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H5524 The Confidence man who sells soap with a dollar bill wrapped around
one cake out of each three. Perhaps one man in a hundred finds a bill.
Frontenac, Kansas.

H5525 The Methodist lunch counter on the street where the celebration took
place Labor Day. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5526 The City Band. 75% foreign born. Labor Day. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5527 Same caption as H5525


H5519 Labor Day when the umpire said, "Play Ball." Frontenac, Kansas.

H5520 Labor Day Ball Game "Strike Three." Frontenac, Kansas.

H5521 General view of the Ball Field, Labor Day. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5523 Methodist boy scouts ready for the Labor Day Parade. Frontenac,


H5515 Swing for a 3 base hit, Labor Day. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5516 The Grandstand at the Labor Day Ball Game. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5517 The Grandstand at the Labor Day Ball Game. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5518 The best part at the Grandstand. Frontenac, Kansas.

H6460 The ice man. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


H5511 The Grandstand at the Labor Day Ball Game. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5512 The pitcher in the process of "winding up." Frontenac, Kansas.

H5513 Watching the Labor Day Ball Game from box cars. Frontenac, Kansas.

H5514 Hill Billy bridal couple in their holiday best, at the ball game.
Frontenac, Kansas.


H5508 Neidringhaus Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church. Granite City, Mo.

H5509 Lead and zinc mines. Joplin, Mo.


H5506 Dewey Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church. Granite City, Mo.

H5507 Salem Methodist Episcopal Church. Parsonage is seen next to church. St. Louis, Mo.


H5504 Elmbank Methodist Episcopal Church, St. Louis, Mo. 1918.

H5505 Zion Methodist Episcopal Church, Carondelet, So. St. Louis, Mo. 1918.


H5502 Old Eden Methodist Episcopal Church, now a grocery store below, and plumbers union
hall above, St. Louis, Mo. 1918.

H5503 New Roman Catholic Cathedral. St. Louis, Mo. 1918.


H5500 National Enamel and Stamping Co.'s Steel Mill. Granite City, Mo.

H5501 Old Washington Street Methodist Episcopal Church, now a Jewish Synagogue. St.
Louis, Mo. 1918.


H5493 Byers Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. Joplin, Mo.


H5490 Vista Methodist Episcopal Church, Springfield, Mo.

H5492 Central Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. East Joplin, Mo.


H5488 A mission charge among the poor whites. Springfield, Mo.

H5489 Burge Deaconess Hospital and nurses Home. Springfield, Mo.


H5482 Lead-zinc mines, mills and housing conditions in Webb City, Mo.

H5485 Old Methodist Episcopal Church being demolished. South Monett, Mo.


H5478 Construction of new and modern Methodist Episcopal Church. Baxter Springs, Kansas.

H5481 Pitts Methodist Episcopal Chapel (colored), Springfield, Mo.


H5474 Methodist Episcopal Church, this adequately meets the needs here. Webb City, Mo.

H5475 Methodist Episcopal Church, South Webb City, Mo.


H5472 New First Methodist Episcopal Church. Joplin, Mo.

H5473 Lead-zinc mines, mills and housing conditions around Webb City, Mo.


H5470 First Methodist Episcopal Church, showing the new social plant added to the old
Colonial style church of 1864. Rolla, Mo.

H5471 Old First Methodist Episcopal Church, now an undertakers establishment. Joplin, Mo.


H5468 Campus of the State School of Mines. Rolla, Mo.

H5469 First Methodist Episcopal Church showing the new social plant added to the old
Colonial style church of 1864. Rolla, Mo.


H5463 In the wading pool - Jewish Playground. St. Louis, Mo.

H5464 Same caption as H5463

H5465 Wishing they had some place to play. St. Louis, Mo.

H5466 Rev. Wahl and some of the Jewish children across the street from the
old Methodist Episcopal Church, now used as a Jewish synagogue. St. Louis, Mo.

H5467 Type of better class, Jewish family. St. Louis, Mo.



H5460 Macedonian Commercial Company. Granite City, Ill.

H5461 Type of house used by the workmen of Granite City. Mills Granite
City, Ill.

H5462 In the wading pool - Jewish playground. St. Louis, Mo.


H5439 Climbing. St. Louis, Mo.

H5441 Rag pickers and scavengers from Tin Can Hollow. Joplin, Mo.

H5445 Spying out the ground. Joplin, Mo.

5446 The old woman inside the yard, handing out cut grass to the man, who
loads it. For taking away such refuse they get 10 cents or so. Joplin, Mo.


H5321 R. O. T. C. men going to camp. Peoria, Ill.

H5326 Once a Baptist Church, now a farmer's exchange grocery store.
Springfield, Ill.

H5438 An old crippled darky going to town. St. Louis, Mo.


H5316 College men going to camp. Peoria, Ill.

H5317 Climbing the carpenter's ladder. Moline, Ill.

H5319 Rev. Geo. McClung of First Methodist Episcopal Church throwing a nickel while the
boys scramble for it. Kankakee, Ill.

H5320 The vegetable peddler. Springfield, Ill.


H5308 Friends. Granite City, Ill.

H5311 "T[w]o Helmit Der Kaiser." Moline, Ill.

H5314 Just shacks. Pekin, Ill.

H5315 Waiting for the Postman.


H5301 Comrades.

H5302 Hunting for a penny that was lost. Kankakee, Ill.

H5306 Getting acquainted. Granite City. Ill.

H5307 Watching for the "birdie." Granite City, Ill.


H5293 An Italian boy "picture shy," Springfield, Ill.

H5294 A home in the Italian section of the city. Springfield, Ill.

H5295 Typical Slavish woman and child. Springfield, Ill.

H5296 An Italian child. Springfield, Ill.


H5282 Just beyond these buildings ground has been bought on which to build
a 15 million Dollar Coke and By-product Plant. Efforts are being made to
secure ground for an Methodist Episcopal Church. Granite City, Ill.

H5283 Reserve Officers Training Corp on way to camp. Peoria, Ill.

H5286 Y. W. C. A. and Baptist Church. Moline, Ill.

H5291 Mr. N. J. Albertson, retired wagon manufacturer who has been a
member of Grace German Methodist Episcopal Church at Pekin since 1853. Pekin, Ill.


H5278 Keeping cool 'til the postman comes. Springfield, Ill.

H5279 A cool place for baby to play. Springfield, Ill.

