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Browse Items (44099 total)

81262 Depot at Ichang on Yangtze six hundred miles from a railroad.

81263 River view - Chungking, Yangtze River.

81264 Boys' School building - Chungking.

81265 View of property of Boys' School Chungking.

81266 Boys' School. Chungking

81267 School, with property to be purchased in background.

81268 School boys of Methodist Episcopal Mission - Chungking.

81269 Boys in Chungking School.

81270 Cadet in Boys' School. Chungking.

81271 Cadet in Boys' School. Chungking.

81272 Subscription book. Chungking.

81273 Subscription book. Chungking.

81274 Learning Methodist Episcopal Church. Chungking.

81275 Chinese pastor - Chungking.

81276 Houses build along city wall - Chungking.

81277 Street scene, with Catholic Church tower in background. Chungking.

81278 Street barber, Chungking.

81279 C[***] cloth bearer - Chungking.

81280 Stretcher bearers Chungking Hospital.

81281 Chungking's water supply.

81282 Largest graveyard in the world - Chungking.

81283 City gate - Chungking.

81284 Across river from Chungking.

81285 Chinese Pai' low near Chungking.

81286 Near Chungking

81287 Dr. Ward's party on "Great Road" Chungking to Chengtu.

81288 On the "Great Road" Chungking to Chengtu.

81289 Local militia - along the "Great Road" Chungking to Chentu.

81290 Arch on "Great Road" Chungking to Chengtu.

81291 Boiling down opium on the "Great Road" Chungking to Chengtu.

81292 Actress in theatre on "Great Road" Chungking to Chengtu.

81293 Actress in theatre on "Great Road" Chungking to Chengtu.


81294 President of Chinese Red Cross

81295 Missionary who was held for ransom by bandits Chengtu

81296 Mr. Ma converted Mohammendan in charge of schools Chengtu

81297 Testimonials of native physicians


81298 Testimonials of native physician Chengtu

81299 Dentist in Chengtu

81300 dentist in Chengtu

81301 Canadian Methodist Hospital Chengtu


81302 Canadian Methodist Hospital Chengtu

81303 Entrance to Canadian Methodist Hospital Chengtu

81304 Staff Canadian Methodist Hospital Chengtu

81305 Staff Canadian Methodist Hospital Chengtu


81306 Blind boy learning to thread

80307 Teaching the blind

81308 The operating room

81309 Patients


81310 N.F.M.S. Hospital Chungtu

81311 Announcements of Service Canadian methodist Church Chungtu

81312 Girls leaving Sunday School Canadian Methodist Mission Chungtu

81313 Girls leaving Sunday School Canadian Methodist Mission Chungtu


81314 Part of Governor's Troops Drilling Chungtu

81316 Part of Governor's Troops Drilling Chungtu

81317 Government school cadets in review Chungtu

81315 Part of Govenror's troops drilling Chungtu


81318 Government school cadets in review

81319 Entrance to Y.M.C.A. Chungtu

81320 Missionary residence Chungtu

Residence West China Union University Chungtu


81322 Residence West China Union University Chungtu

81322 Methodist Episcopal buildings West China Union University Chungtu

81324 Methodist Church building West China Union University Chungtu

81325 Entrance to University compound Chungtu


81326 Interior compound, West China Union University Chungtu

81327 Scene in compound West China Union University Chungtu

81328 Baptist Compund West China University

81329 Vanderman Hall West China Union University


81330 Group on steps of Vanderman Hall Chungtu

81331 Football team West China Union University Chungtu

81332 Football game West China Union University Chungtu

81333 Football Game West China Union University Chungtu


81334 Athletic meet at Government School

81335 Entrance to Yamen decorated during feast Chungtu

81336 Entrance to Yamen decorated during feast Chungtu

81337 Entrance to officiate Yamen decorated for festival chungtu


81338 View on city wall Chungtu

81339 Along the wall Chungtu

81340 Looking down into main street from city wall chungtu

81341 Hospital tower above city

81342 Party at lunch Chungtu


81343 Vegtable vendors washing vegtables along the Min River

81344 One of the bridges at Chungtu

81345 Water Wheel

81346 Pilot on small house boat Chungtu


81347 Kutien - Fukien

81348 New School Building Kutien, Fukien

81349 New School Building Kutien, Fukien

81350 Out Dated - School Building Kutien, Fukien


81351 Outdated School Building Kutien Fukien

81352 New Building Methodist Episcopal Mission, Kutien, Fukien

81353 Buildings - Methodist Episcopal Mission - Kutien, Fukien

81354 Across the river from the Methodist Compund Kutien, Fukien


81355 Looking toward the Methodist Episcopal Compund kutien, Fukien

81356 Methodist Episcopal Church Kutien, Fukien

81357 Street scene and church Kutien, Fukien

81358 Falls of river near Kutien, Fukien


81359 Explaining Oliver drilled plow Agricultural School Shao Nu Fukien

81360 Mission Agricultural Shao Nu Fukien

81361 Methodist Episcopal Compund Yenping Fukien

81362 Methodist Episcopal Compound Yenping, Fukien


81363 Methodist Episcopal Compound and City Yenping, Fukien

81364 Kindergarten pupils in Girls' School Yenping, Fukien

81365 Kindergarten pupil

81366 Country girls with bound feet coming to N.F. S. School Yenping,


81367 Senior Class Girls School Yenping, Fukien

81368 Calisthenics N.F. S. School Yenping, Fukien

81369 Calisthenics N.F. S. School Yenping, Fukien

81370 Girls of the N.F.M. S. Girls' School Yenping Fukien


81371 The oldest Bible woman of N.F.M.S. Yenping, Fukien

81372 Calisthenics Bible School N.F.M.S. Yenping, Fukien

81373 Calisthenics Bible School N.F.M.S. Yenping, Fukien

81374 Bible Women N.F.M.S. Yenping, Fukien


81375 Bible women N.F.M.S. Yenping, Fukien

81376 L.G. Ling General conference delegate from Yenping Fukien

81377 Chinese pastor Yenping, Fukien

81378 Chinese pastor Yenping, Fukien


81379 Dr. Skinner Yenping, Fukien

81380 Dr. Trimble Yenping, Fukien

81381 Dr. Skinner and Dr. Trimble Yenping Fukien

81382 Dr. Skinner and Dr. Trimble Yenping Fukien


81383 Min river at Yenping, Fukien

81384 Min river at Yenping, Fukien

81385 City of Yenping and Min river

81386 Program study group en route on Min River


81387 Harbor and Black Pagoda Nanking

81388 Harbor and Black Pagoda Nanking

81389 Ruins of Manchu City

81390 View of wall. Purple mountain in background


81391 Students Ginling College Nanking

81392 Graduates Ginling College 1920 Nanking

81393 Graduates Ginling College 1920 Nanking

81394 Mr. Nileow and children in American School Nanking


81395 Boys in American School Nanking

81396 Thatching roof Nanking

81397 Leaving Nanking on the Yangtze

81398 Street Scene Mukden, Manchuria


81399 Miyako Hotel Mukden, Manchuria

81400 The depot, Mukden, Manchuria

81401 Dr. R.A. Ward Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ward and C. A. Jones Mukden,

81402 Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountains


81403 Climbing Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain

81404 Climbing Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain

81405 Climbing Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain

81406 Climbing Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain


81407 Climbing Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain

81408 Climbing Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain

81409 Climbing Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain

81410 Climbing Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain


81411 Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain area the summit

81412 Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain area the summit

81413 Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain area the summit

81414 Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain area the summit


81415 Summit of Tai Shan Chamais sacred mountain

81416 Pai'lou on way up Summit of Tai Shan mountain

81417 Beggar sweeping up fuel Tai Shan Chamais mountain

81418 Beggar sweeping up fuel Tai Shan Chamais mountain


