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67473 Europe with United States superimposed map

68849 Twenty Five Years Ago. I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance map. 1894

68851 A Century Ago Beginning at Jerusalem map

69183 Denominational overlapping in Mexico prior to 1914 map

69186 Division of Responsibility for Occupation of Territory by Missionary Societies As agreed upon Mexico City, February 1919 map

69187 Chekiang Denominational Occupation map

69191 Map of the M[***] World

69209 Total Population Central America map

69210 M[***] Population Africa map

69211 Total Population Japan map

69212 total Population China map

69224 Map of the world

69225 Map of the world with marked destinations

69254 China's Millions. One man of every four in all the world is born in China map

69309 Medical Missions in South America map

69381 Map of Africa and Asia

69382 Map of Asia

69383 Map of North and South America

69384 map of South America and Africa

69399 Population map of Mexico

69435 Unoccupied Foreign Mission Fields of the World map

69428 Resident missionary map of Mexico

69433Comparative map of the United States and Arabia

69441Map of China with responsibility of American denominational missions by provinces

69442 Japanese Empire map

69443 Tentative Proposals for adequate occupation of China

69445 Japan's arable land cannot support her population

69446 map of North Africa

69461 map

69498 Portuguese East Africa map

69497 South America map

69546 China's people 95 per cent illiterate map

69707 Cities on which a united attack can be made by churches cooperating with the interchurch world movement map

69709 Union higher educational institutions in China budgeted for by the Interchurch World Movement.

69718 Field of Paotingfu Station map

69734 Map of the World showing Distribution of Leprosy map

69735 Christian population. Protestant, Catholic, Etc. 1911 Census map

69736 Centers of influence, Christian Literature map

69737 The strongest line of M[***] Advance in the world map

69748 Area of Australia verses the area of the United States map

69918 A Mission School giving training to hand, heads, hearts map

69972 Territory taken from Siam since 1893 map

69973 The Cradle of M[***] even yet unattacked. map

69975 The Cradle of M[***] even yet unattacked. map

69978 Oceania First missionary work map.

69979 Map of religious liberty in the globe of the world

69980 Predominant faiths of the World map

70141 Cities with population over 50,000 map March 13, 1920

70200 Foochow Conference Medical Work map

70201 Yenping Conference Evangelistic Work map

70202 Hinghwa Conference Evangelistic Campaigns of 1919 map

70203 Kiangsi Conference Evangelistic Work map

70204 Fukien Province Conferences. Methodist Episcopal Church map

70205 Yenping Conference Educational Work map

70206 Foochow Conference Education Work map

70207 To Save China Save Peking map

70208 Central China Conference Methodist Episcopal Church map

70209 West China Conference Medical Work map

70210 West China Conference Medical Work map

70217 What if United States 110,000,000 people Had Only One College map

70218 3 Provinces in West China 110,000,000 People have one university map

70219 Wet China Conference Educational Work, map

70220 United States 110,000,000 People have 578 Colleges and Universities. map

70478 Map of Africa with Missionary distances marked

70479 Decline of Turkey map as of 1920

74705 Map of China's Railroads Built and Under Contract showing relation of Methodist Mission Stations to Lines of Communication

76586 Map of Africa comparing other countries of the world in size

77529 Literacy by Provinces (India) map

H79500 World Map of Unoccupied Foreign Mission Fields of the World

81142 Devastated Villages of Trentino assigned to the Methodist Episcopal Church for Reconstruction map

82352 Map of Eastern Hemisphere (in time of Christ)

82353 Map of World (in time of Columbus)

82354 Map of World according to Strabo (Strabo was a Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian who lived in Asia Minor during the transitional period of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire)

82525 New Day in Mexico map

82544 Missionary Territory in Africa of the Methodist Episcopal Church map

82554 Methodist Episcopal Territory in Mexico map

82555 Map of countries east of the Indian Ocean

82556 Map of Europe

82561 Map of North India Conference

82559 Map of North West India Conference

82560 Plan of Affiliation of Methodist Episcopal Schools in India

82557 Methodist Episcopal Centers in South America map

82562 Location of Methodist Missions in Japan map

82563 Centenary Program in Scandinavia map

82716 Distribution of Centenary Funds on the Foreign Fields for Year Ending October 31, 1922 map

82734 Route of Bishop E. S. Johnson from Loanda to Elizabethville

85322 The Central Powers of Europe map

85323 Map of Italy and the Adriatic Basin

86964 Comparative areas of United States and China map

88276 Methodist work in India and Burma map

88354 Effect of Cooperation in Mexico map

88411 Forgetting the Wild Man of Borneo map

88412 Conquering the Jungle map

88632 Map of Korean Missions

89528 Map of China

88500 Comparative areas of India and the United States map

89530 Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church in China map

90188 United States comparative size of Bolivia map

89659 Indian railways map

90189 Map of Bolivia's railroad.

90358 Map of distance from San Francisco to Foochow Japan

90371 Countries allocated to the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church South

90558 Deaconess Institutions of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Europe

90373 The World Service of the Methodist Episcopal Church to Foreign Fields through the Board of Foreign Missions for Year Ending October 31st, 1922

91419 Map of Africa

92693 Map of Mexico

92694 Map of South America

92695 Map of Costa Rica and Panama

92955 Capetown to Elizabethville map

92956 Map of Africa

92958 Congo Mission Stations map