 Road and hills on way to Wejungbo. Korea.


51626 Missionary motor cycle and side car. Seoul. Korea.

51627 Dr. Noble and Mr. Cable motor cycle and side car. Seoul.

51628 J.H. Morris on motor cycle. Seoul. Korea.

51629 Street in Seoul showing Japanese officier on horse. Korea.


51624 Missionary motorcycle. Seoul. Korea.

51625 Dr. Noble and Mr. Billings crossing. Seoul.

51807 Country people coming to main road near Seoul, river in distance,
mostly a bed of sand. Man with large mourning hat in foreground.


51620 Baseball, Foreign school. Seoul. Korea.

51621 Boys playing ball at missionary children's school. Korea.

51622 Base ball. Seoul.

51623 Swing at school for foreign children. Seoul. Korea.


51616 School for missionaries children at Seoul. Korea.

51617 School for foreign children at Seoul. Korea.

51618 Foreign school. Seoul. Korea.

51619 School for missionary children at Seoul. Korea.


51612 Pierson Memorial. Seoul. Korea.

51613 Pierson Memorial Bible School. New dormitory at right. Seoul. Korea.

51614 Union Womans Bible School Second. Korea.

51615 Building of school for missionaries children. Seoul. Korea.


51608 B.A.F. Bible Society shipment of . Seoul. Korea.

51609 Korean Tract Society Publish. Seoul. Korea.

51610 Korean Tract Society Publication. Seoul. Korea.

51611 Same Caption as 51610.


51604 Coming to better baby contest. Seoul. Korea.

51605 Prize baby. Baby show. Seoul. Korea.

51606 Better Baby show. Seoul. Korea.

51607 Korean Religion of Tract Society. Board of Foreign Mission Bible
Society. Seoul. Korea.


51600 Blind baby and nurse Women's Foreign Missionary Society Hospital. Seoul. Korea.

51601 Child doll and blocks. Women's Foreign Missionary Society Hospital. Seoul. Korea.

51602 Child blocks Women's Foreign Missionary Society Hospital. Seoul. Korea.

51603 Coming to better baby contest. Seoul. Korea.


51596 Devil tree with sandals. Seoul. Korea.

51597 Spirit house and devil tree. Seoul. Korea.

51598 Christian boy not afraid of devil altar. Seoul. Korea.

51599 Blind baby and nurse. Women's Foreign Missionary Society Seoul. Korea.


51592 Girls school in Church just outside East Gate. Seoul. Korea.

51593 Girls school in Church just outside East Gate. Seoul. Korea.

51594 Spirit house outside East Gate. Seoul. Korea.

51595 Back view of spirit house outside East Gate. Seoul. Korea.


51589 Boys class. East Gate Church shoe rack in background. Seoul. Korea.

51590 Sunday School Class. East Gate. Seoul. Korea.

51591 Sunday School class. East Gate. Seoul. Korea.


51587 Class in East Gate S.S. Seoul. Korea.

51588 Girls in East Gate Sunday School. Seoul. Korea.


51585 Sunday School East Gate Church. Seoul. Korea.

51586 East Gate Sunday School. Seoul. Korea.


51583 East Gate Sunday School. Seoul. Korea.


51579 Water standing under Chongno Church after rain Seoul. Korea.

51580 Pavilion Korean restaurant near Chongno Church. Seoul. Korea.

51581 Korean restaurant grounds Seoul. Possible site for Chongno Church.

51582 Looking through East Gate. Seoul. Korea.

51575 Kim Chang Choon pastor of Chongno Church. Seoul. Korea.

51577 Kim Young Chin (son of Kim Chan Sik) now in second year of Government Meidcal College. Seoul. 1918. was instrumental in getting Bible Class started for Mr. Billings having average attendance of 15. Taught in Korean so there was no bait in the way of a chance to learn English. Leads singing in Chongno Church. Seoul. Korea.