81419 Shrine on road up Tai Shan mountain

81420 Shrine on road up Tai Shan mountain

81421 Tai Shan mountain shrine

81422 Rocks that fell from Heaven Tai Shan mountain


81423 Rocks that fell from Heaven Tai Shan mountain

81424 Part of the Govenor's troops Szechman

81425 Part of the Govenor's troops Szechman

81426 Soldier Szechman


81427 Ferry on the Yangtze River - Szechwan

81428 Y.M.C.A. Advertisement, Szechwan

81429 Y.M.C.A. Advertisement, Szechwan

81430 Reverend Laurence, Szechwan.


81431 Chinese City, Szechwan.

81432 Sedan Chair

81433 View of Property, Futeing

81434 Missionary residence, Futeing


81435 Suining pagoda.

81436 Overlooking Suining

81437 Chinese soldier, West China.

81438 Chinese soldier, West China.


81439 Charles W. Wood and two girl students, West China.

81440 Missionary houseboat, West China.

81441 Selling lunches to railroad passengers, North China.

81442 Building a bridge. North China.


81443 Building a bridge - North China

81444 Mode of transportation - North China.

81445 Mode of transportation - North China.


81447 Missionaries in South China en route to Conference.

81448 Missionary party in South China.

81449 C. A. Jones, J. F. Peat and Dr. R. A. Ward - South China

81450 Dr. R. A. Ward. - South China.


81451 Dr. R. A. Ward and C. W. Wood - South China.

81452 Dr. R. A. Ward, Centenary Secretary for China.

81453 C. A. Jones, Miss Twila Lytton, and Dr. Thomas cooke on City Wall.
South China.

81454 Missionaries using Chinese wheelbarrow. South China.


81455 Missionaries using chinese wheelbarrow. South China.

81456 Chinese wheelbarrow transport. South China.

81457 Wheelbarrow transportation. South China.

81458 Ruins of bridge - South China.


81459 Bridge - South China.

81460 Bridge - South China.

81461 Bridge - South China.

81462 Bridge - South China.


81463 Chinese bridge and pai lou, South China.

81464 Temple wall. South China.

81465 Detail of temple roof. South China.

81466 Detail of temple roof. South China


81467 Chinese temple, South China.

81468 Chinese temple. South China.

81469 Chinese temple. South China

81470 Chinese temple. South China.


81471 Chinese temple. South China.

81472 Chinese pagoda. South China.

81473 Chinese pagoda. South China .

81474 Chinese pagoda. South China.

81475 Chinese pagoda, South China.

81476 Chinese pagoda. South China.


81477 Chinese pagoda. South China.

81478 Paper images as burnt offerings to the dead. South China.

81479 Graveyard. South China.

81480 Near view of grave. South China.


81481 Chinese funeral. South China.

81482 Chinese funeral. South China.

81480 View of city roofs. South China.

81484 View of city roofs. South China.


81485 Group of c***s - South China.

81486 Group of c***s - South China.

81487 Group of c***s - South China.

81488 Method of fertilizing soil. South China.


81489 Farmyard scene. South China.

81490 Turkeys. South China.

81491 Chinese haystack. South China.

81492 Plowing irrigated rice fields. China.


81493 Farming implement. South China.

81494 Ox-cart. South China.

81495 Horticulture. South China.

81496 Fishing fleet. South China.

81497 Chinaman fishing with comorants.


81498 Chinaman fishing with cormorants.

81499 Cormorants used for fishing.

81500 Chinese lumberman. South China.

81501 Chinese lumbermen sawing. South China.


81502 Chinese lumbermen sawing. South China.

81503 Chinese lumberman sawing. South China.

81504 Chinese drill. South China.

81505 Pillars of Pai'lo. South China.


81506 Detail on stone, Pai'lo. South China.

81507 Detail on stone. Pai'lo. South China.

81508 Detail on stone. Pai'lo. South China.

81509 Detail on stone. Pai'lo. South China.


81510 Stone fences. South China

81511 Stone construction, common in South China.

81512 Chinese church compound. South China.

81513 Mission church. South China.


81514 Missionary building. South China.

81515 Church building. South China.

81516 Crowd in outdoor theatre. South China.

81517 Chinese street barber - South China.


81518 Street scene - south China

81519 Street scene. South China.

81520 Street scene. South China.

81521 Street scene. South China.


81522 Street Scene Southern China

81523 Drying Spaghetti South China

81524 Selling Food

81525 Chinese Doughnuts South China


81526 Lunch in a Chinese Village South China

81527 Modern Advertising Billboard South China

81528 Waiting for Train South China

81529 On the Road South China

81530 Chinese Child Type South China


81531 Chinese Child Type South China

81532 Chinese Children South China

81533 Chinese Children in Winter Garments South China

81524 Chinese Women with Bound feet

81525 Chinese Children with Sore on the Faces


81536 Chinese Children with Sores on Face and Body South China

81537 Native Chinese Doctor with Remedies South China

81538 Chinese Baby Carriage South China

81539 A Chinese Junk South China


81540 A Chinese Junk South China

81541 A Chinese Junk South China

81542 A Chinese Junk South China

81543 A Chinese Junk South China


81544 A Chinese Junk South China

81545 A Chinese Junk South China

81546 A Chinese Junk South China

81547 A Chinese Junk South China


81548 Crew on a Chinese Junk South China

81549 Crew on a Chinese Junk South China

81550 Cordwood on Bamboo Rafts South China

81551 Bamboo Rafts


81564 Rev. C.P. Hu Kiangsi

81565 Children of Methodist Episcopal Pastor Kiangsi

81566 Child of ME Pastor Kiangsi

81567 Child of ME Pastor Kiangsi


81568 Child of ME Pastor Kiangsi

81569 Crossing the Border from Kiangsu into Fukien

81570 Bamboo Rafts Western Fukien

81571 Our Road in Western Fukien Terreced Fields in Distance


81572 The Road Fukien

81573 Program Study Group en Route Through Fukien

81574 Town in Fukien

81575 Entrance to Clan House Fukien


81576 Clan House Fukien

81577 Clan House Fukien

81578 Typical Fukienese Fukien

81579 Church Member


81580 Fertilizing Soil Fukien

81581 Bridge of Twenty Seven Arches Fukien

81582 Bridge of Twenty Seven Arches Fukien

81583 Bridge of Twenty Seven Arches Fukien


81584 Bridge of Twenty Seven Arches Fukien

81586 Bridge of Twenty Seven Arches Fukien

81587 Bridge of Twenty Seven Arches Fukien


81588 Bridge Fukien

81589 Bridge near Fukien

81590 View from Bridge of Twenty Seven Arches Fukien

81591 Mills in Mission Industrial School near Hinghura


81592 Loom in Mill of Mission Industrial School near Hingura Fukien

81593 Taking Grain to Mission Mill Near Hinghura

81594 Garden of the Gods Near Hinghura Fukien

81595 Calisthenics - Girls in N.F.M. S. School Lek Dim Fukien


81596 Flag Drill Girls in N.F.M.S. School Lek Dim Fukien

81597 Road Travel near Lek Dim Fukien

81598 Hanyang Iron Works Hankow

81599 Interior Hanyang Iron Works Hankow


81600 Manager of Hanyang Iron Works Hankow

81601 Group Central China Conference 1920 Peking

81602 Rev. Carl A. Felt Peking

81603 Dr. Stuart President of Peking University Peking


83420 Scene on the Peking wharf.

83421 Sunset on the canal around city, Peking.

83422 Sunset on the canal around city, Peking.

83423 The Great Wall


83424 Tearing down part of the wall around the imperial city in order to
widen a street.

83425 The five-towered pagoda, Peking.

83426 The southeast tower of the city wall, Peking.

83427 Outside of the Hatamen, Peking.


83428 The entrance to the Hatamen Gate, Peking.

83429 The Hatamen Gate, Peking.

83430 The Hatamen Gate, Peking.

83431 Mother with children coming thru Hatamen Gate into Peking.


83432 Looking thru the Hatamen Gate into the city. Peking.

83433 The main gate to the Tartar city - Peking.

83434 The main gate to the Tartar city. Peking.

83435 The southest gate to the city. Peking.


83436 Chief business street in retail section. Peking.

83437 One of streets in retail-section. Peking.

83438 Junction of two most important streets in the Chinese city. In
center background is Methodist Episcopal Chapel. Peking.