H5280 Building used as a "Beer Club" to evade the dry law. Springfield,

H5281 Playmates. Kankakee, Ill.


H5275 The 7th Street Methodist Episcopal Church, at 22 East 7th Street, now a Greek
Catholic Church.

H5276 Same caption as H5275


H5273 Old Ninth Street Church, Southwest corner Ave. B and 9th Street, now
a Lutheran Church.

H5274 Same caption as H5273


H5271 Lexington Ave. American Methodist Episcopal Church, corner of Lexington Ave. and
53rd Street, now a prosperous Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church.

H5272 Same caption as H5271


H5269 Perry Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Perry Street. Now a garage.

H5270 Same caption as H5269


H5013 Romney Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.


H5011 New Sheridon Road Church. This has a fine, but not yet fully
equipped social and gymnasium plant. Chicago Ill.

H5012 Old Sheridon Road Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago Ill.


H5009 Wicker Park, Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.

H5010 Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.


H5007 Granville Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago, Ill.

H5008 Marie Chapel of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, in the heart of the Italian
district. Chicago, Ill.


H5005 Social room. Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Writing desks, typewriters,
piano, accessible to all. Rockford, Ill.

H5006 Old Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church, now used as a garage. Rockford,


H5003 Proposed site of Evanstontownship High School, one and a half blocks
from Wheadon Methodist Episcopal Church. When or if this project goes through as is
expected, Wheadon Church will be the center of an educational district.
Evanston, Ill.

H5004 Gymnasium of Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church, fully equiped with fine
lockers and bath rooms. Since finished there have been over three hundred
in physical classes constantly. Size 46x72 feet. Rockford, Ill.


H4979 New church- at Roselle Park will be dedicated May 1st. Newark N.J.

H4987 First Methodist Episcopal Church Woodrow, Staten Island

H5002 Wheadon Methodist Episcopal Church, where it is proposed to put an adequate
Community House in a strategic center. The entire plot of ground shown is
church property, and the present building was considered inadequate ten
years ago. Evanston Ill.


H4974 Using the "lucky wheel" to sell War Saving Stamps. This wheel was
used quite extensively, but in some places the police objected to its use.

H4975 Same caption as above.


H4972 U.S. Dept of Labor Employment Agencies 23rd St. + 6+7th Ave. New
York City N.Y.

H4973 Laborers repairing worn car-tracks at 23rd St. and 8th Ave N.Y.C.


H4970 Looking east on 23rd Street and 8th Ave. showing the YMCA building

H4971 Looking north on 8th Ave+ 23rd St. showing the traffic on 8th Ave


H4968 One of the "Horse meat" butcher shops Eighth Ave, between 23rd+ 24
St. N.Y.C.

H4969 Same caption as above.


H4966 Northern end of Italian Bldg. showing War Design which is situated
on top of the store about 25 feet high, from the ground. Corner of Buay and
23rd St. N.Y.C

H4967 Caption same as above.


H4961 Riverview Chapel, Kankakee, IL

H4965 Keeley Institute, famous for its cure of drunkiness and drug using.
Prohibition and the war have reduced the number of patients to 25% of the
pre-war crowd and there are plans discussed for turning the plant into a
rest-cure sanitarium, Dwight, IL 1918


H4959 One of the schoolhouses of Springfield where nearly,,, if not half
of the children are of foreign parentage, Springfield, IL 1918

H4960 Types of houses being built by the people who are moving into the
new section of the city, Springfield, IL 1918

H4957 Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Kankakee, IL

H4958 In the Italian section of Springfield, showing one of the 200 saloons that went out of business when the people under local option voted "dry." Everybody is recognizing the wonderful moral uplift of the city and there is no danger of the saloon ever coming back in Springfield. A mission should by all means be started here. IL 1918


H4955 Group of McCluny's Sunday School Boys scrambling for pennies,
Kankakee, IL

H4956 Emmanuel German Methodist Episcopal Church, now reduced to less than 30 members,
because the German element has moved away, Pevria, IL 1918


H4953 Grace German Methodist Episcopal Church (the successor to 4954 "below"). It has
largest membership in German Methodism, Pekin, IL 1918

H4954 First Grace German Methodist Episcopal Church, now a residence, Pekin IL 1918


H4951 First Methodist Episcopal Church, Kankakee, IL

H4952 Sears Roebuck and Co.'s factory ay Kankakee. This is Americas largest
mail order house, selling exclusively to Americans; Montgomery-- Ward
having most of the export trade, IL 1918


H4944 Bradley Methodist Episcopal Church, Kankakee, IL 1918

H4945 Portable schoolhouses to take care of the overflow of pupils,
Springfield, IL 1918


H4943 First Methodist Episcopal Church. Great need for parsonage at right of church and
for equipment for social uplift, East Moline, IL 1918


H4940 A general view of the John Deere Plow and Turn Machinery Plants,
Moline, IL 1918

H4941 Part of the John Deere Factories showing the of houses occupied by
the common laborers most of whom are foreigners, Moline, IL 1918

H4942 View of the Mississippi River. This is one of the great Industrail
centers and should have intensive Christian work on a much larger scale
than at present found, Moline, IL 1918


H4938 One of the new streets of Moline Illinois showing the type of houses
being built, 1918

H4939 Some of the cottages erected for the employees of the Steel Mills,
Gary, IN 1918


H4923 Italian Mission, where the pastor has a community Mission and with
little or no means has secured 3 old sewing machines for the teaching of
sensible dressmaking, also fitted up part of the basement as a manual
training dept. for boys with but one work bench, Moline, IL 1918

H4936 Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church where it is planned to establish another
Morgan Memorial for Chicago's "Down and out" population, Chicago, IL 1918


H4928 The auditorium of Centenary Church. It is hoped that here it will be
possible to establish a second Morgan Memorial, Chicago, IL 1918

H4931 The Clothing and book salesroom at Centenary Church under the right
balcony of the auditorium, Chicago, IL 1918


H4926 Bethany German Methodist Episcopal Home and Industrial School for Girls, Chicago, IL

H4927 The Lecture Room in the basement of Centenary Church Chicago, IL


H4923 John Huse Bohemian Methodist Episcopal Church in Chicago, IL

H4925 tent used as a Methodist Episcopal Church by the colored people of the Southend of
Gary, Indiana 1918


H4921 The hammock making class in the Daily Vacation Bible School,
Chicago, IL 1918