51578 Chongno Methodist Church, Seoul. A modern Venice when it rains. Old weather beaten boards. Seoul. Korea.


51577 Woman of Imperial household staff, members of Chongno Church. Seoul.

51672 Rev. Billings and Korean pastor of Chongno Church. Seoul. Korea.

51573 Kim Chang Choon in his study. Chongno "Parsonage" Seoul. Korea.

51574 Kim Chang Choon pastor of Chongno Church. Seoul. Had spoken to 3400
people person-ally in six months. Korea.


51567 Kindergarten. Chongno Church. Seoul. Korea.

51568 Ragged school of Chongno taught by a Paichai boy school. Korea.

51569 Ragged school of Chongno Church taught by Pai Chai Boy meets from 4
to 6 P.M. Seoul. Korea.

51570 Rev. Billings and prominent member of Chongno Church attached to old
Imperial family. Seoul. Korea.


51563 Big bell. Seoul. Korea.

51564 Mr. Appenzeller and children in front of wretched old Y.M.C.A
building now used as a church old weather worm boards. Chongno Church.
Seoul. Korea.

51565 Kindergarten Chongno Church. Seoul, Korea.

51566 Kindergarten Chongno Church. Seoul, Korea.


51561 Chosen Christian College. Seoul. Site of main buildings. Korea.

51562 Path in grave on site of Chosen Christian College. Seoul. Korea.


51560 Chosen Christian College site of main buildings. Seoul, Korea.


51557 Grave on site of Chosen Christian College. Seoul .Korea.

51558 Trees and lagoon on site of Chosen Christian College. Seoul, Korea.


51555 Grave of Pine Trees. Chosen Christian College Site. Seoul, Korea.

51556 Grave of Pine Trees. Chosen Christian College Site. Seoul, Korea.


51553 Street on way to Chosen Christian College. Seoul. Korea.

51554 Syakingo Church "run by" Chosen Christian College students. Seoul.


51550 Ewa grounds. Seoul, Korea.

51551 Ewa recitation building. Seoul, Korea.

51552 On way to Chosen Christian College. Korea.


51547 Shady road in front of Ewa Girls' High School. Seoul, Korea.

51548 Girls going into recitation Ewa. Seoul, Korea.

51549 Old wall near Pai Chai. Seoul. Korea. Pai Chai boys studying.


51544 Ironing with charcoal brazier, Ewa. Seoul, Korea.

51546 Ironing white sheets with sticks. Ewa. Seoul, Korea.

51545 Jumping board Ewa. Haktang. Seoul, Korea.


51541 Jumping board Ewa. Seoul, Korea.

51542 Jumping board. Ewa. Seoul, Korea.

51543 Jumping board. Ewa. Seoul, Korea.


51537 Ewa girls ironing with charcoal brazer. Seoul, Korea.

51538 Ewa girls ironing with sticks. Seoul, Korea.

51539 Ewa girls ironing with sticks. Seoul, Korea.

51540 Jumping board Ewa. Seoul, Korea.


51533 End of giant swing Pai Chai. Seoul, Korea.

51534 Pai Chai boy somersault off a platform. Seoul, Korea.

51536 Students of Ewah Haktang. Seoul. Ironing clothes.


51529 Pai Chai boy starting to somersault off of platform. Seoul, Korea.

51530 Pai Chai during somersault from platform. Seoul, Korea.

51531 Pai Chai boy on horizontal bar. Seoul, Korea.

51532 Pai Chai boy on horizontal bar. Seoul, Korea.


51525 Pai Chai main building. Seoul, Korea.

51526 Pai Chai dormitory. Seoul, Korea.

51527 Pai Chai dormitory. Seoul, Korea.

51528 Pai Chai boy scouts at baseball. Palace in distance. Seoul, Korea.


51521 Pai Chai cooperative store. Seoul, Korea.

51522 Pai Chai Cooperative store. Seoul, Korea.

51523 Paichai main building.