83439 In the retail buisness section, Peking.


83440 Street in retail business section. Peking.

83441 In retail business section. Peking.

83442 In retail business section. Peking.

83443 The principal street in the retail business section. Peking.


83444 In the retail business section. Peking.

83445 A main street in business sectin. Peking.

83446 One of the main business streets. Peking.

83447 On the main business street. Peking.


83448 Street scene. Peking.

83449 Street scene. Peking.

83450 Street scene. Peking.

83451 Street scene. Peking.


83452 Street scene. Peking.

83453 Street scene. Peking.

83454 Street scene. Peking.

83455 Street scene. Peking.


83456 Street scene. Peking.

83457 Street scene. Peking.

83458 Street scene. Peking.

83459 Street scene. Peking.


83460 Street scene. Peking.

83461 Street scene in the southern city. Peking.

83462 Street scene in the western part of the city. Peking.

83463 Street barricade. Peking.


83464 Gambling game in the street. Peking.

83465 Scene at a street fair. Peking.

83466 The "Fifth Avenue" shopping district. Peking.

83467 Advertising to Ingersoll dollar watch. Peking


83468 On a busy order. Peking.

83469 Noonday luncheon is taken wherever you happen to be at the time.

83470 Luncheon time at a street restaurant. Peking.

83471 A street luncheon place. Peking.


83472 Restaurant scene. Peking.

83473 Scene in Chinese restaurant around Christmas time. Peking.

83474 A street restaurant. Peking.

83475 A butcher's shop. Peking.


83476 A street shoe shop. Peking.

83477 A street shop. Peking.

83478 A street meat shop. Peking.

83479 A second-hand shop. Peking.


83480 A tinware shop. Peking.

83481 A Chinese department store. Peking.

83482 A dry goods store. Peking.

83483 A men's furnishing store. Peking.


83484 The street of women's supplies. Peking.

83485 The fine art of buying a pair of trousers. Peking.

83486 Woman buying chop sticks. Peking.

83487 A scene in Chinese market place. Peking.


83488 The market place. Peking.

83489 Scene in the market place. Peking.

83490 Section of the market in the Chinese city. Peking.

83491 Scene in native market. Peking.


83492 The market in the native city. Peking.

83493 A rickshaw stand. Peking.

83494 A rickshaw. Peking.

83495 A rickshaw c***. Peking.


83496 A boy pulling a rickshaw. He is forced to do this kind of work as he
is really a slave. Peking.

83497 Row of famous carts. Peking

83498 A cart. Peking.

83499 A street merchant. Peking.


83500 A merchant. Peking.

83501 A fruit merchant. Peking.

83502 A fruit merchant. Peking.

83503 A fruit vendor. Peking.


83504 A fruit merchant. Peking.

83505 Children interested in candy vendor. Peking.

83506 Candy seller. Peking.

83507 A boy chopping meat. Peking.


83508 A boy selling Chinese "Lemonade." Peking.

83509 A trinket merchant. Peking.

83510 A charcoal merchant selling by weight. Peking.

83511 A water seller getting his supply at the town well. Peking.


A tin merchant. Peking.