H4922 Making kites and other toys in the Daily Vacation Bible School,
Chicago, IL 1918


H4919 Main buildings of the International Harvester Co., Chicago, IL

H4920 The lecture room in the basement of Centenary Church, Chicago, IL


H4917 Bridgewell, Chicago's City Prison, Chicago, IL 1918

H4918 In the rag carpet and serving room at Centenary Church, Chicago, IL


H4915 Presbyterian Community House, Gary, Indiana 1918

H4916 Friendship House, Gary, Indiana 1918


H4913 Wabash Ave. Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL 1918

H4914 The Y.M.C.A., Gary, Indiana


H4911 Cottages in the rapidly growing colored settlement, Gary, Indiana

H4912 The Gary Public Library, Gary, Indiana 1918


H4907 Second German Methodist Episcopal Church whose congregation is mostly Italian


H4905 The Clothing and Book salesroom at Centenary Church, Chicago, IL

H4906 Bethany Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL


H4902 Community Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL

H4903 South Chicago Methodist Church, Chicago, IL


H4900 First Italian Methodist Church, Chicago, IL

H4901 Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL 1918


H4898 The only Swedish Methodist Theological School, Evanston, IL


H4896 Emanuel Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church, Evanston, IL

H4897 Same as H4896

H4899 The New Marks Steel Co.'s Plant and the famous inland steel mills,
Indiana Harbor, Indiana


H4894 Bethany German Methodist Episcopal Home and Industrial School for Girls, Chicago, IL

H4895 German Methodist Episcopal Church Pevria, IL


H4885 Type of poor white child, Springfield, IL 1918

H4886 A human derelect begging from passengers in station

H4888 Merry go round at Illinois State Fair, Springfield, IL 1918

H4788 Slavish and Russian Catholic Church, Carteret, Staten Island


H4880 Drawbridge opening to allow a ship to pass up the Chicago River,
Chicago, IL 1918

H4881 The "Gospel truck" of the City Rescue Mission and a Sunday gathering
on State St., Chicago, IL 1918

H4883 Illinois State Fair Side Show. The world famous Egyptian Dancers
from Chicago, etc., Springfield, IL 1918

H4884 Part of the side show area at Illinois State Fair, Springfield, IL


H4876 Chicago River showing draw bridges opening and closing for passage of
ships, Chicago, IL 1918

H4877 Betty who lived next to the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, Moline, IL 1918

H4878 The "Gospel Truck" of the City Rescue Mission and a Sunday gathering
in State Street Chicago, IL 1918

H4879 Italian women taking what little comfort the trees afford from the
great heat of August days, Springfield, IL 1918


H4872 Various exhibits of harvesting machinery at the Illinois State Fair,
Springfield, IL 1918

H4873 In the "whip cracker" at the State Fair, Springfield, IL

4874 Lunching in the State Fair Grouds, Springfield, IL 1918

H4879 The "Gospel Truck" of the City Rescue Mission and a Sunday
gathering on State St., Chicago, IL


H4868 Rev. Fleming preaching from the Methodist Gospel Car to a gathering
in the Negro quarter, Chicago, IL 1918

H4869 Italian Quarter. Getting ready for a Sunday "picnic-orgy," Chicago,
IL 1918

H4870 Part of the crowd listening to Rev. Fleming, Chicago, IL 1918

H4871 The street of the side shows, Springfield, IL 1918


H4864 Colored boy scouts coming home from a hike out toward Hammond,
Chicago, IL 1918

H4865 Rev. Fleming preaching from the Methodist gospel car to a gathering
in the Negro quarters, Chicago, IL 1918

H4866 Same caption as H4865


H4860 Chicago folks at play keeping cool, Lake Michigan Beach, Chicago, IL

H4861 The start of the Parade for the August Salvation Army Division,
Chicago, IL

H4862 Part of the Salvation Army Division Parade, Chicago, IL 1918

H4863 Ready for the start of the Salvation Army Parade, Chicago, IL 1918


H4856 In the wholesale market district, Chicago, IL

H4856 The night before this was taken a bomb had been exploded under the
back stairway because a demand for $2000 had been ignored, Chicago, IL

H4858 The wholesale market district (Water St.), Chicago, IL

H4859 Keeping cool during the hot August days on the beach at North Chicago


H4852 Italian girl of better class, Chicago, IL 1918

H4853 In the Italian Quarter playiing in the filthy gutter on South Morgan
St., Chicago, IL

H4854 Colored Boy Scouts returning from a hike out, South Chicago, IL 1918

H4855 "Death Corner" in the Italian Quarter where it is said there has
been a murder every two weeks or oftener for the past eight years. The
murderers are very rarely caught. Mission work of a very decided character
should be established here. Chicago, IL 1918


H4848 Two blocks from Madison Street. This ancient fire trap of a
tenement house is occupied by tramps, Chicago, IL 1918

H4849 "Driftwood on the Tide of Life." A "has been" for whom Life holds
no interest and whose existence is but a pathetic hopelessness. One of the
Fruits of Alcohol's harvest. Chicago, IL 1918

H4850 Selling ice cream to help pay for the new Church. Chicago, IL 1918

H4851 "Drifters" studying the signs in front of an employment agency on
Madison Street, Chicago, IL


H4844 Italian children on South Morgan Street, Chicago, IL

H4845 Typical Italian child, Chicago, IL

H4846 Sunday street scene in the Italian Quarter, Chicago, IL 1918

H4847 Family gathering on Sunday afternoon in the Italian Quarter,
Chicago, IL 1918


H4842 Trinty Methodist Episcopal Church, West Brighton, Staten Island

H4843 General view of Carteret, Staten Island


H4840 St. James Methodist Episcopal Church, Rosebank, Staten Island

H4841 Trinty Methodist Episcopal Church built in 1912. The finest church on Staten
Island in general equipment. Warren R. Niff, Pastor, West Brighton, Staten


H4838 View of Concord and Grasmere, Concord, Staten Island

H4839 Wandell Methodist Episcopal Church, Concord, S. Island


H4836 German Lutheran Church, Stapleton, Staten Island

H4837 Street scene in Concord, Staten Island


H4834 Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage, Stapleton, S.I.

H4835 Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church, Stapleton, Staten Is.


H4832 Groups of children in the vicinity of Graniteville Methodist Episcopal Church, with
hardly any clothes on, in the very hot weather, Staten Island

H4833 Group of children keeping themselves cool under a pray of water
during the very hot weather, Graniteville, S.I.