51524 Scrub baseball. Paichai. Seoul, Korea.


51517 Pai Chai meneral cabinet. Seoul, Korea.

51518 Pai Chai exhibit. Seoul, Korea.

51519 Pai Chai exhibit meterial. Seoul, Korea.

51520 Paichai cooperative store. Seoul, Korea.


51513 Boy testing for hydrogen in the chemical laboratory. Paichai High

51514 Boy testing for hydrogen in the chemical laboratory. Paichai High

51515 Paichai butterflies. Seoul, Korea.

51516 Pai Chai mineral cabinet. Seoul, Korea.


51509 Pai Chai boys marching to recitation. Seoul, Korea.

51510 Pai Chai boys forming for march to classes. Seoul, Korea.

51511 Pai Chai boys starting for classes. Seoul, Korea.

51512 Pai Chai boys march to classes. Seoul, Korea.


51505 Pai Chai boys. Seoul, Korea.

51506 Pai Chai boys ready for recitations. Seoul, Korea.

51507 Pai Chai boys ready to march to classes. Seoul, Korea.

51508 Pai Chai boys marching to class. Seoul, Korea.


51501 Pai Chai boys seting up exercises Mr. Noble's house in background.
Seoul, Korea.

51502 Pai Chai, class drilling Dr. Nobles residence at left, Bishop Welch's at right. Korea.

51503 Pai Chai boys. Seoul, Korea.

51504 Pai Chai boys. Seoul, Korea.


51498 Paichai setting up exercises. Seoul, Korea.

51499 Pai Chai setting up excercise First Methodist Church. Seoul, Korea.

51500 Paichai setting up exercises.


51494 Pai Chai Dormitory (back view). Seoul, Korea.

51495 Corner of present chapel building and palyground. Paichai. Seoul,

51496 Boys at drill. Paichai High School. Seoul, Korea.

51497 Pai Chai drill. Seoul, Korea.


51490 Pai Chai grounds. Seoul, Korea.

51491 Paichai chapel. Seoul, Korea.

51492 Paichai chapel. Seoul, Korea.


51488 Old woman in hospital bed. Seoul, Korea.

51489 Pai Chai Physical Laboratory.


51484 Dr. A.I. Ludlow in surgical clinic. Severance Union Medical College.
Seoul, Korea.

51485 Dr. J.D.V.B in Bio-Chemistry Laboratory. Severance Union Medical
College. Seoul, Korea.

51486 Laboratory Demonstration in Physiology.

51487 Weaving Korean grass cloth out doors hand loom. Seoul, Korea.


51480 District superintendent's conference (1918). Seoul, Korea.

51481 Deacons ordained at conference, 1918. Seoul, Korea.

51482 No caption.

51483 Church of Taiden in Construction. Konju District. Korea.


51478 Ordination of elders. Seoul, Korea.

51479 Ordination last of elders. Seoul, Korea.


51476 Elders ordained at Seoul Conference. Seoul, Korea.

51477 Ordination of elders. Seoul, Korea.


51474 Probationers admitted 1918. Seoul, Korea.

51475 Elders ordained at Seoul Conference. Korea.


51472 Congregation - First Methodist Episcopal Church. Seoul, Korea.

51473 District superintendents. Korea.


51468 Book store Seoul conference. Seoul, Korea.

51469 Book store Korea Conference.

51470 Book stall. Conference. Seoul, Korea.

51471 Book stall conference, Seoul. Korea.


51464 Child in First Methodist Episcopal Church. Seoul, Korea.

51465 Boy at conference. Seoul, Korea.

51466 Boys in First Methodist Episcopal yard during conference. Seoul,

51467 Children at conference, Seoul, Korea.


51460 Ladies Aid Society, First Methodist Episcopal Church. Seoul, Korea.

51461 First Church members who have been Christians 20 yrs. or more.
Seoul, Korea.

51462 Boy near the Methodist Episcopal Church. Seoul, Korea.