83513 Old woman selling second-hand shoes. Peking.

83514 An old woman selling shoes. Note the ear of corn in her hand. Peking.

83515 The newsman. Peking.


83516 Street group. Peking.

83517 An American marine on guard. Peking.

83518 An American marine on guard. Peking.

83519 A Chinese soldier. Peking.


83520 A group of the city police. Peking.

83521 Member of Christian family. Peking.

83522 A fortune teller. Peking.

83523 A cartman. Peking.


83524 A cartman. This is a new sight--this type of cart taking the place
of the old-fashioned wheelbarrow. Peking.

83525 A c*** type. Peking.

83526 A c*** reading a billboard. Peking

83527 A fortune teller at an under-taking establishment, who tells you the
lucky day to die and be buried. Peking.


83528 A bank messenger. Peking.

83529 A crippled beggar. Peking.

83530 A worker in tin. Peking.

83531 Scissors grinder. Peking.


83532 Boys at work in the street. Peking.

83533 A group of boys in the street. Peking.

83534 The ice-boy. Peking.

83535 Mancu women. Peking.


83536 Mother and child. Peking.

83537 Woman and child in northern city. Peking.

83538 Little mother caring for the baby of the family. Peking.

83539 Children of the street. Peking.


83540 Children of the street. Peking.

83541 Children of the street. Peking.

83542 Children playing rolley. Peking.

83543 Boy who attends Methodist Episcopal School. Peking.


83547 Boy with a fan. Nearly all the business men and students carry fans.

83545 Child on the street. Peking.

83546 Chinese baby. Peking.

83547 Women washing clothes in Yangtze River. Peking.


83548 Scene in playground. Peking.

83549 Twisting wool by hand in process of manufacturing knitting wool from
camel's hair. Peking.

83550 Factory employees going to work. Peking.

83551 The donkey man. Peking.


83552 Street sprinklers. Peking.

83553 Wedding of a university graduate. Peking.

83554 Type found in the southern city. Peking.

83555 West China type. Peking.


83556 Types who attend Sunday school. Peking.

83557 Types found in old Manchu city. Peking.

83558 Types found in old Mancu city. Peking.

83559 Types found in southern city. Peking.


83560 Boys playing in western city. Peking.

83561 A Christian type. Peking.

83562 Type of Christian man. Peking.

83563 Type taken from Sunday School. Peking.


83564 Types taken from Sunday School. Peking.

83565 North China type.

83566 Non-Christian. Peking.

83567 Chinese cihld type. Peking.


83568 Chinese woman. Peking.

83569 Chinese type. Peking.

83570 Chinese type. Peking.

83571 Chinese child type. Peking.


83572 Type of children. Peking.

83573 Type. Peking.

83574 Type. Peking.

83575 Child of non-Christian parents. Peking.


83576 Type in the market place. Peking.

83577 Mongolian type brought into this part of the country by the
caravans. Peking.

83578 Type in poorer section of the city. Peking.

83579 Manchu type found in northern city. Peking.


83580 Type found near the northern gate of the city. Peking.

83581 Type found in northern city. Peking.

83582 West China type, Yangtze River. Peking.

83583 A soldier type. Peking.


83584 Bishop Welch, Governor of the Province, and Mr. Peat on the up-river
steamer. Peking.

83585 Matting awnings used during the summer heat. Peking.

83586 Looking into an inn-yard. Peking.

83587 Decoration on front of house hwere marriage is taking place. Peking.


83588 The native recreation center. Peking.

83589 Main gateway to the Lhama Temple. Peking.

83590 On main court at Lamma [Lhama] Temple. Peking.

83591 Section of arch to Lamma [Lhama] Temple. Peking.


83592 Section of arch to Lamma Temple. Peking.

83593 Entrance to Confucian Temple. Peking.

83698 Monument in Pai Hai section of city. Peking.


83594 Scene in northern or old Mancu city. Peking.

83595 View in old Manchu city. Peking.

83596 View in old Manchu City. Peking.

83597 Monument in Pai Hai section of city. Peking


83599 Monument in Pai Hai section of city. Peking.

83600 Monument in Pai Hai section of city. Peking.

83601 View from jade fountain. Peking.


83603 View of deserted temple from jade fountain. Peking.

83603 View of summer palace from the jade fountain. Peking.

83604 The summer palace. Peking.

83605 The summer palace. Peking.


83606 The summer palace. Peking.

83607 The summer palace. Peking.

83608 The summer palace. Peking.

83609 The main building of the summer palace. Peking.


83610 Promenade in summer palace. Peking.

83611 The summer palace grounds. Peking.

83612 The summer palace. A colonnade in front of reception hall. Peking.

83613 Summer palace from above. Roofs are yellow tile. Peking.


83614 Tiled roofs at summer palace. Peking.

83615 Tiled roofs at summer palace. Peking.

83616 Roofs at the palace. Peking.

83617 Roofs of the Forbidden City. Peking.


83618 Lotus-filled moat and double wall around the Forbidden City. Peking.

83619 Tiled roofs of Forbidden City. Peking.

83620 Tiled roofs of Forbidden City. Peking.

83621 Bien Su Temple tiled roofs. Peking.


83622 Gateway in park in Forbidden City. Peking.

83623 Bridge and gateway at summer palace. Peking.

83624 Marble bridge at summer palace. Peking.

83625 Marble bridge in park at summer palace. Peking.


83626 Marble bridge in grounds of summer palace. Peking.

83627 Bridge over canal around city. Peking.

83628 Union University, one of the recitation hall. Peking.

83629 Minister of education for China attending graduation exercises at
Peking University.


83630 Type. Peking University.

83631 Fueral procession. Peking.

83632 Funeral services in western China.

83633 Passenger platforms at central railroad station. Peking.


83634 On passenger platforms at central railroad station. Peking.

83635 Grain stored for shipment along railway. Peking.

83636 Grain stored for shipment along railway. Peking.

83637 View from ticket office into train sheds at central station. Peking.


83638 Packard car being shipped into interior of China.

83639 Largest sawmill in China. Peking.

83640 Largest sawmill in China. Peking.

83641 Rice fields. Peking.


83642 Type from Woman's Foreign Missionary Society day school. Peking.

83643 Type from Woman's Foreign Missionary Society day school. Peking.

83644 Group of girls at Woman's Foreign Missionary Society school. Peking.

83645 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society school. Peking.


83646 A Japanese school-boy. Peking.

83647 Group of students at the American Board Mission. Peking.

83648 Chinese members of Russian Catholic church marching in streets.

83649 One of the street barricades around the legation quarter. Peking.


83650 Tower built for the erection of wireless telegraph mast at the
American Legation. Peking.

83651 The entrance to the Japanese Legation. Peking.

83652 Street scene along the Bund. Shanghai.

83653 Boats along the Bund. Shangahi.


83654 Boats along the Bund. Shanghai.

83655 Ferry landing at the Bund. Shanghai.

83656 Along the waterfront. Shanghai.

83657 River view taken from the Bund. Shanghai.


83658 River view taken from the Bund. Shanghai.

83659 River view taken from the Bund. Shanghai.

83660 River view taken from the Bund. Shanghai.

83661 Boys gambling on the street. Shanghai.


83662 Street scene. Shanghai.

83664 Second class street car. Shanghai.

83665 Street scene near Christmas. Shanghai.

83663 Street scene. Shanghai.


83666 View in public garden. Shanghai.

83667 Workman in front of new building. Note sign. Shanghai.

83668 Street type. Shanghai.

83669 British gunboat in Woosung River, decorated in honor of peace.


83670 Crowd that took part in the street riot, watching the patrol
disperse others who are causing a disturbance. Peking.

83671 Patrol of British, Chinese, and American soldiers, necessary to
quell street rioting due to unsettled conditions thru out China. Peking.

83672 American soldier on patrol duty in main street of foreign
settlement. Peking.

88673 Patrol in foreign settlement to prevent rioting. Shanghai.


83674 An American and British soldier on patrol. Shanghai.

83675 A Japanese patrol leaving the barracks. Shanghai.

83676 A section of the American patrol receiving instructions. Shanghai.

83677 A British soldier on patrol in his district. Shanghai.


83678 American, British, and Shiek soldiers on patrol duty during riots
caused by unsettled conditions in China. Shanghai.