H4830 View from cemetery, Graniteville, Staten Island

H4831 View from Graniteville Methodist Episcopal Church, Graniteville, Staten Island


H4828 Old grave in Methodist Episcopal cemetery, Woodrow, Staten Is.

H4829 Graniteville Methodist Episcopal Church, Graniteville, Staten Island.


H4826 View showing two of the oldest graves in the Woodrow Methodist Episcopal Church
Cemetery, Woodrow, Staten Island

H4827 Graveyard by the Woodrow Methodist Episcopal Church - oldest church in Staten
Island - Woodrow S.I.


H4824 Woodrow Methodist Episcopal Church - The first Methodist Episcopal Church built on Staten Island
1787 - was rebuilt in 1842, Woodrow, Staten Island

H4825 Monument to Father Boehm in the Methodist Episcopal Church Graveyard - Woodrow
Staten Island


H4803 Garden Colony restricted residential section. New Dorp, Staten
Island. No Church in this section.

H4822 Home of the Dist. Sup't rev. Fred J. Hubach of the Elizabeth Dist.
Newark Conference, Plainfield, NJ

H4828 Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage - Linoleumville, Staten Island, NY


H4802 Rennar Ave., West End, NJ


H4800 Crowd of children keeping cool, West End, Newark, NJ

H4801 View down Pershing Ave., West End, Newark, NJ


H4796 Up to date homes in Lyons Farms, West Newark, NJ

H4797 View Towards Newark, NJ


H4794 The Hillside Public School, West Newark, NJ

H4795 Same as above


H4792 New houses at Lyons Farms, West Newark, NJ

H4793 Panoramic view of part of Lyons Farms, West Newark, NJ


H4790 Second Street showing Roman Catholic Catherdal, Elizabethport, NJ

H4791 Franklin Street from Second Street, Elizabethport, NJ


H4788 View down Fulton Street, Elizabethport, NJ

H4789 Singer sewing machine factory, looking down Second Street,
Elizabethport, NJ


H4786 Tree nursery. This business is carried on extensively in NJ. Lyons
Farms, NJ

H4787 View down Fulton Street, Elizabethport, NJ


H4784 Street scene showing school, Lyons Farms, NJ

H4785 Hillside First Presbyterian Church, Lyons Farms, NJ


H4782 Street scene showing school, Lyons Farms, NJ

H4783 Some of the new homes, Lyons Farms, NJ


H4780 Tree nursery, Lyons Farms, NJ

H4781 Same Caption as above


H4778 Scene in Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth, NJ

H4779 View along the railroad tracks showing tree nurseries on each side
of the track, Lyons Farms, NJ


H4776 View of Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth, NJ

H4777 Fountain in Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth, NJ


H4774 Park Methodist Episcopal Church on Madison Ave, Elizabeth, NJ

H4775 Same caption as H4474


H4772 First Church Parish House, Broad Street, Elizabeth, NJ

H4773 Union County Court House and West Minster Church, Elizabeth, NJ


H4770 The Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church, Elizabeth, NJ

H4771 Free Public Library, Union County Court House, Presbyterian Church,
Elizabeth, NJ


H4768 Russian Greek Catholic Church on Grier Ave., Greater Elizabeth, NJ

H4769 Same as H4768


H4766 Grier Ave., Church Greater Elizabeth, NJ

H4767 Public Schools, Greater Elizabeth, NJ


H4764 Cows from Bayway, Elizabeth, NJ

H4765 The Bayway section - new homes going up steadily with no church
Bayway, Elizabeth, NJ


H4762 Fulton Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Elizabeth, NJ

H4763 Methodist Episcopal Church on Grier Ave, Elizabeth, NJ


H4760 St. James Church, Elizabeth, NJ

H4761 View of the Standard Aero Plant, Elizabeth, NJ


H4758 Grace Methodist Episcopal Church Port Richmond, Staten Island, NY

H4759 Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church 1892, Rahway, NJ


H4756 New Jersey Reformatory Boys working on the farm, NJ

H4757 Dickinson Methodist Episcopal Church, NJ


H4754 Boys of the NJ Reformatory making a walk, NJ

H4755 Boys of the NJ Reformatory on the farm, NJ


H4752 New Jersey Reformatory, NJ

H4753 Boys of the reformatory at work building an extension to a home
opposite reformatory, NJ


H4750 New Jersey Reformatory, NJ

H4751 Entrance building to the New Jersey Reformatory, NJ


H4695 Three student nurses of the Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, IL

H4696 The "Santa Maria" World's fair replica of Columbus ship, Chicago, IL

H4697 Students of Rush Medical College on their "campus" Chicago, IL


H4691 Monroe Street Methodist Episcopal Chapel, Hammond, IN, 1918

H4693 A saloon that used to be a church, Chicago, IL

H4694 Campus of Ruch Medical College and some of the students, Chicago, IL


H4689 Liberty Hall built complete in one day of eight hours by Union
Labor. Used for patriotic meetings, Liberty Loan and Red Cross campaigns,
Hammond, Indiana

H4690 State line (middle of street) between Indiana and Illinois


H4686 Industrial High School, Gary, IN

H4688 First Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage at Indiana Harbor, Indiana


H4674 Children keeping cool with the thermometer at 105 degrees in the
shade, Terra Haute, Indiana

H4682 The Hillcrest Chapel neighborhood, with three children of the
janitress, 1918, Terra Haute, Indiana

H4684 Hillchrest chapel, Terra Haute, IN

H4685 Keeping cool with a poor lawn sprinkler that has no further uses,
Terra Haute, IN, 1918


H4658 Back end of the Industrial High School showing war gardens made up
and kept by pupils, Gary, Indiana

H4659 President and Secretary of the W.H.M.S. of Gary colored Methodist Episcopal Church,
Gary, Indiana

H4660 Italian boy eating an apple, Gary, Indiana

H4661 Baby-Presbyterian Neighborhood House, Gary, Indiana


H4653 Industrial High School at Gary, Indiana

H4654 Group of Slav Laborers from the steel plant, after working hours,
Gary, IN

H4656 Slav children eating "wienies," Gary, IN

H4657 Two little Slav children eating "hot dogs" at the back door of their
shack home, Gary, Indiana, 1918