51463 Child at conference. Seoul, Korea.


51456 Korean District Superintendents. Seoul, Korea.

51457 Korean District Superintendents. Seoul, Korea.

51458 First Church. Seoul, Korea.

51459 First Church. Seoul, Korea.


51451 Reception to Bishop Welch. Seoul, Korea.

51455 Bishop Welch. Seoul, Korea.

51453 Pavilion in garden. Prince Pak's residence. Seoul, Korea.

51454 Billing's House - Seoul, Korea.


51447 Mrs. Van Bushirk picking strawberries. Seoul, Korea.

51448 Korean picnic and reception to Bishop Welch. Seoul, Korea.

51449 Reception to Bishop Welch. Seoul, Korea.

51450 Reception to Bishop Welch. Seoul, Korea.


51443 Grave on hillside. Seoul, Korea.

51444 Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church. Seoul, Korea.

51445 Mrs. Van Birshirk picking strawberries. Seoul, Korea.

51446 Bishop Welch's residence. Seoul, Korea.


51439 Steps to Imperial Tablet House. Seoul, Korea.

51440 Pavilion and Lotus pond. Tablet House. Seoul, Korea.

51441 Tablet house. Pavilion and Lotus Pond. Seoul, Korea.

51442 View from Tablet House grounds. Seoul, Korea.


51435 Bed room of first wife, Tablet House. Seoul, Korea.

51436 Tablet house. Seoul, Korea.

51434 Dining room chief wife's Tablet House. Seoul, Korea.

51437 Tablet House of Old Imperial family of Korea, Seoul.

51438 Tablet house. Seoul, Korea.


51430 Korean market. Seoul, Korea.

51431 Dwellings of noble who has charge of the Imperial Tablet house.
Seoul, Korea.

51432 Reception room of old Princess. Tablet House. Seoul, Korea.

51433 Interior reception room Tablet-house. Seoul, Korea.


51427 Old Korean woman by wayside, Seoul, Korea.

51428 Old Korean lady. Seoul, Korea.

51429 Old Korean woman's costume. Seoul, Korea.


51425 Woman preparing meal in front of a very poor house. Seoul, Korea.

51426 Korean women in market. Seoul, Korea.


51421 Korean man eating pancakes. Seoul, Korea.

51422 Mr. Bunker's cook. Seoul, Korea.

51423 Packfaced Korean. Mr. Bunker's cook. Seoul, Korea.

51424 Korean woman carrying large iron kettle. Seoul, Korea.


51417 Korean gentlemen, waiting for street car. Seoul, Korea.

51418 Gentleman waiting for car. Seoul, Korea.

51419 Korean man and poster. Seoul, Korea.

51420 Old Korean man eating in the street. Seoul, Korea.


51413 Jinrickisha man asleep. Seoul, Korea.

51414 Asleep in jiggie - Seoul, Korea.

51415 Gentleman. Seoul, Korea.

51416 Korean men waiting for car. Seoul, Korea.


51409 Jiggy man and stones. Seoul, Korea.

51410 Jiggy men with loads of stone. Seoul, Korea.

51411 Jiggy man carrying bicycles. Seoul, Korea.

51412 C*** asleep in doorway. Seoul, Korea.


51405 Richsha men. Korea.

51406 Jiggy man carrying wardrobe West Gate. Seoul, Korea.

51407 Jiggy man carrying wardrobe West Gate. Seoul, Korea.

51408 Jiggy man. Seoul, Korea.


51401 View from hill. Seoul. Dr. Hardie's Church shows in distance. Korea.

51402 Man with mowning hat watching Dr. Cables motorcycle by Chosen
Christian College site. Seoul, Korea.

51403 Farmer's hat. Korea.

51404 Man with mowning hat. Seoul, Korea.


51397 Korean Gate way. Seoul.

51398 Marquis Pak's house. Seoul, Korea.

51399 Sunrise over. Seoul, Korea.

51400 View from the home of Mr. Hardii taken from veranda. Seoul, Korea.