83679 American street patrol. Shanghai.

83680 American on street patrol. Shanghai.

83681 Group of soldiers on patrol. Shanghai.


83682 Patrol on the spot where the fighting took place and several were
killed. Shanghai.

83683 American, British, Shiek, and Chinese on patrol duty during rioting.

83684 American, British, and Chinese on patrol duty. Shanghai.

83685 Looking in the barracks gate. Shanghai.


83686 American soldier on patrol. Shanghai.

83687 View along the Soochow Creek.

83688 View along the Soochow Creek.

83689 View along the Soochow Creek.


83690 Bridge over Soochow Creek.

83691 View of the canal and bridge.

83692 View of the canal and bridge. Soochow.

83693 View along the canal. Soochow.


83694 View along the canal. Soochow.

83695 View along the canal. Soochow.

83696 View along the canal. Soochow.

83697 View along the canal. Soochow.


83698 Bridge near Soochow.

83699 Some children whose homes are on the boats which float up and down
the Soochow Creek.

83700 Boats along Soochow Creek.

83701 View along Soochow Creek.


83702 View along Soochow Creek.

83703 View along Soochow Creek.

83704 View along Soochow Creek.

83705 Pagoda.


83706 Two Penn pagodas. Soochow.

83707 The Pen pagoda. Soochow.

83708 One of the professor's residences on the University campus. Soochow.

83709 Entrance to main building to the University of Soochow.


83710 The rear of the main building of Soochow University.

83711 Sunday School at Soochow.

83712 Type from the Sunday School at Soochow.

83713 St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church. Soochow.


83714 St. John's Methodist Church. Soochow.

83715 St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church. Soochow.

83716 The Richmond Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Antou.

83717 Enroute to Hingwa, looking toward the city of Antou.


83718 On the road to Chengtu, Chungking.

83719 One of the missionary residences. Chungking.

83720 Wealthy Chinese home in West China.

83721 Wealthy Chinese home.


83722 Chapel being built by the Canadian Methodist Episcopal Church.

83723 Women leaving Methodist Episcopal S. services. Chungking.

83724 Old Confucian Tempe. Chungking.

83725 Funeral service for pastor of West China conferences. Chungking.


83726 Funeral of one of the west China conference pastors, Chungking.

83727 Funeral of one of the west China conference pastors. Chungking.

83728 Candy-maker. Chungking.

83729 Candy-maker. Chungking.


83730 Non-Christian type. Chungking.

83731 Type. Chungking.

83732 A street type. Chungking.

83733 Woman sewing. Chungking.


83734 The great wall. Nankow.

83735 The Freat Wall . Nankow.

83736 The Great Wall. Nankow.

83737 The Great Wall. Nankow.


83738 The Great Wall. Nankow.

83739 Looking up the Yangtze, Nanking.

83740 A view in Nanking, the day of the peace celebration. Nanking.

83741 Street scene. Nanking.


83742 Children playing in street. Nanking.

83743 Cast-off baby girl rescued and taken to orphange. Nanking.

83744 Women in the market place. Nanking.

83745 In the native section. Nanking.


83746 One of the Methodist Episcopal Churches. Nanking.

83747 School at Nanking.

83748 Dormitory at the University at Nanking.

83749 Men outside the dormitory. Boys' prep school. Nanking.


83750 Type taken from Ida Kahn's Hospital. Nanking.

83751 Non-Christian type at Nanking.

83752 Vendor selling onions and garlic. Nanking.

83753 Vegetable vendor. Nanking.


83754 A narrow street. Kiu Liang.

83755 Unfinished church. Kiu Liang.

83756 Main building of the William Nast College. Kiu Liang.

83757 Main building of the William Nast College. Kiu Liang.


83758 Dormitory of the William Nast College. Kiu Liang.

83759 Dormitory of the William Nast College. Kiu Liang.

83760 Residence of some of the members of the William Nast College. Kiu

83761 Residence of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society. Kiu Liang.


83762 View of the Industrial School. Kiu Liang.

83763 Industrial School at Kiu Liang.

83764 View of the upper end of the Industrial School. Kiu Liang.

83765 Day school property. Kiu Liang.


83766 Group of students, Danforth Memorial Hospital. Kiu Liang.

83767 Dr. Gilliland and native. Kiu Liang.

83768 View of Nanchang.

83769 One of the canals. Nanchang.


83770 One of the canals. Nanchang.

83771 Exercises to celebrate the signing of the armistice. Nanchang.

83772 Exercises to celebrate the signing of the armistice. Nanchang.

83773 Church building grounds auspices of Methodist Episcopal Church.


83774 Girls of Baldwin Girls' School on their way to athletic meet.

83775 First year girls of Baldwin school participating in drill. Nanchang.

83776 Girls on their way to exercises, on Armistice Day. Nanchang.

83777 Baldwin School for Girls. Nanchang.


83778 Baldwin School for Girls. Nanchang.

83779 Shower baths provided for c***s working at Rockfeller Medical
School. Nanchang. Peking.

83780 Construction work at the Rockfeller Hospital.

83781 Shower baths provided for c***s working at Rockfeller Medical
School. Nanchang.


83782 Construction work at the Rockfeller Medical School. Nanchang.

83783 Beginning of foundation of Rockfeller Medical School. Nanchang.

83784 The boys school. Nanchang.

83785 Merchants. Nanchang.


83786 Chinese boy playing with old-time fencing sticks. Nanchang.

83787 Street scene. Foochow.

83788 Boats in upper Min River passing under bridge of Ten Thousand Ages.

83789 Boats which took Bishop's party on first part of journey. Foochow.


83790 Boy Schouts of Anglo-Chinese college. Foochow.

83791 Boy Scout company at Anglo-Chinese college. Foochow.

83792 Group of Boy Scouts at Anglo-Chinese College. Foochow.

83793 Dr. Gowdy and athletic director at Anglo-Chinese College. Foochow.


83794 Group of students at Anglo-Chinese College that have become Boy
Scouts. Foochow.

83795 Street scene. Taian Fu.

83796 C***s waiting for baggage from train. Taian Fu.

83797 C***s. Taian Fu.


837998 Advertisement for cigarettes. Taian Fu.

83799 Street restaurant. Taian Fu.

83800 Street restaurant. Taian Fu.

83801 Missionary residence. Taian Fu.


83802 Woman running from camera. Taian Fu.

83803 Mr. Leitzel making moving pictures. Taian Fu.

83804 Boys' Middle School dormitory. Taian Fu.

83805 Church services. Taian Fu.


83806 Fortune-tellers, temple-yard. Taian Fu.

83807 Fortune tellers from temple yard at foot of Tai Shan Mountain. Taian

83808 Christian type. Taian Fu.

83809 North China type.


83810 North China type, non-Christian. Taian Fu.

83811 Mother and her child. Taian Fu.

83812 Woman making shoes. Taian Fu.

83813 Non-Christian family. Taian Fu.


83814 View of water front. Ichang.

83815 One of the gateways to temple of Prince Dragon's cave. Ichang.

83816 Temple of Prince Dragon's Cave. Ichang.

83817 temple of Prince Dragon's Cave. Ichang.