H4646 Some of the "shacktown crowd," Gary, Indiana

H4647 "Colored boy," Gary, Indiana

H4651 Houses for growing negro population, Gary, Indiana

H4652 Children, Prebyterian Neighborhood House, Gary, Indiana


H4642 Type of Italian child reached by the mission, Madison, WI

H4643 Antone Navarra and one of his Christian friends with part of their
families in front of Navarra's grocery, Madison, WI

H4644 Antone Navarra and his baby, Madison, WI

H4645 Day nursery, Presbyterian Neighborhood House, Gary, IN


H4638 A fine Italian baby, Madison, WI

H4639 Italian laborers porting and loading scrap iron, Madison, WI

H4640 Italian girls playing jackstones, Madison, WI

H4641 He said they were "Givine tah the store fer tuh git sum buttah,"
Madison, WI


H4633 Starting on his vacation armed to the teeth for pictures

H4634 Rev. Ernest Clarke of Trousdale Church Madison and Rev. E.W.
Blakeman of Wesley Foundation, Milwaukee, WI

H4636 American girls out for a walk with their dolls, Madison, WI

H4637 Christian father and son from the Methodist Episcopal Italian Mission, Madison, WI


H4551 Same caption as H4549

H4624 Mispah Temple and Baptist enterprise, Syracuse, NY


H4549 Herald Building, Looking at war map on Herald building, Aug. 20,
1918, New York

H4550 Same caption as H4549


H4539 Mexican news boy- not less than ten thousand Mexican news boys are
in need of Christian education and Gospel plants are scattered all over
Cal, Los Angeles, CA

H4540 Mexican movies. The worst moving picture houses invariably cluster
about the Mexican Centers such as the Plaza of Los Angeles and the Spanish
quarters of San Francisco. This view was taken in San Francisco, Los
Angeles, CA

H4544 Swedish Methodist Episcopal Theological Seminary (old building) on N.W.U. Campus by
the lake where Petten Gymnasium now stands, Evanston, IL


H4536 Plaza Community Center prayer group conducted in both English and
Spanish, Los Angeles, CA

H4537 Early morning purchasers at the Goodwill Industries store ready to
buy when the store opens, Los Angeles, CA

H4538 Miss Marguerita Aigiez of the center whose husband was killed by the
Indians in 1917


H4533 Daytime Christmas concert, Bloom Street Clinic, Los Angeles, CA

H4534 Representatives of the Plaza Community Center and the Spanish
American Institute Boards, showing Dr. Helm's and other friends consitions
in the Mexican house courts of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

H4535 Mexican Epworth League Cabinet of the Spainish and Portugese
District, CA


H4523 Denver and the Rocky Mountain beyond City Park in foreground,
Denver, CO

H4530 Group of workers in the temporary Welfare building of the Plaza
community, Los Angeles, CA

H4531 Miss Katherine Higgins with her arms full of babies, Los Angeles, CA

H4532 Rev. Vincente Mendoza and his motherless children and two of his
Epworth Leaguers at Santa Ana, Santa Ana, CA


H4518 Italian mother and child at summer home of the Church of All
Nations, Long Branch, NJ


H4516 Summer home of the Church of All Nations, Long Branch, NJ

H4517 Group of vacationists at the summer home of the Church of All
Nations, Long Branch, NJ


H4514 Dining room of the Huyler Home. Rev. Riggio seated at end of left
table, Long Branch, NJ

H4515 Group of Boy Scouts on the porch of the Huyler Home, Long Branch, NJ


H4512 Members of the Jefferson park Methodist Episcopal Church enjoying a plate of ice
cream, Long Branch, NJ

H4513 Dining room of the Huyler Home. Rev. Riggio seated at end of left
table, Long Branch, NJ


H4510 Members of the Jefferson Park Methodist Episcopal Church enjoying a very pleasant
vaction at the Huyler Home, Long Branch, NJ

H4511 Italian and American resturant in the neighborhood of the Huyler
Home, Long Branch, NJ


H4508 The Boy Scouts leading a regular camp life at the Huyler Home. Rev.
Riggio showing one of the boys the proper way to light an oil lamp, Long
Branch, NJ

H4509 Same caption as H4508


H4507 The Boy Scouts of the Jefferson Park Methodist Episcopal Church ready for a summer,
Huyler Home, Long Branch, NJ

H4507 The Boy Scouts in their camp saluting the American and Italian
Flags, Huyler Home, the summer place for the Jefferson Park Methodist Episcopal Church,
Long Branch, NJ


H4504 The boys all making a big rush for the water, Huyler Home, Long
Branch, NJ

H4505 The Boy Scouts of the Jefferson Park Methodist Episcopal Church ready for a summer,
Huyler Home, Long Branch, NJ


H4502 Group of vacationists on the beach of the "Huyler Home" which is the
summer place for the Jefferson Park Italian Methodist Episcopal Church, Long Branch, NJ

H4503 Same caption as H4502


H4500 Polish Business Section, Toledo, Ohio

H4501 Rev. Riggio Raising American and Italian flags at the Huyler Home
while the Boy Scouts stand at attention, Long Branch, NJ


H4480 Chinatown- Chinese watching fire, New York City

H4481 By-product Coke Ovens, New York City


H4477 Morman Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah


H4476 Panorama, Ford Automobile Company's employees, Detroit, Michigan


H4472 Chinatown at night, San Francisco, CA

H4473 Old clothes, men and quarters, New York City


H4457 View on Puget Sound looking west from Seattle, Washington


H4453 Boston Commons and Tremont St., Boston, Mass

H4454 San-Francisco from St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, CA


H4409 Pupils Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass

H4410 Norman Wait Harris Bldg., Boston, Mass


H4407 Boston University, Boston, Mass

H4408 Engine Room, Boston, Mass


H4405 Office- Norman Wait Harris Bldg., Boston, Mass

H4406 Library- Norman Wait Harris Bldg., Boston, Mass


H4403 One of the looms of Kate Hobart Industrial Training School for boys
and girls, South Athol, Mass

H4404 One of the looms in rug factory, South Athol, Mass


H4401 War garden on the Boston Common, Boston, Mass

H4402 Same caption as above


H4389 Six nations represented in this picture, Chicago, IL

H4388 Rev. Leoppert, Pastor of the 2nd Methodist Episcopal Church talking to a group of
Italian boys, Chicago

H4326 Mrs. Sidell and her family of fine Christian girls, Madison, WI

H4327 Mrs. A.W. Sidell, Madison, WI (1918)

H4328 Caruso (not Enrique), One of the mainstays of the Italian Methodist Episcopal Mission just before he started for Italy to go into Army Service, Madison,
WI (1918)

H4329 Mrs. Sidell's oldest daughter, Madison, WI (1918)

H4331 Houses in the neighborhood of St. James Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL


H4317 Mrs. Sidell and her youngest daughter, Madison, WI (1918)

H4318 Street scene in the Italian section of Madison, WI (1918)

H4319 Mrs. R.W. Sidel, the moving spirit of the Italian Mission. She was
trained in Italy for Opera and came to America. In 1903, was converted
from what she calls the falseness and emptiness of the Roman Church.

H4325 Same as H4319.


H4313 Antone Navarra, grocer and strong supporter of the Italian Mission,
and his two oldest children, Madison, WI (1918)

H4314 Typical back yard scene in the Italian section of Madison, WI (1918)

H4315 Antone Navarra and his Ford delivery truck, Madison, WI (1918)

H4316 Rev. Ernest Clark and Rev. E.W. Blakeman, talking to young Caruso,
the most promising young man in the Italian Methodist Episcopal Mission, Madison, WI (1918)


H4308 Mrs. Sidell and her second daughter, Madison, WI (1918)

H4309 The Middle and youngest daughters of Mrs. Sidell, Madison, WI (1918)

H4311 Italian Theatre, Madison, WI (1918)

H4312 Fine types of Italian Girls, Madison, WI (1918)


H4306 Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church, corner Scott St. and 19th Ave. This church
stands in a thickly settled community of Milwaukee. It is the only English
speaking church in the midst of a population of 50 or 60 thougsand people,
Milwaukee, WI

H4307 Mrs. L.D. Williams and her two daughters on the parsonage veranda,
Appleton, WI


H4304 Asbury Methodist Church Milwaukee, WI

H4305 St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church, Milwaukee, WI


H4302 (No Caption)

H4303 St. Peter's Church (Methodist Episcopal) Milwaukee, WI


H4300 Summerville Methodist Episcopal Church

H4301 (No Caption)


H4298 (No Caption)

H4299 (No Caption)


H4297 (No Caption)

H4297 (No Caption)


H4293 Division Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Fond Du Lac, WI

H4294 (No Caption)


H4290 Grange Ave. Church, Racine, WI

H4291 (No Caption)


H4285 Tablet on stone at Green Bay, WI, Appleton Dist.

H4286 75,000 German Catholic Church, Leroy, WI


H4282 Wesley Foundation, Madison, WI

H4283 Wesley Foundation, Madison, WI


H4279 One of the class rooms of the Wesley Foundation, Madison, WI

H4280 First Unit of the Wesley Foundation, Madison, WI


H4277 Truesdale Methodist Episcopal Church, Madison, WI

H4278 Some of the buildings of the University, Madison, WI


H4275 The Appleton Dist. Parsonage, Appleton, WI

H4276 Pastor's daughter leading the service, St. Peter's Methodist Episcopal Church,
Milwaukee, WI


H4271 (No Caption)

H4272 St. Peter's Methodist Episcopal Church, Milwaukee, WI


H4268 Auditorium John Huss, Bohemian Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL

H4270 St. Peter's Methodist Episcopal Church Group, Milwaukee, WI


H4255 Scene on the beach at South Chicago, July 1918

H4256 Same caption as H4255

H4259 Just tall enough to get a drink with the help of a wagon, Milwaukee,

H4260 The old German gardener, Milwaukee, WI

H4261 Scene in the park by the North-Western, Milwaukee, WI


H4250 (No caption)

H4251 (No caption)

H4252 July scene on one of the beaches, South Chicago

H4254 Scene on the beach at South Chicago


H4249 Capitol from South East, Washington, D.C.


H4248 Capitol from North East, Washington, D.C.


H4247 Columbia University, N.Y.C.


H4244 Columbia University Library, front view, N.Y.C.


H4243 Columbia University Library, Southwest view, N.Y.C.


H4242 Columbia University - Library - front view, N.Y.C.


H4241 General Washington Headquarters, Newburgh, NY


H4240 Procession of Mount Carmel Madonna, N.Y.C.


H4239 Procession of Mount Carmel Madonna, N.Y.C.


H4232 White House Rear View, Washington, D.C.

H4235 Washington Statue, Washington, D.C.

H4233 Tree, Washington, D.C.

H4234 Capitol, Washington, D.C.

H4236 Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.

H4237 Treasury Building, Washington, D.C.


H4231 Monument of Washington (as an old Roman) opposite Capitol,
Washington, D.C.


H4230 Garfield Monument, Washington, D.C.


H4229 Jackson Monument, Washington, D.C.


H4228 Army and Navy Building, Washington, D.C.


H4227 U.S. Treasury Building - Main entrance, Washington, D.C.


H4226 White House, Washington, D.C.


H4225 Capitol - from South East, Washington, D.C.


H4224 Capitol - Rear View, Washington, D.C.


H4222 Capitol - The Dome, Washington, D.C.


H4221 Capitol - Main Entrance, Washington, D.C.


H4219 The finished products of the Halsted Street Institutional Church,
Chicago, IL

H4220 The cooking class for boys, Halsted Street Institutional Church,
Chicago, IL


H4215 Kindergarten listening to a story, Halsted St. Institutional Church,
Chicago, IL

H4216 Groups of the Boys Industrial School, Halsted Street Institutional
Church, Chicago, IL

H4217 Cafeteria, Halsted Institutional Church, Chicago, IL

H4218 Hammock class for boys, Halsted Street Institutional Church


H4211 Cooking classes for girls, Halsted St. Institutional Church,
Chicago, IL

H4212 Sunday School, Halsted St. Institutional Church, Chicago, IL

H4213 Parish House, Halsted St. Institutional Church, Chicago, IL

H4214 Boys' club room, Halsted St. Institutional Church, Chicago, IL


H4207 One of the homes our children workers visit, Halsted St.
Institutional Church, Chicago

H4208 Halsted St. Institutional Church, Chicago, IL

H4209 The mothers' club, Halsted St. Institutional Church, Chicago, IL

H4210 A gymnasium clas for boys, Halsted St. Institutional Church,
Chicago, IL


H4203 Printing - Halsted Street Institutional Church, Chicago, IL

H4204 A hammock making class, Halsted Street Institutional Church,
Chicago, IL

H4205 Sewing school for girls, Halsted Street Institutional Church,
Chicago, IL

H4206 Sunday School papers distributed to children, Halsted St.
Institutional Church, Chicago