83819 Trying to get pictures of woman. Ichang.

83820 Water carrier. Ichang.

83821 Chinese doctor at work. Ichang.


83822 Children of the slums. Ichang.

83823 Children watching gambling games. Ichang.

83824 Blind beggar. Ichang.

83825 West China type.


83826 One of the city gates showing Chinese cannon over two hundred years
old. Futsing.

83827 Building in which the first preaching services were held. Futsing.

83828 Jail in which the first Methodist preacher in this district was
imprisoned. Futsing.

83829 Building of Catholic missionary work in this district. Futsing.


83830 Courtyard of residence of the magistrate. Futsing.

83831 Boy at play in the street. Futsing.

83832 Children in doorway opposite mission school. Futsing.

83833 Woman and children watching the children at play in mission school.


83834 Cats hanging from tree, near mission compound. (see negative for
story). Futsing.

83835 Girls at public watering place. Futsing.

83836 Steamer belonging to North Deutsche Lloyd Co. Hankow.

83837 Ships decorated for celebration of signing of Armistice. Hankow.


83838 Junks lowering sail. Hankow.

83839 Water front. Hankow.

83840 Wharf of North Deutsche-Lloyd. Hankow.

83841 Along the Bund. Hankow.


83842 Chinese camps along the river. Hankow.

83843 Exterior of new city church. Hingwha.

83844 Exterior of new city church. Hingwha.

83845 Interior of new city church now in course of construction,
undoubtedly the largest church in China. Hingwha.


83846 Interior of new city church. Hingwha.

83847 Interior of new city church. Hingwha.

83848 Boys of Bible school playing basketball. Hingwha.

83849 Children from kindergarten cutting boxes from green paper. Hingwha.


83850 Chinese boy eating in street. Hingwha.

83851 Woman working in straw. Hingwha.

83852 Methodist Episcopal Hospital grounds. Woohu. (Wuhu)

83853 In the Wusang Gorge.


83854 In the Wusang Gorge.

83855 In the Wusang Gorge.

83856 The heart of the gorges.

83857 The Han Chow Fu gorge.


83858 Western hills--reviewing stand of the Emperor Chen Lung.

83859 Taking coal upon the Meichuan. China.

83860 Village group enroute to Lungtien. China.


83861 McTyre school for girls. Shanghai, China.

83862 McTyre school for girls. Shanghai, China.


83863 Bible class at McTyre school for girls. Shanghai, China.

83864 Associated Treasurers' office staff. Shanghai.


83865 Dr. Main and his secretary in office of Associated (Secretary)
Treasurers. Shanghai.

83866 Type from Boy's school. Taian Fu.


83867 Type from Girl's School. Taian Fu.

83868 Member of senior class. Boys' Prep School. Taian Fu.


83869 Girls' School. Soochow

83870 Girls' School, Woman's Foreign Mission Society. Methodist Episcopal
Church South. Soochow


83871 Woman's Foreign Mission Society South Hospital. Soochow.

83872 Student band at University. Soochow.


83873 Courtyard of Institutional Church in the city. Foochow.

83874 L. H. Rich making panorama of student body. Foochow.


83875 Dr. Gowdy and two graduates. Foochow.

83876 Chien Nien gate. Peking.

83877 New summer palace temple. Peking.


83878 Audience chamber in inner courtyard of Forbidden City. Peking.

83879 A god in Daha Fusu temple. Peking.


83880 Gods of war, temple of the eastern hills. Peking.

83881 Goddess of mercy and four gods of the Red Temple.

83882 Goddess in Pai Hai section of Forbidden City. Peking.


83883 Lotus lake in the zoological gardens. Peking.

83884 Attendant maid of Goddess of Long Life at Daha Fusu Temple. Peking.

83885 One-horse cart with extra heavy load. Peking.


81604 Oldest Chinese Pastor. Peking

81605 Oldenst Chinese Pastor. Peking.

81606 Interior Methodist Episcopal Compound. Peking.

81607 Avenue leading to Methodist Episcopal Compound. Peking.


81608 Reverend James M. Yard, at Old Summer Palace. Peking.

81609 Summer Palace - Peking.

81610 Summer Palace - Peking.

81611 Summer Palace across Inland Sea - Peking.


81612 Marble boat. Summer Palace - Peking.

81613 Roof detail, Forbidden City - Peking

81614 Ruins of Summer Palace - Peking

81615 Ruins of Summer Palace - Peking.


81616 Ruins of Summer Palace - Peking.

81617 Coat of Arms in ruined Palace. Peking.

81618 Ruined bridge. Old Summer Palace. Peking.

81619 Temple. Peking.


81620 Temple of Heaven. Peking

81621 View of interior, Temple of Heaven. Peking.

81622 Monument in Peking, calling attention to China's disgrace through
twenty-one points imposed by Japan. Peking.

81623 Memorial tablet. Peking.


81624 Method of drawing water. Peking.

81625 Water Supply - Peking.

81626 Water supply - Peking.

81627 Water supply - Peking.


81628 Water Supply - Peking.

81629 Water supply - Peking.

81630 Cart - Peking

81631 Oxcart - Peking.


81632 Beggar - Peking.

81633 Chinese inspecting bath tubs displayed for sale. Peking.

81634 Chinese out-door tea. Peking.

81635 Chinese funeral. Peking.


81636 Chinese funeral - Peking.

81637 Camel caravan leaving Peking.

81638 Exhibition of Chinese rugs. Peking.

81639 Broken bridge, Peking-Hankow Railroad. Peking.


81640 Small junks in Min River. Foochow.

81641 Small junks in Min River. Foochow.

81642 Bridge over Min River at Foochow. Y.M.C.A. is in distance.

81643 Y.M.C.A. worker who was injured during Japanese riots, 1918. Foochow.


81645 Miss Ruby Sia, General Conference delegate. Foochow.

81644 Boys in school for blind.

81646 Vegetable market. Foochow.

81647 Leper village. Foochow.


81648 Pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church in town of worshippers of the
Green Frog, near Foochow.

81649 Temple of the Green Frog, near Foochow.

81650 Rebuilding Temple of the Green Frog, near Foochow.

81651 Program study group enroute from Foochow to Shanghai.


81652 Playground. Tai Maio - Foochow.

81653 Calisthenics. Tai Maio - Foochow

81654 Marjorie Hung. Huakong - Foochow.

81655 Chinese student, Huakong Girls School. Foochow.


81656 Chinese student, Huakong Girl's School. Foochow.

81657 Students - Girl's School, Huakong. Foochow.

81658 Graduate, Girl's School. Huakong - Foochow.

81659 Calisthenics, Girl's School - Huakong - Foochow.


81660 Calisthenics - Girl's School - Huakong - Foochow.

81661 Ready for Calisthenics, Girl's School. Huakong - Foochow.

81662 Students - Girl's School. Huakong - Foochow.

81663 Students on campus. Girl's School. Huakong - Foochow.


81664 Sacked rice awaiting shipment. Shantung.

81665 Graves of Confucius' ancestors. Chufu, Shantung.

81666 A direct descendant of Confucius at grave of his ancestor. Chufu,

81667 A direct descendant of Confucius at grave of his ancestor. Chufu,


81668 Entrance to grave of Confucius. Chufu, Shantung.

81667 Descendant of Confucius at grave of his ancestor. Chufu, Shantung.

81669 Grave of Confucius. Chufu, Shantung.

81670 Roof detail and marble carving. Confucius Temple. Chufu, Shantung.


81672 Carvings, Confucius Temple. Chufu, Shantung.

81673 Carvings. Confucius Temple. Chufu, Shantung.

81674 Roof detail, Grave of Confucius, Chufu, Shantung.

81675 Party of missionaries at Methodist Episcopal Church, near grave of
Confucius. Chufu, Shantung.


81676 Missionaries enroute up Min River.

81677 Program study party enroute down Min River, 1919.

81678 Missionary party, Min River.

81679 Missionary party, Min River.


81680 Perry O. Hanson. Tsinanfu.

81681 View of College buildings. Tsianfu.

81682 Roof of school building. Chinese architecture. Tsinanfu.

81680 University. Tsinanfu.


81684 University dormitories. Tsinanfu.

81686 Poster in Institute. Tsinanfu.

81687 Students. Girl's School. Nanchang.

81685 View of University dormitory buildings. Tsinanfu.


81689 Group of students, Girls' School. Nanchang.

81690 Students, Boys' School. Nanchang.

81688 Students, Girls' School. Nanchang.

81691 Students, Girls' School. Nanchang.


81713 One of the numerous temples belonging to the famous Kirchau
Monastery - Foochow.

81716 Pilot boat arriving off Shanghai.

81717 Pilot boat arriving off Shanghai

81719 Chinese shipping. Shanghai.


81719 Chinese shipping. Shanghai.

81720 Chinese shipping. Shanghai.

81721 Chinese shipping. Shanghai.

81722 Chinese shipping. Shanghai.


81723 Chinese shipping. Shanghai.

81724 Chinese shipping. Shanghai.

81725 Fishing boats off China.

81726 Cabin scene. Third cabin passengers. China.


81727 Monsoon tidal wave.

81728 Moonlight on the water - scene off China

81729 Moonlight on the water - scene off China.

81730 Moonlight on the water - scene off China.


81731 Moonlight on the water - scene off China.

81732 Moonlight on the water - scene off China.

81733 Section of the Great Wall.

81734 Ancestral tablet of Confucius. Inscription on tablet reads "Most
exalted. Saint Confucius."


81735 Changli - near view of dormitories, Boys' School (Henry Roland in

81736 Changli - dormitories, Boys' School.

81737 Yard of iron works. View from tower of factory. Hankow.

81738 Section of yard of iron works. Hankow.


81739 Temple - Hinghwa.

81740 Student doing weekly wash. Hinghwa.

81741 Types. Hinghwa.

81742 Types. Hinghwa.


81743 River Scene. Kiukiang.

81744 River scene. Kiukiang.

81745 Women doing weekly wash along river. Kiukiang.

81746 Women doing weekly wash along river. Kiukiang.


81747 C*** carrying rice sack aboard ship. Kiukiang.

81748 C*** carrying rice sack aboard ship. Kiukiang.

81749 Type (man). Kiukiang.

81750 Reverend Edward James of Nanking University. College building under
construction. Nanking University.


81751 College building under construction. Nanking University.

81752 Section of examination rooms. Nanking University.

81753 Evil spirit screen.

81974 Transplanting rice. (Wuhu Union Academy in background.)


81975 Thrashing rape with flails. (Wuhu General Hospital and Compound on
hill in background.)

81976 Tamping the foundation of a large cotton mill. (Large wooden block
is lifted by ropes and then dropped.)

81977 Students of various schools parading at Athletic and Field meet.

81978 Baseball Diamond and Athletic Field of the Nanking Union Theological
Seminary - Nanking.


81979 "Travelling players." (Playing in honor of the god of smallpox
because he remained away from this village) Sui Yang.


82025 China - A village group who came to Yung Chin to aks the missionary
to send a Bible woman or teacher. They walked 38 miles round trip. We sent
for a teacher for 2 months only. 40 of this group are now probationers.

82026 China - A Bible class taught by Mrs. Sang, Spring 1919. China

82028 China, Nanking - Section of the University of Nanking College of
Agriculture and Forestry nurseries. China.

12035 Shanghai - Rescued slave girls of "Door of Hope" with dolls they
have dressed. China.


82036 Rescued slave girls of "Door of Hope" with dolls they have dressed.

82037 Closeup of rescued slave girl of "Door of Hope" with doll she
dressed. China.

82038 Woman leaders of Cantonese Christian Church. One on left is ordained
elder of church. China.

82039 Kindergarten class of Cantonese Christian Church. China.

82040 Canton - Boat woman with baby asleep on her back hanging out
clothes. China.


82355 Peking - Methodist Episcopal Church - optical department on the
corner and Men's Hospital in rear. China.

82356 Peking Boys' Academy buildings, Methodist Church. China.

82357 Peking rag picker. He gathers and sells rags and strings, which are
made into shoe soles. China.

82358 Peking - Funeral procession of a rich man. China.

82359 Peking - funeral procession of a poor man. China.


82360 Peking - Walk around City walk. China.

82361 Peking - Hatamen watch tower, or gate. Crowd which gathered while
waiting for a train to pass. China.

82362 Peking - Modern automobile passing thru old Chinese gateway. China.

82363 Changli - A cancerous eye case. Patient came to Hospital for
treatment. China.

82364 Changli - Beggar child. China.

82365 Changli - Cleaning out the drainage ditch. China.


82381 Chufu - Methodist Episcopal Church under construction - China.

82382 Chufu - Entrance to the Methodist Episcopal Church - China.

82383 Chufu - Methodist Episcopal Chapel (exterior).

82384 Chufu - Boy's and Girls' School - China.

82385 Chufu - Front view Boys' and Girls' School - China.


82386 Chufu - Confucian Temple (exterior). China/

82387 Chufu - Confucian Temple (exterior). China.

82388 Chufu - Confucian Temple. China.

82389 Chufu - Confucian Temple. China.


82390 Chufu - Confucian Temple. China.

82391 Chufu - Carved pillars in Confucian Temple. China.

82392 Chufu. Carved pillars in Confucian temple. China.

82393 Chufu - Carved pillars and railing in Confucian temple. China.


82394 Chufu - Carved pillars and railings in Confucian temple. China.

82395 Chufu - Interior of Confucian temple. China.

82396 Chufu - Stone turtle bearing tablet of names of all the Ming
Emperors. China.

82397 Ni Shan - Entrance to birthplace of Confucius. China.


82398 Birthplace of Confucius. Ni Shan, China.

82399 Chinese Idol. Ni Shan, China.

82401 Ningy aug, Shantung, China.

82400 Chinese Idols. Ni Shan, China.

82402 Summer resort exterior. Pertaiho, North China.


82403 Summer resort street scene. Peitaiho North - China

82404 Summer resort street scene - Pertaiho North, China.

82405 Summer resort. On the beach. Pertaiho North, China.

82406 Summer resort. View on the beach. Pertaiho North, China.


82407 Summer resort great rock along beach. China. Pertaiho North.

82408 Summer resort great rock along beach. Peitaiho - North China

82409 Summer resort view from Lotus hills. Peitaiho North - China

82410 Russian church on lighthouse point. Peitaiho North, China


82411 Camping near summer resort - Peitaiho North, China

82412 Camping near summer resort. Peitaiho North, China

82413 Peking - Mary Porter Gainwell Girls' School, China

82414 Peking - Miss Frances Gray, Principal of the Mary Porter Gainwell
Girl's School, China.


82415 Peking - Chinese teacher of the Mary Porter Gainwell Girls School,

82416 Peking - Chinese teacher of the Porter Gainwell Girls School. China.

82417 Peking - Students and teacher on steps of the Mary Porter Gainwell
Girls School. China.

82418 Peking - Students on steps of the Mary Porter Gainwell Girls School.

82419 Peking - Students in front of the Mary Porter Gainwell Girls School.


82420 Peking - Students in Classroom of the Mary Porter Gainwell Girls
School. China

82421 Peking - Students in Classroom of the Mary Porter Gainwell Girls
School. China

82422 Peking - Students in Classroom of the Mary Porter Gainwell Girls
School. China

82423 Peking - Students in Classroom of the Mary Porter Gainwell Girls
School. China

82424 Peking - Junior Flag drill. Mary Porter Gainwell Girls School. China


82425 Peking - Junior Flag drill. Mary Porter Gainwell Girls School. China

82426 Peking - Kindergarteners of the Mary Porter Gainwell Girls School
playing Ring around the Rosey outdoor. China.

82427 Peking - View of buildings Methodist Compound. China.

82428 Peking - View of building Methodist Compound. China.


82429 Peking, Street scene, Methodist compound. China.

82430 No Caption

82431 Peking - Christianized Mohameddan. China.

82432 Peking - Street garbage man. China.

82433 Peking - Carved interior Pi Yun Tsu Buddhist temple. China.


82434 Peking - Pi Yun Tsu, Buddhist temple. China.

82435 Peking - Pi Yun Tsu Buddhist temple. China.

82436 Along the Higway. Tainfu.

82437 Peking - Village scene, China.

82438 Peking - Tsowhsien Shantung Menciu's Temple, China

82439 Peking - View of Menciu's Temple, China


82440 Peking - View of Menciu's Temple, China

82441 Peking - Entrance to Menciu's Temple, China

82442 Peking - Entrance to Menciu's Temple, China

82443 Peking - Menciu's Temple scene, China

82444 Peking - Altar and Buddha in Menciu's Temple, China

82445 Peking - Yenchowfu preparing tree nursery. Arbor Day. China.


82446 82446

82447 Peking - Rural scene. China.

82448 Peking - Pagoda and Temple. China.

82449 Peking - Temple tower. China.

82450 Peking - Chinese types. China.

82451 Peking - Chinese woman preparing meal. China.


82452 Peking - Street vender advertising Sunlight soap. China.

82503 Eight young men, students from our school in Taianfu. Shantung.

82504 Independence Day celebration against inferior Japanese goods. School
girls in parade, Canton.

82505 St. John's College, Shanghai.


82506 St. John's College, Shanghai.

82507 Before athletics were introduced.

82508 The first year of athletics, two meets, two defeats.

82520 Foochow View looking down the river Nan Shan. China.


82527 Looking toward Ango-Chinese Chinese College American Consulate in
foreground. Foochow.


82576 Drying peanuts on wall. South China.

82577 Dragon painted on wall of Temple. South China.

82578 Pagoda. South China.

82579 Bridge in South China.


82580 View of City Wall (China in South China.)

82581 View of City in South China

82583 Missionaries enroute to Conference at Fukien Province, Foochow.


82534 Program study group 1919-1920 enroute from Foochow to Shanghai.

82585 Japanese Chinese Commission who investigated the riots in Foochow
during the Fall of 1919.

82586 Bridge of Ten Thousand Ages. Foochow, China.

82587 Girls at Hua Wong, Womens Foreign Missionary Society School. China


82588 Calisthenics, Hua Wong, Womens Foreign Missionary Society School.
Foochow, China.

82589 Calisthenics, Hua Wong, Women's Foreign Missionary Society School.
Foochow, China.

82590 Calisthenics, Hua Wong, Women's Foreign Missionary Society School.
Foochow, China.

82591 Girls in Hua Wong Women's Foreign Missionary School. Foochow, China.


82592 Girls in Hua Wong Women's Foreign Missionary School. Foochow, China.

82593 Near Hinghwa - Pupils in front of Industrial School. China.

82594 Near Hinghwa looking across plains toward the sea from Garden of the
Gods. China.

82595 Hinghwa Buddhist Temple, China.


82596 Near Kutien--party of missionary at falls - China.

82597 Kutien - view across river toward Methodist Episcopal Mission
Compound, China.

82598 Ngien Sieu - Altar of the Green Frog is located where cult of Green
Frog is located. China.

82599 Ngieu Sieu--Pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church in whose parish the
cult of Green Frog sprang up as result of deliverance from cholera
epidemic, almost driving out the Christian work for a time. China.