H4199 Basketry and pillow making class, Halsted Street Institutional
Church, Chicago

H4200 Group picture, Halsted Street Institutional Church, Chicago, IL

H4201 Fancy work for girls, Halsted Street Institutional Church, Chicago,

H4202 Manual Training class for boys, Halsted Street Institutional Church,
Chicago, IL


H4173 Hotel frequented by women of the underworld, Kater Street,
Philadelphia, Pa

H4188 Roman Catholic Church and School, Philadelphia, PA


H4144 War garden on the Boston Common, Boston, Mass


H4143 Kate Hobart Industrial Training School, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol,


H4141 Children of Nursery camp No.1, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass

H4142 Nursery House (camp) Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass


H4139 Supper time - nursery, Children saying Grace, Morgan Memorial, South
Athol, Mass

H4140 Boys' tents, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass


H4137 Children playing, Recreation ground, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass

H4138 See - Saw, Childrens' recreation ground, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol,


H4135 The children of the Nursery Camp No. 2, Morgan Memorial, So. AThol,

H4136 Eugenia Preston Helms Entertainment Hall, Morgan Memorial, South
Athol, Mass


H4133 Supper time, Nursery, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass

H4134 Sivings - Childrens' recreation grounds, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol,


H4131 Sunday School Methodist Episcopal Church, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass

H4132 Helen Steelefiske Administration Camp, Morgan Memorial, South Athol,


H4129 Visitors' Camp, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass

H4130 Childrens' war garden, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass


H4127 The Family of Mr. Moore, Administrator of Morgan Memorial, So.
Athol, Mass

H4128 Children's war garden, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass


H4126 Women's Camp, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass


H4124 Boy's Bible instruction, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass

H4125 Boys' Camp, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass


H4122 The residents of Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass

H4123 Northeast view of Morgan Memorial Grounds, South Athol, Mass


H4120 Boys' Dutiny Pond in the grounds of Morgan's Memorial, South Athol,

H4121 Boyish pranks, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass


H4118 Boys' Bible instruction, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass

H4119 Girls' Bible instruction, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass


H4116 Boys' Bible instruction, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass

H4117 Same as above


H4114 School children, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass

H4115 Girls' Bible instruction, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass


H4112 Boys fishing party in the pond (in grounds of Morgan Memorial), So.
Athol, Mass

H4113 Same as above


H4110 Methodist Episcopal Church (Parsonage), Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass

H4111 Children bathing and playing in the pond - in grounds of the Morgan
Memorial, South Athol, Mass


H4108 Supper time - Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass

H4109 The barn where are housed 12 cows, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass


H4106 The three bells of the Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass

H4107 Motherly Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass


H4104 Morgan Memorial Ground, So. Athol, Mass

H4105 The attendant of the barn, Morgan Memorial - South Athol, Mass


H4102 Methodist Episcopal Church after the Morning service, Morgan Memorial, South Athol,

H4103 The Rug Factory, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass


H4100 Oldest ladies in the Woman's Camp, Morgan Memorial, South Athol, Mass

H4101 Methodist Episcopal Church after the Morning service, Morgan Memorial, South Athol,


H4098 Children bathing and playing in the Pond grounds of Morgan Memorial,
So. Athol, Mass

H4099 Girl's Camp, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass


H4094 Crowds of people listening to an English Officer, N.Y.C.

H4097 The attendant of the barn at Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass


H4092 Fountain on right hand side entrance to Public Library, N.Y.C.

H4093 People in front of tank on steps of the library, N.Y.C.


H4090 Model of tank on the steps of the Public Library, N.Y.C.

H4091 Same caption as above


H4088 Two boy boot-blacks in Bryant Park, 41St and 42St and 6th Ave., N.Y.C.

H4089 Crowd of boy boot-blacks in Bryant Park, N.Y.C.


H4086 War demonstration garden in Bryant Park, N.Y.C.

H4087 Same caption as above


H4084 View showing the war demonstration garden in Bryant Park, N.Y.C.

H4085 Same as above


H4082 War demonstration garden in Bryant Park, N.Y.C.

H4083 Same as above


H4080 War demonstration garden in Bryant Park, N.Y.C.

H4081 Same caption as above


H4076 War demonstration garden in Bryant Park, N.Y.C.

H4077 Caption same as above

H4078 War demonstration garden in Bryant Park, 41 Street and 42 Street,
Sixth Avenue, N.Y.C.

H4079 Same caption as above


H4074 General view of Madison Square Park, N.Y.C.

H4075 War demonstration garden in Bryant Park, N.Y.C.


H4072 Metropolitan Building, 23rd Street and Madison Ave., N.Y.C.

H4073 General view of Madison Square Park, N.Y.C.


H4070 Metropolitan Building, 23rd Street and Madison Ave., N.Y.C.

H4071 SAme as H4070


H4068 Close view showing the four floors occupied by the Morimura Bros.,

H4069 Caption same as above


H4066 The Morimura Building, Japanese Importing house, 23rd Street between
Fifth and Sixth Aves.

4067 Same as 4066


H4064 Crowds of Jewish people on Fifth Avenue, N.Y.C.

H4065 Vanderbilt residence at 57th Street and 5th Avenue, N.Y.C.


H4062 Crowds of Jewish people on Fifth Avenue and 21st Street at noon
time, N.Y.C.

H4063 Same caption as above


H4061 Crowds of Jewish people on Fifth Avenue and 21st Street at noon time
daily, N.Y.C.