82600 Ngieu Sieu--Methodist Episcopal Church in town of the cult of the
Green Front. China.

82601 Shoo Wu -- Mr. Riggs explaining the Oliver chilled plow to Chinese
preachers. China.

82602 Shoo Wu--Fukien Province. Swiss goats on experimental farm at Shoo


82604 Yenkin - Aged Chinese Bible woman. China.

82605 Yenping - Tableau in Christian pageant given by girls int he women's
Foreign Missionary Society School. China.

82606 Pupils in front of Women's Foreign Missionary Society School. China.

82607 Yenping - Little Chinese kindergarten girl. China.


82608 Yenping - Three little kindergartener's in Women's Foreign
Missionary Society School. China.

82609 Group of kindergarteners in front of the Women's Foreign Missionary
Society School. Yenping, China.

82610 Western Fukien program study group at a Methodist Episcopal Church
in Western Fukien, China.

82611 Terraced fields in the mountainous country of Western Fukien. China.


82612 Fukien Province--Sign Methodist Centenary written in Chinese on
Methodist property. China.

82613 Fukien Province - Wheelbarrow travel. China.

82614 Fukien Province--Fukien soldiers. China.

82615 Fukien Province--Clan house watch tower on corner. China.


82616 Repairing temple roof. Province, Fukien.

82617 Fukien Province--Above ground burying place. China.

82618 Rest house--coffins awaiting burial. Fukien Province.

82619 Fukien Province--Bridge of 27 Arches--Fukien City (Upper Bridge)


82620 Fukien Province--Bridge of 27 Arches--China

82621 Fukien Province--Chinese Bridge, China.

82622 Fukien Province--Missionaries enroute from Fukien to Foochow to
attend conference shooting the rapids in "Rat Boat." China.

82623 Fukien province--Bamboo rafts on Upper Min River. China.


82624 Carrying pigs down river on a raft.

82625 Fukien Province--Program study group, 1919-1920, camping for the
night along the Min River. China.

82626 Hi Tan Island--Missionary residence and school (exterior). China.

82627 Hi Tan Island. Missionary building and group of missionaries. China.


82628 Hai Tan Island--Interior of dwelling hit by typhoon. China.

82629 Hai Tan Island--Pylo erected to keep devils of Christian Church away
from city. China.

82630 Hai Tan Island--Pylo erected to keep devils of Christian Church away
from city. China.


82631 Nanchang, Kiangsi Province--Students and pastors at Kiangsi
Conference. China.

82632 Worshipping in temple. Nanchang, Kiangsi, China.

82633 Worshipping in temple. Nanchang, Kiangsi


82634 Nanchang, Kiangsi. Priest in China.

82635 Nanking, Kiangsu Province. View of new buildings, Nanking
University, China.

82636 Nanking, Kiangsi Province--Ruins of Manchu city. China.


82637 North China--The oldest Chinese Methodist preacher in North China
conference. China.

82638 Shantung Province--Steps up Tai Shan Mountains. China.

82639 Shantung Province--Shrine and god on way up Tai Shan Mountain, China.

82640 Aged beggar woman on Tai Shan Mountain, China.


82641 Looking toward the summit of Tai Shan Mountain, China.

82642 Shantung Province Summit of Tai Shan Mountain. China.

82643 Shantung Province View of Temple on the summit of Tai Shan Mountain.


82644 Shantung Province--Chu Fu, China.

82645 Chu Fu, Shantung Province--Altar where Confucius is said to have
worshipped. China.

82646 Chu Fu, Shantung Province--Stone carving at temple of Confucius.

82647 Chu Fu, Shantung Province--Entrance to grove of Confucius. China.


82649 Chu Fu, Shantung Province. Entrance to grave of Confucius and his
ancestors. China.

82650 Shantung Christian University, Shantung Province, Taianfu.

82651 Tianfu. Corner of one of the buildings of Shantung Christian
University. China.

82652 Tianfu. Dormitories of Shantung Christian University. China.


82653 Peking. View of Temple in Summer Palace on hill of ten thousand
ages. China

82654 Peking. Enclosed walk. Summer Palace, China.

82655 No Caption. China

82656 No Caption--china.


82657 No Caption

82658 Peking--Ruins of the Italian Villa at old Summer Palace. China.

82659 Peking. Bronze figures and sun dial. Forbidden City. China.

82660 Peking. Chinese water carriers. China.


82661 Peking Drill grounds. Chinese soldiers. China

82662 Peking. Chinese soldiers doing goosestep. China

82663 Peking. view of City street from Drum Tower, China.


82666 Peking. Auto service station. China.

82667 Hankow, Hupeh interior. Hangyang iron works. China.


82668 Manager of the Yangtze Engineering works. Hupen, Hankow.

82669 Ichang, West China. View of Ichang taken from across the Yantze
River. China.

82670 Chengtu Szechwan - Vandeman Hall, West China Union University. China.

82671 Chengtu Szechuan-Vandeman Hall, West China University, China.


82672 Chengtu, Szechwan-Entrance to West China Union University Compound.

82673 Chengtu, Szechuan interior of Compound, West China Union University,

82675 Chengtu, Szechuan. Methodist building, West China Union University
and Athletic field. China.


82676 Chengtu, Szechuan. Football team, West China Union University. China.

82677 Chengtu, Szechuan. Methodist Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
Hospital, and the Canadian Methodist Episcopal Hospital. China.

82678 Chengtu, Szechuan. Aged Chinese doctor. China

82679 Chengtu, Szechuan. Chinese meat market. China.


82680 Chengtu, Szechuan--Small house boat, Dr. Lewis and C. A. Jones in
rear on trip, Chengtu to Chungking. China.

82681 Chungking, Szechuan--view of Methodist Episcopal Boys School. China.

82682 Chungking, Szechuan. Houses built along city wall. China.

82683 Chungking, Szechuan street scene. China.


82684 Chungking, Szechuan street scene. Spire of Roman Catholic Church in
background. China.

82685 Chungking, Szechuan scene at water gate. China.

82680 Chungking, Szechuan. Chinese water carriers. China.

82687 Chungking, Szechuan. Chinese water carriers. China.


82688 Chungking, Szechuan. Largest cemetary in the world. China.

82690 Szechuan--Dr. John F. Goucher and ex-governor of Szechuan. China

82691 Ex-Governor of Szechuan Province.


82692 Daughter of Chinese Methodist Episocopal minister eating with chop
sticks. China.

82693 Chinese child in winter clothes. China.

82694 Chinese baby in winter clothes. China.

82695 Chinese boy covered with sores. China.


82696 Chinese baby asleep in inn. Seen in almost every interior town.

82697 Pigs and chickens in Chinese inn. Seen in almost every interior
town. China.

82698 Street barber shop. China.

82699 Great Road native militia guarding against bandits. China.

82700 Great Road, boiling down opium. China.


82701 Great Road, boiling down opium. China.

82702 Crowd in theater along the Great Road. China.

82703 View along Great Road. China.


82704 No caption

82705 Standard oil steamer enroute thru gorges of Yantze River. China.

82706 Chinese junk on the Yantze River. China.


82708 Bishop Wilson S. Lewis and Dr. Ralph A. Ward. China.

82709 Pagoda along the Yantze River. China.

82710 Pagoda along hte Yantze River. China.

82714 Hanyang Iron and Steel Works.


82757 The old man of Tai Shan and Rail Road Station. Taianfu (mountains in
backgrounds form man's face).

82758 The Imperial Summer Palace of the Late Empress Dowager. Near Peking.

82759 Field Day, Boys' School, Taian.


82761 Suntehfu Relief workers digging out survivor's. South Suberb, China.

82762 Chihli - a poor harvest in Simentsun. China.

82763 82763

82764 Family in famine area. China.


82765 tungfing - Starving old woman - China.

82765 Tungfing - Starving old woman. China.

82766 Chihli - Starving old woman. China.

82767 Chihli - Hired laborers handling grain. China.

82768 Chihli - Cart loaded with grain for outlying villages of Chihli.


82769 Outside the gate, Tientsin, China.

82770 Awaiting distribution of food at Tientsin, China.

82771 Anchia, Shantung--old woman with bag to get her grain ration--China

82772 Church courtyard at Tungping, Shantung--China.


82773 Grain distribution day at Tunga, Shantung, China.

82774 One day's ration during famine. China.

82775 Group during famine, ready to return to their own village after
receiving their ration of grain. China

82776 West China Union University Administration Building--China.