H4057 Interior of Rug Factory, Morgan Memorial, So. Athol, Mass

H4058 Nate Hobart Industrial Training school for girls and boys, So.
Athol, Mass

C5800 Tea party on lawn of Dr J Z Moore, welcoming Bishop and F T Cartwright, Pyeng Yang

c5801 Worshippers leaving church, Pyeng Yang

c5802 Worshippers leaving church, Pyeng Yang

c5803 Worshippers leaving church, Pyeng Yang\

c5804 Worshippers leaving church, Pyeng Yang

c5805 Worshippers leaving church, Pyeng Yang

C5795 Baby clinic at rural center, Kongju

c5796 Baby clinic at rural center, Kongju

C5797 Baby clinic at rural center, Kongju

C5798 Baby clinic at rural center, Kongju

C5799 Bishop Welch, Kim Tuk Soo (Principal of Kwang Sung High School) and Frank T Cartwright, Pyeng Yang


38279 A man of burden, Kongju



38273 Farmer's hat

38274 Korean Children

38275 Group of children on the college site at Seoul

38276 Child type

38277 At Korean R R Station, Kongju

38834 On road, 80 miles from Seoul

39044 Korean children

38243 Kang Sa Church, left- Boys' School, right- Girls' School

38244 Dedication day, May 7, 1917, Kang Sa Church, Pyeng Yang

38239 East palace gates, Seoul

38240 Two thousand Christian students, Pyeng Yang

38241 Woman's hospital, Pyeng Yang

38242 Student's faculty on athletic field, new buildings at left, Pai Chai, Haktong, Seoul

38235 North palace gates, Seoul

38236 Pagoda Park, Seoul

38237 Oriental Development Company, Seoul, A Japanese colonization company

38238 Bank of Chosen, Seoul

38232 Hon Teisabura Sekiya, Minister of Education, Chosen

38233 Agricultural School, Picking American cotton (It grows better down at Tusan and Mappo), Korea

38234 Kiur Maksa, East gate

38230 Private home for unfortunate Koreans, Haiju Asylum

38231 A new Sunday School outside the west gate, Haiju

38223 An afternoon walk in a Korean park

38224 Preachers and principal of school, Pyeng Yang

38225 H H Cynn, principal of Pai Chai School, Seoul

38226 Korean pastor, Pyeng Yang

38220 Assistant principal William's School, Kongju

38221 Two Korean women out for an afternoon walk

38222 At the railroad station

38215 Women's bible class, Kongju


38217 Faculty, William's School, Kongju

38218 Mr Phang

38219 Pastor, Kongju

38210 Episcopal residence, Seoul

38212 Home of Bishop Welch

38211 The building, the bishop and the Principal, Pai Chai, Seoul, Korea

38212 Home of Bishop Welch

38213 Dr Van Buskirk at the "view" hospital site, Kongju, Korea

38205 Mr and Mrs Van Buskirk at the dispensary, Kongju

38206 Saying goodbye, Kongju

38207 Bishop Burt, Paula Burt and Mr Cable

38208 Mrs Fisher, Miss Bieler, Miss Wachs and Mr Wachs

38209 Mr Wachs and his son, Pyeng Yang

38201 Rev C Taylor and child

38202 Rev F E C Williams and family

38203 Rev C Taylor and family

38204 Union Bible School, Seoul

38196 Monument to massacred Christians, Pyeng Yang

38198 Korean tomb

38197 At a Buddhist monastery, Pyeng Yang

38199 Queen's tomb, Seoul

38200 Queen's tomb, Seoul

38192 Mountain scene

38193 Dispensary, Dr Stewart's hospital, Seoul

38194 At a buddhist monastery, Pyeng Yang

38195 Warrior and scholar group, old tomb, Seoul

38188 Warrior and scholar group, queen's tomb, Seoul

38189 Pagoda, Seoul

38190 The warrior and his horse, Seoul

38191 Mountain and wallround about, Seoul

38183 A bit of scenery outside Pyeng Yang

38185 Matting at R R Station

38184 Garden entrance, Anata Palace

38186 Department store, Kangju


38178 Asleep by the roadside, with pipe and staff

38180 Stone tablet in park

38179 Big bell at Seoul

38181 Gate at Seoul

38182 Two scholars and their mutual horse, queen's tomb, Seoul

38174 An old lady by a country lane, Korea

38175 At a Korean station

38176 On the street at Seoul, farmer's hat

38177 Impatient for the ferry-boat, Pyeng Yang, Korea

38169 Jiggy men carrying fuel

38171 Washday at the riverside, Pyeng Yang

38170 On a Korean river across from Pyeng Yang

38172 Fruit for sale and babies to let, Japanese section of Kongju, Korea

38173 On the way to market, Pyeng Yang

38164 Asleep in a Korean park, Seoul

38166 Cabinet organs for sale, Seoul


38167 Out for a ride

38168 Companions in labor, Pyeng Yang

38160 A character study, Pyeng Yang\

38161 Along the river bank, Pyeng Yang

38162 Washing in the native way

38163 Dr Sheets, Mrs Fisher and Mr Cynn in the distance on their way to the banker's house

38156 Street scene, Seoul

38157 A burden-bearer, Seoul

38158 Buddhist priest at university, Pyeng Yang

38159 A.R.R Station scene

38152 Court yard of a potter's home, Kongju

38153 Sweeper along mountain road, lake Chuzenji

38154 Silk worms at work, Korea

38155 Our ferry boat, Pyeng Yang

38146 Breakfast while you wait

38147 Two most common types of Korean hats, the big one is the mourner's hat, the small one the ordinary Korean hat

38148 In the park, Seoul

38149 Street scene Japanese flag flying for Emperor's birthday, Pyeng Yang

38150 A Korean home, shoes outside the door

38141 Character study, Korean lads

38143 At the R R Station

38142 Waiting for another load

38144 Electric car, Pyeng Yang

38145 A Korean village home

38138 A Korean boy

38139 Corwin Taylor's son

38140 A husky boy



38134 Brother and sister


38135 Mother and child, Korea

38137 My traveling companion on ferry boat. Pying Yang

38131 Little Korean child

38132 Self supporting Methodist local preacher and his grandchild, Pyeng Yang

38133 A Korean perambulator

38026 Dr Hartman at the annual conference, Seoul




37581 Wonju, Korea, child before operation showing deformed

37582 Wonju, Korea, child after operation showing correction

33173 One of the Methodist homes for missionaries

33417 Pai Chai High School, Seoul, founded by Rev Henry G Appenzeller, one of our first missionaries



31858 City Church, Haiju

32126 Express on the Korean Railway

32316 Express train across the river

33131 Church at Kang Sa Pyeng Yang District

28910 On way to market with loads of brushwood

28911 Easter service, 1912, Bishop Bashford preached a wonderful sermon to over 5000 Christians seated on the campus of our Methodist Boy's School, Chai, Haktang

28912 Easter Service, 1912, Chai-Haktang

28913 Native house used as girl's school, it was the former home of two lady missionaried before their new home was built, Kongju

28908 A converted priestess

28909 A beautiful Korean girl, widow at 18 years